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Why Don't People Want to Work?

Hang drywall in your own home on your time if you wish. As for a career, have fun with any quality of living. Im 33, went on to graduate school, and now can pay someone to hang drywall for me. Some may say I'm lazy, I prefer to think I'm working smart. Obviously there are lazy people out there, and I'm sure many of you would toss me under that same bus after I quit working at a golf course after one week during summers in college because I did t want to have to get there at 5 am and weed whack all day. Instead, I chose to work smarter, doing bench work at my university's chem lab and eventually getting a higher level degree to avoid this much manual labor in the future.
As for technology metaphors how about farming where 1% of the population can feed the rest of us, the Internet basically doing away with the Dewey decimal system and allowing a kid to write a report with umpteen references in about a tenth the time, your washing machine, dishwasher, etc...
As one of the *cranky old men* as some of you put it, could somebody tell me why growing up with the adage put into our heads, "Work harder and smarter than the person working next to you, doesn't matter if you are digging ditch or counting money. "Was/is this a bad way to grow up?

As the OP of this thread I attempted to make a generalization regarding work ethic as I see it.
I agree with work harder and smarter than the guy next to you, it is valid and noble. My original point, and one I still stand by is two-fold: first I do believe it is a sign of becoming an old man (cranky may be a bit much although usually not) to complain that things wee better back in the day as this thread had taken a turn toward bashing current youth. Second, I believe you would be hard pressed to find anyone who wants to work hard. How many of us would retire tomorrow if we won the lottery. Most of us find a balance and work hard enough to get by or find happiness in life. I would assume children of people who lived through the Great Depression were appalled at how lazy their kids were. As each generation ages, it likely feels this way about its replacement.
Please, PLEASE, tell me how technology is advancing a faster way to hang 4'x12' drywall on a ceiling, other than 2 humans picking it up and screwing it.

PS. I'm 35.

It hasn't, but technology has changed the way do so many other things in life. Some things won't change much like hanging drywall, but others have changed monumentally and many new tasks/jobs have been created.

In my line of work (corporate taxes) I can talk to my boss who is 10 years older than me and he told me stories of how they would input data into for a consolidated tax return, double triple check the numbers, then push send. 24 hours later they would drive to the airport and pick up the printed return, drive back to the office, review, make edits, enter data into the return again then repeat the process. There was no way to review on a computer so each day they had to drive to the airport to pick up the paper copy.

Talking to my coworker who is 5 years older than me would say they would enter data into the software and when it was time to consolidate they'd push go and it would take 8 hours but view-able on a computer so the next day they could review and edit.

When I started, I could consolidate a return in 15 seconds. I could literally make the same about of revisions and reviews in a day that it took my boss nearly a month and my coworker a half a month to complete.
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A lot of it is parenting. A lot of it is the younger generation not wanting to do anything physical unless it is a sport. A lot of it is also kids expecting huge coin just because they have a degree, but have a degree that is worthless by their own choice. As a parent, I cannot see how someone would help his kid pay for a degree without telling the kid "what the hell kind of living will you make with that?" Some kids are getting a degree that will take them a lifetime to pay for because they could have made more money hanging drywall...
Hang drywall in your own home on your time if you wish. As for a career, have fun with any quality of living. Im 33, went on to graduate school, and now can pay someone to hang drywall for me. Some may say I'm lazy, I prefer to think I'm working smart. Obviously there are lazy people out there, and I'm sure many of you would toss me under that same bus after I quit working at a golf course after one week during summers in college because I did t want to have to get there at 5 am and weed whack all day. Instead, I chose to work smarter, doing bench work at my university's chem lab and eventually getting a higher level degree to avoid this much manual labor in the future.

I don't resort to name calling very often, but you're a douchebag.
before you guys all lump the next generation into being malingers, remember what was thought of your generation when you were entering the work force.

Just a quick question, what generation raised all these kids?

bazinga! :d
Sensitive much DustinF? Sorry if I don't buy into your self righteous sob story and prefer to call a spade a spade.
well i guess just put me in the "cranky ol man group". I really think about 80% is in the parenting like some have said. FYI, I know alot of guys who are in the drywall/construction business that are knocking down some big money, but, they work their a$$es off. I know not every kid in this generation is lazy, thats unfair, some are really good workers and students. . .but I do see the super lazy ones too.
I am a college grad with Wildlife and Management Degree's. . .I didnt get any finacial aid because my Dad made too much money. . .so, It was my responibility to help pay for those years in college which I did. . .was a bouncer 3 nights a week and sacked groceries 4-5 days a week. . .did I get rich? well NO. . .but I did put forth alot of effort and that is something I just don't see today. . .any effort at doing/making things better for yourself or helping out. It is TOO easy for everyone NOT to work and still get a check, thats what it comes down to. Its the new reality. . .and it sucks. IMO.
Sensitive much DustinF? Sorry if I don't buy into your self righteous sob story and prefer to call a spade a spade.

What sob story?

You're the one talking down how I choose to make a living, and making assumptions about my "quality of life." I'm perfectly happy with my trade, and my life.

What does irritate me is condescending, immature, kids like you. The type who take a maintenance job at a golf course, and assume they won't have to actually work, maintaining a golf course.

Do you honestly believe you are smarter than everyone that works "manual labor"?
Or is it little Johnny's parents read it for him and do his homework and organize all his play time and drive him all over the place to different sporting activities? All while trying to make everything "equal" so his self esteem doesn't get hurt.

That is what I witness.

Or is it little Johnny's parents read it for him and do his homework and organize all his play time and drive him all over the place to different sporting activities? All while trying to make everything "equal" so his self esteem doesn't get hurt.

That is what I witness.


We baby boomers figged it up...right?
That's the problem with our country now there is no work ethic anymore or morals , what happened to wanting to do a good job and being proud of the work you do !!!

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