Caribou Gear

Wildife Task force 90-10, etc.

Except for the 5% outfitter welfare tags. Would 90-10 not pass without the 5%?
Same either way...the NR split doesn't matter to Residents.

Total number of hunters makes no difference, all that would change is the where and with whom.
Same either way...the NR split doesn't matter to Residents.

Total number of hunters makes no difference, all that would change is the where and with whom.
At this point it is all still up for debate but in your discussions with supporters of an outfitter set-aside, were they explicit that those tags could only be used by NR's or was it just half of the NR allocation went to Outfitters to use as they see fit?
At this point it is all still up for debate but in your discussions with supporters of an outfitter set-aside, were they explicit that those tags could only be used by NR's or was it just half of the NR allocation went to Outfitters to use as they see fit?
Half of the NR allocation, if they didn't use all of the allocation, the tags would drop back into the regular NR draw (I suspect a boatload of pronghorn will drop back to the regular draw, some elk, and deer would too).

The intention is they just want a set aside in the initial draw with anything not going to an outfitter client, would drop back into the regular draw.

So, doubtful it would be 90-5-5 except in the real tough to draw tags.
Why not just squeeze out the NR DIY hunters completely? They have been taking these premium tags from their rightful owners, WY residents, for years! At least keep those filthy NR DIY hunters concentrated in non-wilderness general areas.
If Wyoming really wanted to exact revenge for the online wedgies they’ve taken lately from nonresidents… er I mean “do what’s best for WY residents,” they should work to allow transferable landowner tags🙂
I would love to be able to buy landowner tags in Wyoming.
Perhaps we should genuflect in front of the great and powerful Oz . . . I mean Buzz, and he will make it happen for all of us?
If Wyoming really wanted to exact revenge for the online wedgies they’ve taken lately from nonresidents… er I mean “do what’s best for WY residents,” they should work to allow transferable landowner tags🙂

that sure would create a pretty strong disincentive to have so much private acreage accessible via HMA that is currently hugely beneficial to NRs and Rs alike.
This is the cleaning process I’ve adopted.

And again, WY residents will lose out.
At present, residents do not have the opportunity to build points (deer,elk and antelope) for draw units like NR can. When we fail to draw an area, we go back to square one.
I cannot buy points (for elk, deer or antelope) to increase my chance of drawing a good unit in the future. So 90/10 passes and more NR are thrown into the general pool where we as residents go to every year since we cannot build points to increase our draw odds.
Go figure!n

Not true at all there will be more limited tags and a bunch less resident hunters in the general areas.

Points are stupid and only an idiot would want points for resident DEA…
As bad as I hate to say it, if it goes 90-5-5, I am ponying up for an outfitter, at least for elk. Can’t take the points or the money with me.

Sad that hunting is sliding further and further toward being a pastime of the wealthy pretty much nationwide. I am not sure there is any stopping it as this point.
As bad as I hate to say it, if it goes 90-5-5, I am ponying up for an outfitter, at least for elk. Can’t take the points or the money with me.

Sad that hunting is sliding further and further toward being a pastime of the wealthy pretty much nationwide. I am not sure there is any stopping it as this point.
Teddy Roosevelt and the other champions of the public trust doctrine would roll over in their graves for this and all the modern monopolies. 100 years later we're right back where we started.
Teddy Roosevelt and the other champions of the public trust doctrine would roll over in their graves for this and all the modern monopolies. 100 years later we're right back where we started.
Teddy Roosevelt would definitely want to keep all those dirty non-resident hunters out!
Not true at all there will be more limited tags and a bunch less resident hunters in the general areas.
I get why residents want this 90-10 the unit I apply for it cuts my draw odds in half. My buddy that is a resident that also applies for this tag gets like a 5% bump to his draw odds we figured. Which is great but now when he hunts his general tag it will have much more pressure on it from non residents which is already bad enough without the added pressure. So while I get it this will also have some negative effects on residents
I get why residents want this 90-10 the unit I apply for it cuts my draw odds in half. My buddy that is a resident that also applies for this tag gets like a 5% bump to his draw odds we figured. Which is great but now when he hunts his general tag it will have much more pressure on it from non residents which is already bad enough without the added pressure. So while I get it this will also have some negative effects on residents
Most western states receive a lot of funding from NR license sales. If that funding is reduced it will have to be made up somewhere. I'm a NR and a guest, the states should do what is best for their residents.

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