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Why all the 6.5 CM hate?

Well, I bought a

338 ultra mag

270 ultra mag

223 wssm

338 lapua

10 gauge

300 blackout

40 s&w

All because i read somewhere they were what the cool kids were shooting.

Of course I sold them all because I owned an 06', .223, 9mm, 12ga. They weren't sexy, but they are still being used
Xerox machine, pet rocks, fax machine, icebox,
landline, hula hoop, tote gote, F Troop,
ball powder, air guitar, locking hubs, VCR,
lava lamp, dime store, bell bottoms, Creedmoor

"Today's hip is tomorrow's hype." E Abbey.
Granted in the day, an outfitted hunt was different, but O'Conner was a client that did some great writing.

Guys like Keith guided guys like O'Conner. O'Conner was the better writer...but sure as hell wasn't the better hunter, firearm developer, rifleman, horseman or outdoorsman. That's factually accurate.

I think deep down, Jack wished he was more than a client and writer.

Beat me to it...
Been doing a bit of research on this caliber. Looks like to sum it up, if you’re sensitive to recoil then the 6.5cm is good for you. Otherwise the .264 shoots flatter and the .270 has more options ammo wise and more power with better long range trajectory in general. So in other words unless you’re a small woman or a child, and already own a .270 or .264, there’s no reason to buy a 6.5cm😂😂😂
In addition they’re not better for coyotes IF you want to sell them. With a .223 you can use a 40 grain bullet and have no exit hole, and the ammo is cheaper and it’s a super accurate round when not windy.
So you hunt with one
I don't care or even think about the 6.5 creedmore, hell I got a little 260. Now sexy is a 257 weatherby to me and I am not a weatherby fan even thou I have a few of them.
Most people hate on the caliber because it is a unicorn slayer. There are guys trying to take elk sized game at 1500 plus yards with it and making it out to be more than it was ever meant to be. It is a very capable caliber for long range in paper and even possibly long range on deer and antelope size game depending on your definition of long range. I enjoy shooting mine for the cheap ammo and light recoil which means more trigger time but it will only ever be what it is and it is a small to mid size game caliber at its very finest point.
No hate. I have a .243, .270, and .45-70. I just don't have a need for one. I think the hate comes from those that just repeat the marketing hype. Like those that say the 350 Legend has more energy than a 30-30 because Winchester published it and didn't compare to Winchester's own .30-30 loads.

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