Caribou Gear

why the code name

Was a lurker working in Chicago and dreaming of an elk hunt some day. Didn’t think I’d actually stick around, so I went with initials. But then I got a job offer in Montana and you’re stuck with me.

Decided to go for some tongue-in-cheek humor when I signed up for Instagram and was Starving Pilgrim. I like that better, but I’m too lazy to change it on here.
When I got my first car we were studying Hamlet in high school. To be or not to be. Everyone knows it but that's when you learn Hamlet is using Be as another word for live. Too live or not to live. So I came up with a shortened version of To ski is to be/live for my license plates. I've had them ever since on various cars of mine. When I joined Rokslide, I was at work and our maintenance guy used to call me 2ski because of my plates. So it was top of mind when I joined Rokslide. I used it here too.
I started using mine over two decades ago on a different website before I found HT. A lot of people wanted to see Utah managed for huge bull elk and a ton of people were always claiming to see 400 inch bulls…I joked that there were 400 inch bulls behind every tree so I started using Utah400elk.

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