Kenetrek Boots

Who And What Was George Custer?

This thread has me fascinated, I can’t wait to see who’s going off next ! Every time I login and connect I expect it to be blocked or shut down by Randy, and then I’m like nope not yet , who wrote what next ? Cheers! This thread is Still going …..


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one of the most recognized generals of the Civil War had just been killed by a bunch of savages in the Montana territory.
I would construe the use of the term “savages” as being a perjorative term that demonstrates a clear bias in this discussion. Granted, you started the discussion, so your bias is acknowledged. That being said, if i try to view this with an open mind to both sides, they were all “warriors”. Right or wrong.
Racism is alive and well, kool aid drinker. Other than David Duke, name a racist? Don’t be a useful idiot of the Marxists. By the way, the culture you speak of is not our culture. It’s the culture of the neo Marxists and the liberal media.
I’ve personally met hundreds who proudly self-identify as such. More than a few have murdered racial minorities for sport. Yep, I am a kool-aid drinker.
I am pretty sure @JLS is right, I've always heard/read that Custer was NOT spared mutilation. I have heard the sewing awl part too.

The only soldier spared mutilation was Miles Keogh, an Irishman who wore an large, ornate Gaelic cross on his chest. It's suspected that the cross looked too spiritually significant to the Natives and they left him alone thinking he was a shaman or spiritual leader.

There's even a Meateater episode where Steve talks about it extensively. One of his brothers works at a place named after Keogh and they get into the story.

Edit: The specific episode is #065.
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I would construe the use of the term “savages” as being a perjorative term that demonstrates a clear bias in this discussion. Granted, you started the discussion, so your bias is acknowledged. That being said, if i try to view this with an open mind to both sides, they were all “warriors”. Right or wrong.

What I failed to make clear is that is not my assessment of the American Indian, but what they were considered in 1876 and how that affected the people at that time in 1876, not 2021.
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What I failed to make clear is that is not my assessment of the American Indian, but what they were considered in 1876 and how that affected the people at that time in 1876, not 2021.
I think that’s a very fair statement. The Native Americans employed some brutal tactics to defend their territories. Both against whites and other tribes alike. That said, US soldiers also did the same at times.
Didn’t the natives do that to each other long before the white nan ever set foot on North Amica?

Nothing but whataboutisms coming from you. If you actually read the book I recommended you will see that I am under no delusions that atrocities occurred before and after colonization and were committed by pretty much everyone or else I wouldn't have recommended it. Custer perpetuated genocide. If you can't recognize that fact without deflecting to something else you might want to examine why you need to deflect whenever someone criticizes a dead guy who committed atrocities.

I'm sure that makes me a woke Marxist though.
Sherman's solution to the Plains Indians was to exterminate the Buffalo, seeing how their survival depended upon them.
It's a funny thing to me, that some guys see negative things said about Custer, or positive things about Custer, and emotions begin to cloud their opinion.

Whereas for me, it's the name Sherman that triggers emotions that cloud my opinion 😐

But rwc is right, when you feel an emotional response because someone criticizes or praises a dead guy from history, it's a good time for self examination
Exactly, it’s the Marxist way. Accuse the other people of what you yourself are doing.
Hanging tags and labels on people who are having thoughtful discussions is usually a short path to the door. You might want to go read some of the rules and some of the warnings posted about what is the expected way to interact here. Differing opinions are welcome. Hanging tags and labels on anyone with a different opinion is not welcome.

I've lost any tolerance for the self-righteous confidence some demonstrate that they have it all figured out and the associated implication that everyone else is clueless. That works on Facebook and other places, not here.

Carry on .......
I think this thread in general is a perfect example of history being decided by the victors. Custer was an imperfect human who killed a lot of imperfect humans and ended up being killed by imperfect humans. Did he do war crimes? Yep. Were war crimes done to him and his men? Also yep. Done deal, no one should be getting emotional and insulting nice people on the forum. At the end of the day we are here because we love the outdoors, not a specific party, country, or viewpoint.

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