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Who eats rabbits and who eats squirrels ?

I shot a ground squirrel and Tim (Tnctcb) jumped out to go look at it, having never seen one. He said it looks just like the ones back home, and asked if you could eat one. Dan told that he (Tim) could eat one if to, but it was just a rat with a fuzzy tail. Tim then asked if they lived in the trees, and was amazed to find out that they lived in holes in the ground. :D He had picked it up, but dropped it pretty fast when we told him that they are covered in fleas that can carry Plague... :eek:
Vipe made and we took a venison stew yesterday to a block party.(This is a liberal city) But almost everybody tried it and now they are curious to what other game taste like. hahaha like the squirrel that Vipe has taken for a pet might come up missing :D
Ya know ya'll are right. They fed me dog in the Phillipenes (sp) tasted damn good untill they told me what it was. I've also had people tell me that I cut chickens up funny when I butcher them. Funny thing was weren't chicken was cotton tail. I never did tell them the truth.

i eat squirrels all the time. I love them and so do my wife and kids.I was asking everyone on the pig hunt if they ever ate a ground squirrel and everyone thought i was crazy.I told t-bone i was wondering about them and he said lets eat the next one we kill, right after that we got one and i asked him if he really wanted to eat it and he said no way so we both chickened out. :rolleyes:
i just know what eats squrriels, ME but i still don't know what they eat or what rabbits eat.
I don't know about these itty bitty things they have in UT, but back East it's hard to beat a meal of Fried Squirrel, Mashed Potatoes with milk gravy, and corn on the cob!!!
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by FLIPPER:
Do eat rabbit....but never could make myself eat a squirrel.

What does a squirrel look like after you skin it........a RAT <img src="eek.gif" border="0">
No, a small rabbit!!!!!!!!

we have many different squirrels here. I like the grey and the jumbo "fox" squirrels. They look like a grey but bigger and orange in color. Squirrels are better eating than rabbit but are much harder to clean.
Rabbit are good too, unless they are the snowshoe hares, they taste like pine trees.
I have ate Tree Rats and Rabbits ever since I was a kid and still love them. but then I eat Rattle Snake, Barbequed Coon, Snapping Turtle, and various types of wild game. I guess it's a southern thang. Us redneck Okies will dang near eat anything or at least try it once.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 04-03-2003 09:10: Message edited by: Handloader ]</font>
I made up a "you might be a redneck" joke and no-one ever gets it:

"If the first time you had chicken, you said - "tastes just like squirrel!" - You might b.a.r.n"

Damnit, I think it's funny
They both are awsome. In stew, shepards pie,chili, pot pie, boiled then fried with brown gravy and rice. Thrown in a crock pot with taters, onion, carrot, brown gravy, shallots, green onion, and homemade biscuts.
OOOOhhhhhh honey child that is good eats.
I eat rabbit as well as squirrel. I`ve become a squirrel snob tho, I love fried gray squirrel, but won`t kill fox squirrels anymore, they`re not nearly as tasty as the grays.

I prefer squirrel over rabbit.
Years ago I ate a lot of squirrel. Don`t mess with them anymore. Rabbit on the other hand find their way to my table all the em!
Cottontails are good.
Tree rats are more trouble then they are worth.
Rattlesnake is tasty once in a while.
not a big fan of squirrel cuz they skin so hard...
but rabbit is hard to beat...salt, pepper, flour the pieces up...fry it...make gray with the drippins, serve with hot biscuits and honey!...oh man you'll think you've died and gone to heaven!
Duckhead - Think in my lazy hunt days --- searching for a few grouse, I may have to try that wabbit recipe!

During archery season - friend and I rolled the roads for some grouse - popped 3 and a waskully wabbit... Had a good time as we also came across prime ripe huckleberries - made a marmalade with it - topped that with a few brookies we kept and pan friend them in olive oil coated with Ritz crackers crunched to a good fine level with thyme, cayenne, garlic, etc. Damn fine dinner!

Never really tried squirrel - though not opposed to such... At the same time not really setting any sights on such either.
Here in Louisiana we use rabbits and squirrels to make gumbo or with rice and gravy. Almost everyone here that hunts started with squirrles and rabbits. Good stalking practice on the squirrels getting into shotgun range. We use beagles to push the rabbits out of thickets. Both get you ready for those moving targets. If you can hit a moving rabbit or squirrel you can hit anything that flies!

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