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Who eats rabbits and who eats squirrels ?

Ok, I'll quick freeze a jackrabbit backstrap and smoke it and see if its good. If I get a good recipe, it would be good, as there are lots of them around here.
Cali, from my understanding all rabbits can carry tularemia ("rabbit fever"). The rule is to always wash your hands with alcohol after you clean them. Once you've cooked them thoroughly it's not a concern.

Dad was a big fan of rabbits and squirrels. I don't mind the young & tender ones, but the old ones chew like shoeleather. Nothing's worse to me than gnawing on a bazillion-year-old fox squirrel. :eek: We've done them fried, baked with potatoes and carrots, baked with apples, stewed, hasenpfeffered, barbecued....
Don't care how you slice it or how you cook it.........skinned it still looks like a rat

Squirrel dumplings.....yuck :eek:
I will try any thing once...
This will be a new thing and as I always say..."What ever makes a turd". You know what, around the dinner table at companies house, this usually brings snickers from the kids and kringes or yuks from the adults...
Especially when they are making such a big fuss about it not being the best of fair.... :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Don't care how you slice it or how you cook it.........skinned it still looks like a rat<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Flipper thats another reason to me they look like a baby..

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I will try any thing once...
This will be a new thing and as I always say..."What ever makes a turd". <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
You nasty :eek:
Also most whatever it takes to get a laugh....
Fear factor...Here I come.....LOL!!! :D :D
OK now that every one is grossed out about squirel meat.... When I was a young'un I would get whupped for head shooting squirels. My mother has a liking for squirel brains scrammbled with her eggs. I took a lot of whuppins. Looks like a skinned cat to me.

Well I was curious years ago and bought some canned pig brains when I was down in Georgia. After hearing how good it was I decided to give it a try. Actually scrambled with eggs it was pretty darned good. But as I was eating it I kept thinking about what I was eating and just couln't finish it. I did give some to LB's nephew and he loved it until I told him what he had eaten. He then tossed his cookies.
The unsuspecting victem,,,,
That's how I get people that don't like elk or deer to like it....LOL!!! :D :D :D
My wife nailed her dad last summer that way.
He alway's whined that he hated the taste of any thing wild, I think it was because he was a true to life hillbilly out of Virginia and didn't really know how to process the game properly. Any way, he was going on and on that we spent to much money on such good cuts of beef and that he was very appreciative of it beeings is that he is missing most of his teeth and that regular meat is hard to chew...After a couple of different day's of eating this 'beef'. I let him know what it really was. He was pissed,,,,to say the least, that I would decieve him so....LMFAO!!!!!Poor guy didn't even have a clue it was comming.... :D :D He now belives me when I harp on him about it all beeing in the processing....He was wondering if we would bring him some this next season....LOL!!! :D :D :D :cool:
We did the same thing to my brother and my neice back in the winter of 90-91 when they came out skiing. They ate elk all week and didn't know it. They loved it.
This is one of the only lies that I will tell...I think it is a constructive lie and is actually used for good...LOL...
besides, it is way to much fun.... :D
I dislike lying to people about feeding them game. Sometimes it just makes them even more anti-hunting, only because then we (hunters) seem dishonest. I've found at parties, for example, once someone starts raving about how good something is, then people will break down and try it. (Unless it is something gross like brains or heart.) Now, if it is someone close enough for it to be joke, that's a different story. And, I will feed people wild pig since "pork is pork." So maybe that counts as the same thing as lying to them about what they're eating? :confused:

My wife makes lot of things with elk, and calls it "Beast Stroganoff" for example. And meat loaf is just meat, right? :D
If I could fool the masses on this one, I would be right in there on it....LOL... This kind of thing really gives me a good chuckle...
I used to have asian pears in my back yard in Wa. I would let some one have three or four good bites and let them comment on how juicy it is. Then I would make sure they had a good mouth full when I would break it to them the reason for all of the juice was because they were grown over the top of the drain field...I still get a laugh when I think of the shocked look on their faces, The act as though they want to spit it out, but know they have eaten to much already, LMAO! So would finish it up!!Plant's won't take up the bad stuff, but it is just the point of the fact, that sounded gross... :D :D :D

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