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Who And What Was George Custer?

I'm also going to add ..my opinion based on speculation....that Custer was trained at Westpoint on the rules of engagement for warfare and was faced in the Civil War with opposition versed the same. He had success. However, there was limited script to how the military could strategically handle the plains citizens. Surprise attacks on villages with mostly women and children casualties should not be considered anything but despicable. Such is war.
My readings suggest Custer , the man, was not an Indian hater yet Custer the soldier was a pawn in a vile agenda to eradicate First Citizens . The government was unable, unwilling to acknowledge or accept the " Indian way", in the face of rapid expansion. As a last resort, killing all the Buffalo was the only viable means to win the war quickly.
Custer deserves no accolades for his career after the war between the states.
He underestimated the foe on a level playing field at Little Bighorn and failed.
Right or wrong, I'm sticking with this view.
I’m actually part Native American from my mom’s side of the family but I’m mostly of Norwegian descent too. I don’t blame Spaniards but it’s interesting to hear from the Meateater talk that they killed off 95% of the population before settlers even landed in whats now the US. I’m tired of all the politically correct people like you blaming me for shiatt that I didn’t do.
Nobody is blaming you for anything on here, quit being a snowflake

As for Custer, big egos have a way of catching up to you.
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