Caribou Gear Tarp

Who And What Was George Custer?

Life as a trooper in the west was nothing glamorous. Nelson Miles attacked the Indians again on the Tongue River in Montana territory in January 1877. This was 30 below zero and these troopers were infantry. No I wouldn’t want to be there...
I was just there a few weeks ago. When I was looking down at the battle field I was thinking just how brutal it must have been fighting in those conditions.
yes. Walked right by the pin that says " were Big Crow fell" Should have taken a picture, but I did not.

Private property, we know the people and hunt their ranch for turkeys. I have asked to go on the battlefield, they told me I could, but this point, I still haven’t. Miles hit Big Crow with a howitzer, interrupting his life on the plains.

The owner's and my families have been neighbors for more than a 130 years. I look for antlers though and not artifacts. Thirty plus years ago I did however find an old 45 caliber lead bullet on one of the hills a half mile to the south. I left it.
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The owner's and my families have been neighbors for more than a 130 years. I look for antlers though and not artifacts. Thirty plus years ago I did however find an old 45 caliber lead bullet on one of the hills a half mile to the south. I left it.

Great! I’m sure you know Irv as well? We tried to see him this spring, but he was staying isolated due to Covid.
I have a feeling Hollywood modeled this character after their interpretation of Custer. Who knows? Hollywood is filled with some of the most vain people on the planet and I take their POV's with a grain of salt.

Absolutely, and the History Channel isn’t much better. The documentary we did in 2016 didn’t turn out anywhere near what we had started out to depict. They were looking for commercial value to get viewers and didn’t care about the history. Bummer...
I’ve personally met hundreds who proudly self-identify as such. More than a few have murdered racial minorities for sport. Yep, I am a kool-aid drinker.
You’ve met hundreds of people that killed minorities for sport ? Really? you spend a lot of time in prison 😂 if not name names these hundreds of people need to be prosecuted
None of this has anything to do with what I posted. For about the fourth time I'll refer someone making the exact same accusations to the Lakota Nation which is filled with detailed accounts of conflict between the Sioux and their neighbors. Brutal stuff. I am well aware of all of this especially having studied history, yet people keep replying that I'm reframing history or assigning guilt. Genocide has a definition. Someone denied that murdering men, women, and children, tearing families apart, forced re-education, killing off food supplies, and cordoning them to desolate patches of unproductive land based on their ethnicity was genocide. I pushed back against that. Denying genocide, not acknowledging it, is reframing history.
I graduated with a history degree and had my certification to teach high school when I was in Montana with an emphasis on Montana history. That was almost 30 years ago and I went to grad school and changed careers. I start with that only to point out that acknowledging genocide as a completely one sided event is revision of history. That’s how teaching of history has changed it only focuses on what the white man did wrong with no consideration of all the atrocities that were being committed by all races at that time. We do need to acknowledge the mistakes made at that time by all people not hyper focus on one sides atrocities. I think that’s the only reason you’re getting a lot of push back. Native Americans raped, murdered, enslaved and mutilated white families AND other Native American tribes. Putting a microscope on one sides wrongs without looking at the whole picture is equally wrong as not acknowledging the genocide that occurred. History is made by people and we’re all imperfect so there will always be bad things that make up human history. Studying these things in there entirety allows us to hopefully learn. The nation that was created out of all our history has done more for the freedoms of all races than any nation ever. I think forgetting how great this country became is the greatest risk to this new way of looking at history. You’re not wrong,in my opinion, to point out or use the word genocide it’s just shouldn’t be the microscopic focus excluding everything else that happened at that time.
14 pages later…

Went out and found “The Last Stand” at my local library by Nathaniel Philbrick. Really was a good book, awesome information, including first hand interviews with survivors of the battle that were never published into the book an original author tried to write. Even knowing the outcome I had a pit in my stomach for most of the action. Anyways, that’s my book report for today.

Not sure if on this thread I was supposed to just pick a side and get all aggravated with people who disagree…instructions weren’t clear.
14 pages later…

Went out and found “The Last Stand” at my local library by Nathaniel Philbrick. Really was a good book, awesome information, including first hand interviews with survivors of the battle that were never published into the book an original author tried to write. Even knowing the outcome I had a pit in my stomach for most of the action. Anyways, that’s my book report for today.

Not sure if on this thread I was supposed to just pick a side and get all aggravated with people who disagree…instructions weren’t clear.

No, it isn’t to pick a side as much as consider what happened in 1876 and what it turned into in 2021. It is much like the game of “telephone” played as a kid, where you whispered to your neighbor on your right side, what your neighbor on your left told you. It is always different by the time it gets to the end of the line.

Comments are made from little to a lot of background, however most of the negative comments are usually from the gallery that based their conclusions on very little fact.

The biggest “if” would be, if Custer had somehow survived, how much different would all the history be recorded.

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