Who's taking me?


New member
Nov 30, 2005
So here's my deal. As of right now it looks like I will be in Missoula for 4 weeks this coming Oct/Nov for an externship. I've been looking at the regs and it appears that there are general deer and elk tags that I can buy without having to apply for a draw. I have never been to Montana so I don't have any idea as to where to start looking other than just start driving around when I get there. The regs are also quite a bit different then what I'm used to here in AZ.

I'd also like to check out the waterfowl scene since I hear it starts in September. Not sure if I'm going to be able to bring my dog but will know for sure this summer when I find out my living arrangements that they set up for me. Would like to get him on a good duck hunt or two since he was unfortunate enough to be sold to an owner that lives in AZ and the duck hunting down here is mediocre at best.

Help a brotha out!
I'm pretty sure you'll have to draw an elk and deer tag...at least for bulls and bucks, and likely even for cows/does.

I doubt there will be anything, other than maybe archery only doe tags available OTC near Missoula, and those will likely be mostly the river bottom tags. They have cut back most all their OTC whitetail doe tags for the general rifle season.

Waterfowl opportunities are abundant, I can tell you about all kinds of good hunting, some within minutes of town.

Put in for deer/elk general.

If you want to come over here for ducks that would be great. Although, if I draw good tags, I might just give you a boat, dekes and a map.:D
If all I can do is hunt ducks on the weekends then I would be more than happy, but I'd like to get out and explore some big game opportunities while I'm out there. When glancing over the Regs it seemed like there was a combo license for deer/elk the was around $650 for the general seasons. Would that be the same price for tags that you would have to apply for? If so would you guys be willing to point me in the direction of some areas that would offer a decent chance of pulling at least one of those tags? I'm living off of student loans right now and it would be smart of me to only buy one tag....but if I'm already going to be paying these damn loans back for 30 years, what one more year? :p

Miller, I'll take that boat, dekes and map if you're offer stands!

My first externship is going to be in Alaska over the spring/summer. I'm flying to Fairbanks on May 1 and will then spend a week flying to some of the villages to provide care, then will be headed to Anchorage for a month. Then in the middle of June I'll have a week and a half offf to explore and fish as much as possible before heading back down here to the desert for a bit.

If you can't tell, my selecting of externship sites had a little bit to do with location...location....location... :)

The combo license must be applied for and is not unit specific...its good for any general unit in Montana. Included in that combo license is upland bird and fishing licenses. The deadline to apply is March 15th, and is $643ish. Odds of drawing without points is about 60% I believe.

You can also apply for a deer combination license that allows you a general buck permit, the season is long, 3rd Sunday in October through Thanksgiving weekend. The odds of drawing are about 30% on that with no points...also comes with upland bird and fishing as well.

You could also apply for Deer B tags good for only does, they're $78 and good for either a series of units or a specific unit. Some are good for WT some for MD.

IIRC, there is a state duck stamp required, that is either 50 or 75 dollars, havent stayed up to speed on that.

I was a board member on the WPAC and was the ONLY person on the board that didnt want to raise the NR duck stamp fee...I wanted to make it an across the board increase. So, if the stamp fee seems too high...I was the only decenting opinion on raising it...dont blame me!

I can tell you where all the good watering holes are in Missoula as well...

Nemont, thats a great shot you just took...;):D
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If you draw, and need help finding places definitely listen to Buzz.
If you need someone to hunt with let me know. I might be out of the area by then, but likely not. Almost all the hunting I do now are day hunts out of Missoula, so I'm sure we could figure something out.

Even if you don't draw a deer or elk tag, you can still buy bear and wolf. Do you know your dates yet? If you're here mid-late Nov, you'll be in wolves. If you're here early in October, I can help you out on bear, we do pretty good on fall bears.

Keep me updated on if and when you're coming. I'd love to help another hunttalker out.

I'm 90 minutes away in Helena and although I'm not the guy to follow around hunting big game I can certainly help you out on the waterfowl side of things. PM me when it gets closer if you think you can make it over.
I believe I am going to be there from Oct 17- Nov 13 so it looks like I'd only have three weekends to get out. Might see if I can sneak out a day early from my clinic here so I can get up there early and have an extra weekend.

Think I'm going to apply for the General Combo. Can't beat it to be able to got after both deer and elk and still sneak out for upland on the same license.

Thanks for the info guys and when it gets closer I'll make sure to get in touch and see if we can meet up.
That's a little late for bear, but would probably be a good time to be out looking for wolves.
Good luck on the draw. Opening day is always great for elk, and deer will be starting to rut pretty good by the end there.
Even if you don't draw, you'd be more than welcome to come tag along just to get out.
Trust me, won't forget the hat.

So it's official, I got the final word and I will be in Missoula during that time frame. I'm going to apply for the combo tag and hope that I get it. Worst case scenario if I don't draw I should be able to get out and do some bird hunting and then beg and plead for a couple of you guys to let me bum around on your hunts. Maybe even put in for an antelope tag.

A dog training acquaintance of mine said he has a cabin about 45 minutes north of town with a good amount of deer surrounding it and has offered for me to stay there. Think I'm going to take him up on that offer if I can't find anything real cheap in town and the allows for me to have my dog with me. Hard to find a place for only 4 weeks. I've had to commute further than that here in Phoenix to get to work on a daily basis so that's not too bad of a deal anyway.
I'm not positive, but I think the way they have it set up now, even if you don't draw your general combo, you can still put in for a cow or doe tag.

I'm assuming by your locale you've probably never killed a whitetail? If you draw, I can definitely help you out there.
Thanks Randy, I"ve killed coues whitetail here in AZ but have never gone after an Eastern. I would definitely be interested in taking you up on that offer if I"m able to pull a tag.
So when should I expect to be able to find out the results for the General combo tag? On the website it shows the results for the special draws to be the week of July 19 but does he general tag fall under that classification?
No draw for me. Bummer.

Looks like it will be bird hunting and trying to bum a ride with one of you guys this fall. :)
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