Caribou Gear

Wildcat data?


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Henderson, KY
This is undoubtedly an amateur question, but where does one obtain starting load data for a wildcat cartridge? I know some wildcats are close enough to standards that you can use those as guidelines, but some are kind of off-the-wall.

For instance: I am currently interested in the .375-284 (don't ask
). In the proper rifle this cartridge is supposed to produce within a couple of hundred fps of the .375 H&H but without nearly as much recoil, using less powder and in the smaller .284 Win case. I've found barrels, reamers, etc. I've found dies (custom ones, anyway). But so far I haven't found a smell of reloading data. So how does one go about working up a safe starting load?
If you can find a set of po ackley books get them... he has ton of load data in there..
I have the books if you cant get ahold of any data let me know I will look in mine

Cartridges of the World 9th edition has some listed for that cal. A couple of issues ago in Rifle John Barsness worked through a math equation that can be used to get starting loads. If you want I can look up either for you. It is nearly identical to the '06 in capacity, so you could use 375-06 data if you find any. Or you could purchase one of the ballistics programs for your 'puter.

Here's some info for the 375 Whelen:
375 Whelen
Boy, I hope that's not for a lever gun.. Although the case capacity of the 284 is roughly the same as the case capacity of the -06 cae, it reacts quite differently to pressure because of the different shape. I've not seen anyone try this cartridge in a bolt gun, but saw the results of someone who tried it in a lever gun several years ago. Almost disasterous. Take the loads for the 375-06 and reduce them 10%. I would not use any powders slower than 4320 and if you choose a ball powder, use magnum primers.. Good luck and watch your fingers..

Thanks for the advice everyone! Software I hadn't thought of...good idea. I'll peek at that other stuff too. I should have known that the .284 case capacity was similar to the '06 (given its original intent) but never thought about it.

Dan, if it all works out with The Wife it will be in an Encore with Bullberry barrel. If it doesn't, it might wind up being a bolt gun, but I understand that the rebated rim on the .284 case is a little tough to feed from a box magazine.
Go for the Encore with the Bullberry bbl. They make quality stuff.

As for software try "Load from a Disk" or "Quick Load" Both have Wildcat data. The P.O. Ackley books are a must have as well as other literature that you can find on pressure and ballistics as well as Wildcat Data.

The only Wildcat that I have is a .243 Ackley, that is it's the only one I have for now.....

dg- FWIW, there are a quite a few guys at a different BB that have had no problems going from a .308 or '06 based cartridge to a .284 based. Most didn't even have to have an work done to the feed rails.

McPherson built a 416-284 improved of is own design on a Savage 99 action. Now that sounds like a fun thumper!
1_p, I read a little more about that magazine "problem." It supposedly has to do with the feed lips on the mag being a little more critical in order to position the cartridge for proper pick-up by the bolt. It shouldn't be any problem at all for a gunsmith worth his salt! THAT's a stomper.
It shouldn't be difficult to feed from a bolt gun.. The rim diameter is the same as the -06 and the case is larger. That's what gives the rebated effect. The only problem I am aware of is in rifles with single stack magazines.. Those are few and far between anymore.. I think the Encore is probably the best idea, but a bolt gun should work.

Hi Darren, I would buy at least one of two programs that are about the best on the market for not only "Wildcat" but all data. The first is the cheapest and very good. It is called Load From A Disk. Cost is $60.00 and all the data I received from it was closer that the more pricier Q/L.

The second is QuickLoad and runs $149.95.
It has one feature I like over the LFAD, that is that you can pick a powder (they are programed in the software) and it will give the velocity and pressure with any grain increment you program. The LFAD will only kick out about 8 powders that it deems best to use.

I cross refference them to double check before I actually decide on what I will use.

Hope this helps,

Rufus, You're probably one of the only ones that HAS a Powley. I don't even know where to buy them anymore...

Snake, you aren't the only one who uses, well, has a Powley. I have had these since 1982. Althought I don't use it since I bought the ballistic programs as they are easier to use!


And more fun too!


That's a pretty comprehensive program, Jude; more than I remember from Load From a Disk. I think I'll look at a little more!
Jude,do the differences in the 2 types of software you've mentioned warrant the differences in price ? Currently I use a free one,point blank ballistics,and ballistic basics elite.Is quickload so good that the price is justified,it looks like it but I've not run them side by side as you have ? I ask because I'm considering purchasing one or the other.
Darren, yes the QuickLoad has more bells and whistles.
On some cartridges it does give about 200 fps less velocity reading though. I don't know why.

Seldom Ever, There is a differance in price and LFAD is a lot cheaper and does have somethings that the more expensive QL has such as LFAD has a nice cartridge designer that you can build a wildcat and see the case that you designed. QL has a program that you have to buy extra and it costs the same as the QL $149.95. It is listed on the website I have above. The good point with QL is that it has just about all the powders available in the U.S. except for XMR 3100. You can also enter the grains in a powder you want and it will instantly give you velocity, pressure and will warn you if it is an over charge. That is why I like to first see what LFAD kicks out and see what powders it recommends and then check with the QL and fool around with different powder increments.

LFAD is good as it seems to give the correct velocity and is close if not right on with the info it gives.


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