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Why does it have to be this way?

Do you like traditional thanksgiving fare?

  • Yes, absolutely

    Votes: 98 52.7%
  • Yes, but mostly because of the tradition

    Votes: 32 17.2%
  • No, but i do like the tradition of it

    Votes: 13 7.0%
  • No i'd absolutely prefer other stuff. tradition be damned.

    Votes: 25 13.4%
  • Don't care, i'm too busy blasting forkies in montana on thanksgiving day

    Votes: 18 9.7%

  • Total voters
Is this a whole hog?
Any whole animal gets a pass on my thanksgiving dinner purity scale.
If you cook it in the ground as a tip of that hat to the native Americans that’s even better.

But is it cultural appropriation then? Seem like a narrow line these days
You turkey leg humpers are outside your damn minds! The amount of mental gymnastics....the sides, the gravy, the greens, blah blah blah. Just slap down a slice of this the size of my plate, a dollop of grandmas homemade horseradish, slap my ass and send me on my way with a smile. Green bean casserole. HA I say! HA!
All of it, from the turkey to the spuds to the stuffing to the green bean casserole - all of it - are just transportation vessels for the gravy.

Contemporary scientific knowledge tells us that the primordial soup from which life on earth began was essentially gravy.
Unpopular opinion forthcoming: gravy is vastly overrated. I haven’t had it in at least twenty years and I’ll likely go the rest of my life never having it again.