Why Don't People Want to Work?

Parenting is definitely the key. My kids are 15 and 9 and when we go to athletic or school functions I am always amazed at how parents allow their kids to act, let alone how they let them talk back. I appreciate it when folks compliment my kids on being respectful and well behaved, but shouldn't they be? My parents were/are boomers but always taught me to work hard (physically and intellectually) but I did see many of my friends without that guidance. The degree of endulgence that parents engage in is scary. My first actual job was doing piece work when I was 13 and I have had a job since them. That began because my parents taught me that if I wanted something (a bike, to play hockey, new camping gear) I needed to work for it. I have seen people in our neighborhood with teenage sons who pay a lawn service instead of "making" their kids cut the grass. Maybe these folks think they are doing their kids a favor by "saving" them from this experience. A work ethic is definitely something that is instilled at home.
Hang drywall in your own home on your time if you wish. As for a career, have fun with any quality of living. Im 33, went on to graduate school, and now can pay someone to hang drywall for me. Some may say I'm lazy, I prefer to think I'm working smart. Obviously there are lazy people out there, and I'm sure many of you would toss me under that same bus after I quit working at a golf course after one week during summers in college because I did t want to have to get there at 5 am and weed whack all day. Instead, I chose to work smarter, doing bench work at my university's chem lab and eventually getting a higher level degree to avoid this much manual labor in the future.

not sure how you equate working smarter with being in a chem lab, but after reading your comments, it's apparent you think your education makes you better than us folks who do manual labor.

FYI, nothings says geek better than thinking you are working smarter because you would prefer to be inside rather than outside.

from another old fart who I'm guessing made more money than you while running my construction company. and who also takes pride in the work I can do myself.
I speak with the sliderule wunderkinds on a daily basis. The majority of dialogue is them asking for help regarding solving their mistakes on construction documents with real world solutions.

...for free of course, but their time is money...LMAO.

Cranky Self Reliant Baby Boomer with Great Kids
Of course there are some boomers who raised great kids. The challenge is that somebody had to raise the crop of self centered, me, me generation. Who should be blame for the lack of parentong of these "wunderkinds"?

happy Gen Xer with great kids, thriving business and distrust of boomers
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happy Gen Xer with great kids, thriving business and distrust of boomers

So why the long face Trigger?;)
TLC you own the business and are therefore are no longer a general laborer which is my original point. I also appreciate doing things around my house myself but would not make a career out this. Kudos to you if you do. My personal point was that after a brief time doing hardcore manual labor as a job, I soon realized this was not for me. Hence working in a lab. Good for you if you want to do this, but don't pretend that people who prefer not to are lazy. And I'm not condescending anyone here. My statement said have fun with a decent quality of living (I.e. raise a family), which is true of a general laborer. As a skilled trade or construction owner this would not apply to you, although you seem sensitive and/ defensive about it. And as for the geek comment, you nailed me there. That's why I visit the OYOA forum-because I love being indoors so much.
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The days of slaving away with manual labor are fading and technology is advancing. Youth realizes this and many times, it is much better to work smarter than to work harder.

Probably not true. Somebody has to build your chem labs, techy support buildings and the roads to get you there. Without the "hard" workers the "smart" workers have nowhere to go. ;)
And I'm not condescending anyone here. My statement said have fun with a decent quality of living (I.e. raise a family), which is true of a general laborer.

Assuming anything about a person based on their job, is a big part of your problem.

Tell me, you at least understand that part?
This will be my last post on tis topic as I'm dancing a fine line towards becoming a troll. I can see how my original statement came off as pompous and arrogant and for that I apologize. Obviously the world needs us all. Maybe many of your experiences with current youth has been negative. Overall, mine has not. Perhaps this is the company I keep.
I speak with the sliderule wunderkinds on a daily basis. The majority of dialogue is them asking for help regarding solving their mistakes on construction documents with real world solutions.

...for free of course, but their time is money...LMAO.

I've seen plenty of those "real world" solutions implemented, usually to the tune of thousands of dollars to fix. The door swings both ways. ;)

I think there are still plenty of kids today that are willing to work either with their brain or brawn, but it seems like finding the motivated ones are increasingly difficult to find.
I've seen plenty of those "real world" solutions implemented, usually to the tune of thousands of dollars to fix. The door swings both ways.

Absolutely bambi, and we are always willing to mobilize a crew to rectify a design professional and competing contractor's folly.:D
Your days sound like some of mine. Try getting engineers, designers and planners on the same page so you can deliver to the client what you have put in your scope.

Absolutely bambi, and we are always willing to mobilize a crew to rectify a design professional and competing contractor's folly.:D
Your days sound like some of mine. Try getting engineers, designers and planners on the same page so you can deliver to the client what you have put in your scope.

You'll never get planners on the same page. Too much wiggle room in that profession for implementing their own personal vision. Trust me.
before you guys all lump the next generation into being malingers, remember what was thought of your generation when you were entering the work force.

Just a quick question, what generation raised all these kids?


The one that "allowed
" millions of people to enter our countrty "illegally" and then did nothing about it... the same ones who refuse to enforce the laws of the land and despite I.D. theft and rampant law breaking on many fronts [ tax evasion, etc,etc] the same ones that are now providing Amnesty:mad:
My generation I'm 23 has a problem and I have no idea how it will be fixed. In my short time working I've been amazed at how hard it is for people just to show up 5days a week. My dad owns his own business and when I was 11 I was following the crew around sealing duct work I also had a paper route :) by the time I was a senior in high school I was bossing my dads crews around working at a young age instills a work ethic in an individual. So my son now 11 months has sheet metal in his blood and will be working summers for his grandfather at a young age just like I did. I have also noticed the worse the employer treats his employees the shorter the kids last (common sense) but if they need a job they would suck it up and work! Dad was slow shortly after I graduated college and I worked at a pretty crappy distribution center the place that you don't know if your working 4 or 12 hrs that night the guy that trained me had been there 3weeks and I was training someone my 2nd week it was insane how lazy and carefree our society has become. My wife works with a women that will only work part time otherwise she will lose her part of her government assistance (not sure which program) her family lives in a siblings garage and her husband also refuses to work. Come on man! I just hope my son turns out like my wife and I.
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