Which conservation group

RMEF, and Wild Sheep Foundation. The RMEF puts our money into land so that all can access.
Is there a reason the Mule Deer Foundation isn’t on anyone’s list? Something about being cozy with SFW?
Many great groups listed in this thread. As someone who has worked in the sporting community for a while, I recommend giving at both the local and national level. National groups can take on the big issues and they have reach and leverage that local groups cannot match. Local groups are going to dig into the legislature, local access issues, and commission decisions in a way that a national group never will. They also operate in different political spaces from each other, so their constraints and opportunities are different.
PLWA -Public Lands and Water Access - is a MT outfit that works tirelessly to find, preserve and fight for access to public lands in MT. They get a bigger share of my $$ than any other group.
Similarly, PLWA gets a bigger share of my money than any other group, and they have huge expenses. I hope someday they will expand and be able to fight more of these VERY important battles in Montana and in other states. https://plwa.org/
Similarly, PLWA gets a bigger share of my money than any other group, and they have huge expenses. I hope someday they will expand and be able to fight more of these VERY important battles in Montana and in other states. https://plwa.org/

I hope PLWA stays a Montana only organization - what they do impacts everybody, regardless of where they are from, if they are users of public land in MT. Remaining an MT only outfit, IMO, will keep a better focus than "branching out". I also hope that other states' public lands enthuisiasts/sportspersons/people-with-common-sense/etc. follow the PLWA example and come up with similar orgs in their states. If an outfit like PLWA exists in other states, I'm admittedly ignorant of their existence - feel free to inform, it'd be good to hear about........

I used to involve a few others though dialed it down and added my outdoor type contributions $ a bit further within these two.

BHA has a collection of extreme partisan players and <edited to clarify> a few vocal members whom share what I hold the perspective as, "excessive" environmental aggression that is a bit off putting though an enemy of my enemy is a "friend" and they are a force to reckon with respecting public lands.
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"excessive environmental aggression"

For a guy who seems to be averse to hyperbole..........................................
"excessive environmental aggression"

For a guy who seems to be averse to hyperbole..........................................

Oh right, I must have been sharing "fact" vs sharing a person's position/perspective. ;) Though maybe we each are able to share our perspective without having to debate such, "facts" as defined by some and derail what the OP shared interest in organizations to entertain joining.
Just going by the pic next to your name and your HT fishing trip party, Sytes, I'll venture we both like to fish. Good enough........................
I'll offer my support for PLWA. We are pretty lucky to have them in Montana. Lots of other groups work on access, but nobody else is keeping access to (which is different than through) public lands open by playing the legal game. In fact, I can't think of another group in the country that does what they do. It's a shame too, because similar instances of landowners closing access to public lands are happening across the West.
RMEF, BHA and Pheasants Forever. I've had some very positive interactions with PF & RMEF in the field, some wonderful habitat restorations and even better hunts improved by those two. As for BHA, I recently joined last year when I realized how important a voice of numbers really is in regards to our public lands. I've yet to volunteer for anything for the BHA just yet as I haven't seen anything come about, but I will. I'm sure there are a lot of other great organizations to be apart of, just the organizations I'm apart of have had a profound impact on myself. Maybe I'll look into some others mentioned, but for now I'm very happy with where my time & money is going.

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