Why Don't People Want to Work?

Another think that pisses me off is when kids my age graduate college and think they diserve a job. I have a bachelors degree and am attending grad school in the fall but when push comes to shove experience is what counts. You have to work your way to the top a piece of paper doesn't guarantee you anything ( end rant)
Here is my take on what is a part of the problem. People don't do anything for themselves anymore leading the younger generation to not want to do things for themselves, ie work hard. Simple tasks like cutting the grass, changing the oil, fixing a broken lawn mower. While NOT doing these things creates other noble professions, it also debilitates our youth from being able to think on their own and eliminates the desire to try something new. My dad didn't cut the grass or change his oil, why should I? Entitlement is the culprit and when they rack up 20 G's on a credit card and file bankruptcy, who is to blame them? They were taught to live the easy life and couldn't have done these tasks even if they wanted to.

When I was 18, despite having no training to work on a car, I decided to frame-up restore a 1970 Monte Carlo. I had no idea what I was doing, but I did when I finished. Next, I wanted to save money on taxidermy and decided to build octagon bases for myself. Again, I had no idea what I was doing, but I do now. These are called life experiences. My grandfather and father taught me the basics about using a hammer, a wrench, and a saw. Most kids I see that come to intern where I work don't know the difference between any tool in the cabinet or how to operate a simple multi-meter. Ask them to build a simple stand, not by hand but one with instructions, and it will take them a week. This is a problem and it translates to the upcoming work force of lazy and hands-off employees.

Again, I am not stating that we shouldn't have lawn care services, lawn mower repair shops, or quick-change oil stations, they have their place and create honest hard-working professions. It is just like construction, I dabble in working on my house, but know my limits, and hire skilled people to do things I simply don't have help to accomplish, ie hang drywall or things that will take me much longer when my time is better served doing Y instead of X. The point is even if you use them, at some point in your child's life, show them how to do things on their own or complete a task they know nothing about. Their may be a time when they could use the simple understanding of how to do something without simply paying someone.

BTW, I am only 33. I started working when I was 16, and I have never stopped. I have done everything from farm work to washing dishes. I worked 40 plus hours a week while going to college full time between two jobs and when I graduated I had work experience that landed me a job immediately. The work experience wasn't relevant, but I had something to say that I would show up for work and didn't mind getting things done. That is a far cry from many of the other kids in my class who didn't work, didn't pay for school, and didn't understand why working meant something for their future.

I also have a 5 year old, and he is a single child. Consequently, my wife and I make about 2x what my dad made at his peak. He is spoiled plain and simple, despite doing our best to not do so. I can already see my faults and what we are creating as parents. It is our responsibility to fix that. While I can surely see that he will have a vehicle that I pay for, unlike my first vehicle which I paid for, there are limits. He already knows how to turn a wrench, knows how to cut wood with a hand saw, and knows what working around the house actually means. He also already knows how to get things he wants, by earning them doing tasks like simply helping to rake leaves. There is absolutely no way to change everything about the up and coming generation of kids, but we can instill the basics that will hopefully equate to at the minimum the understanding of what work really is. He sees me work on things nearly every day and I make sure to let him know what I am doing is important.
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