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Why all the 6.5 CM hate?

I picked one up in Kimber Mt. (Oh the horror), topped it with a Leupold VX3 3.5-10 B&C reticle, so it's probably not even going to fire. :D

I haven't shot it yet. Got it used, but the guy who owned it before me kept his reloading records and sent them and targets along with the gun. Looks like a fun, light weight, accurate deer poker. Several different loads shooting 1.5" at 200 yds makes me smile like heck.
This is the zombie thread - every time I think it's dead it pops back up.

I am always contemplating my next rifle purchase. I live in Vegas but more addicted to dropping money on firearms than on gambling.

I have been considering a 6.5 CM as well as a 350 Legend, a 7mm rem mag, a 460S&W, and a few others.

Now the funny part is my demented justification. I plan on deer hunting in NY in the fall and while I could use my 243, 25-06, 7mm-08, 308, 30-06, 50 cal muzzleloader or one of my 12 guage shotguns, I think to myself, "Man it might be fun to try a 6.5CM or a 350 Legend or heck buy myself a 7mm rem mag for elk, etc. and use that overkill in NY.

With a little luck I will be smart and save my money for something more practical like my first handgun purchase.

I did a ton of research on the 6.5CM. The Internet has so much information and all of it is true (yes that is sarcasm people).

I learned the following about the 6.5CM;

1. It is a great long range round that is not that good at long range.
2. It is a very flat shooting cartridge that doesn't shoot all that flat.
3. It is a great elk round except when it isn't...
4. Hornady made it then brought out the 6.5 PRC saying 6.5 what?
5. It is completely new except for the nearly identical cartridge that has been around for 100+ years.

You get the picture.....Maybe I should get a 300 Win Mag? :p
Nobody has ever offered me free swag to publish my stuff. I don't have any reason NOT to say this. A 140 Grain .264" diameter bullet at X fps through an x twist barrel in an x lbs rifle will recoil the same, fly the same, and kill the same. Bullets are better today, Powders are better today. Blah, blah, blah.
Sectional Density, weight, velocity, and placement are 98 percent of the killing equation. I can (and do) load those same newer bullets in my bigger 6.5s and the newer powders too. I have also made dead-right-there kills with Sierra GameKing cup&core grenades.

Yes, @Ben Lamb , I got my 6.5 Swede for my kids. It is now my 10 Y.O. Granddaughter's rifle. I got my .264WM because, why not? I also think .338's are for boys who aren't man enough to handle a .358. Why I wouldn't give for a chance to shoot some of those doubles and drillings.

Ooh the 6.5CM recoils less. Less than that rifle my 10 Y.O. granddaughter shoots? I'm impressed.

The 6.5 CM is ballistically inferior to as many 6.5 cartridges as it is superior. The question to me is why do so many of it's owners act like a little drunk in a bar calling out the lumberjack? Are there 7mm-08 owners that go around beating their chests to 7mm Rem Mag owners? I really don't get all the attitude.

One up side to the 6.5CM craze is now all the 7mm Rem Mag guys aren't running around saying they shoot the best cartridge ever made.
Nobody has ever offered me free swag to publish my stuff. I don't have any reason NOT to say this. A 140 Grain .264" diameter bullet at X fps through an x twist barrel in an x lbs rifle will recoil the same, fly the same, and kill the same. Bullets are better today, Powders are better today. Blah, blah, blah.
Sectional Density, weight, velocity, and placement are 98 percent of the killing equation. I can (and do) load those same newer bullets in my bigger 6.5s and the newer powders too. I have also made dead-right-there kills with Sierra GameKing cup&core grenades.

Yes, @Ben Lamb , I got my 6.5 Swede for my kids. It is now my 10 Y.O. Granddaughter's rifle. I got my .264WM because, why not? I also think .338's are for boys who aren't man enough to handle a .358. Why I wouldn't give for a chance to shoot some of those doubles and drillings.

Ooh the 6.5CM recoils less. Less than that rifle my 10 Y.O. granddaughter shoots? I'm impressed.

The 6.5 CM is ballistically inferior to as many 6.5 cartridges as it is superior. The question to me is why do so many of it's owners act like a little drunk in a bar calling out the lumberjack? Are there 7mm-08 owners that go around beating their chests to 7mm Rem Mag owners? I really don't get all the attitude.

One up side to the 6.5CM craze is now all the 7mm Rem Mag guys aren't running around saying they shoot the best cartridge ever made.

I am always contemplating my next rifle purchase. I live in Vegas but more addicted to dropping money on firearms than on gambling.

I have been considering a 6.5 CM as well as a 350 Legend, a 7mm rem mag, a 460S&W, and a few others.

Now the funny part is my demented justification. I plan on deer hunting in NY in the fall and while I could use my 243, 25-06, 7mm-08, 308, 30-06, 50 cal muzzleloader or one of my 12 guage shotguns, I think to myself, "Man it might be fun to try a 6.5CM or a 350 Legend or heck buy myself a 7mm rem mag for elk, etc. and use that overkill in NY.

With a little luck I will be smart and save my money for something more practical like my first handgun purchase.

I did a ton of research on the 6.5CM. The Internet has so much information and all of it is true (yes that is sarcasm people).

I learned the following about the 6.5CM;

1. It is a great long range round that is not that good at long range.
2. It is a very flat shooting cartridge that doesn't shoot all that flat.
3. It is a great elk round except when it isn't...
4. Hornady made it then brought out the 6.5 PRC saying 6.5 what?
5. It is completely new except for the nearly identical cartridge that has been around for 100+ years.

You get the picture.....Maybe I should get a 300 Win Mag? :p
Thank you for resurrecting this thread. It is THE reason I joined this forum. I‘m fascinated why any hunter would choose the 6.5 CM, yet I’m trying not to hold a bias against it. I just want to learn why. Why? WHY?!

A great bench cartridge, no doubt.

Works well in a 20-22 in barrel in a 6lb rifle, sure.

So, are you planning to use it on a sheep hunt or are you hunting for white tails at 10K ft altitude and need to shave a pound off your load? Know your dope and I’m sure it will be effective out to at least 400+ yds with that perfect placed shot.

I have no experience with the 6.5 CM, but based on my suspicions regarding the “why” behind hunting with it all I can say is I’ve had a variety of rifles with different weights and designs and I’d rather hunt, no let’s say shoot on any given day, my 7mm Rem Mag than my 7mm-08. But, wait, that doesn’t make any sense...doesn’t the 7mm-08 have less recoil? Yep, noticeable in a 6lb rifle. I mean, who wants to carry a 7.5lb rifle? Less weight means we can take that 10 mile hike each way with 5K altitude gain on that once in a lifetime mountain sheep hunt.

Heck, go with a .223. With the right bullet construction and shot placement it will handle anything in North America.

Hey, all in fun. I’m a believer in “to each his own” and trust folks to use what provides them confidence to execute an ethical hunt.
I don’t get it. Are you saying if a horse is shot with a 6.5 CM it’s most effective to use a bat to finish it off? Wouldn’t many 6.5 CM users try to resuscitate the horse? 😁
Just chill out, Randy Savage. This creedmoor debate has been going on for years. So anything you can add, with your ten minutes of being a user, we have heard already. So stop beating a dead horse and go protest all shops that sell them.
I have 2. The first i got a few years ago. A great deal on a howa. I didn't need it but i like rifles and was intrigued by the cartridge. Plus, i saw it becoming very popular which is a prerequisite for me as i dont buy rifles in cartridges that i think aren't going to last. Thats why I've got 270, 308, 06, 243, 7mm remmag in the safe. Had the 260 taken off i would have gotten one of those. I'm really fond of the round. Thats why i bought a kimber montana in it. Both my guns are very accurate and recoil is mild. Is it the best round out there? No. But its not the worst either. If i was a one gun hunter and larger game like elk where on the menu then 6.5 creed wouldn't be my first choice but if you have other larger calibers i think it does really well for deer sized game and would make for a perfect smaller rifle with a 2 gun battery say paired with an 06. With a good bullet at reasonable ranges it gets the job done. Isn't that what we are really talking about anyway. If you haven't tried one you really should, there is a lot to like about the round notwithstanding the controversy. Now that being said i need to go fix my manbun.
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Just chill out, Randy Savage. This creedmoor debate has been going on for years. So anything you can add, with your ten minutes of being a user, we have heard already. So stop beating a dead horse and go protest all shops that sell them.

Where are the shops that sell dead horse's?
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