Which Binoculars??


Active member
Jan 13, 2002
Salmon, ID
I'm thinking of getting a new pair of binoculars and I don't know what I should get. I want them to be at least 10x50's and they have to be about $250 or less. I want a pair that are clear and are good in low light, they don't have to be as good as Swarovski or any of the other popular brands like that but a good all around pair. I'd also like them to be on the ligher side. So if any of you know of any that fit those descriptions of what I want I'd appreciate if ya told me. Thanks!!
Just read a review on new Nikon 10x50,s Tk, rated as good as any but were heavy, thats not a bad thing as light binos tend to wobble around particually on higher magnification, have you checked out Ebay ? I got a great pair of Zeiss thru there.
Check Ebay all the time but I usually bid at the last minute and the other person had a higher bid than me. :mad: How much do they weigh Jeff? I have a pair now that are just about perfect. I can't remember off the top of my head how much they weigh though.
I don't know how to post thread addresses but on page 3 under binocs there are a pair of nikon feildmasters 10x50 currently at $80 finish in 7 hours
Trophy, I know most stand by the motto, the more the better, but I've owned a pair of Bushnell Legends for several seasons and I won't trade em straight across for my buddies good glass, in fact he borrows them my 10x50's when his hoity toity 8 x 1200$ ones can't see head gear, ya he gets me in real low light, usually before legal hours , but hours into glassin and my head don't seem to ache no more than his, so I would suggest lookin into the Bushnells, they are a good weight and user friendly, on sale about 275.00 good luck....H2M
In that price range, check out the Nikon ATB 10X40...about $250 to $300.
Very good glass, and light weight.
Thanks Anaconda, they look like a pretty good pair of optics in Cabela's. I guess I will have to read a little more about them then decide.
Trophy Killer, instant focus are hard on your eyes with prolonged use. That's why you don't see the premium makers making them.
I have a set of Pentax 10x42 DCF HR here in the store suggested retail $550 that would sell you for $280 plus tax plus shipping.Total would be bout $305.
Ol Bob

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-17-2002 09:36: Message edited by: BbarC ]</font>
Way to hook him up BOB!

TK, Bob is GREAT to deal with too.
He is straight up, I bought a 416 hoffman from him a year or 2 ago sight unseen.
It was in even better condition than he said!
The Pentax are great! I bought a set of the waterproof ones (10x50, I think) and we compared them side by side with my buddies Swarovskis...couldn't tell the difference. But I paid more than Bob is quoting you... :D
TK, I carry Seeadler 10X42s for hunting. They weigh in at about 10 oz, won't quite fit in my shirt pocket, but are so light, who cares.

You don't want insta-focus or perma-focus binos for glassing. After an hour or so, your eyes will burn and your head will hurt. Get binos that focus to your eyes.

The Seeadlers retail for somewhere around $625, but I know a guy who imports them. The price is much better than that. If you're interested, let me know... I'll check for you.

Look at ebay..........
I picked up a pair of factory new (not grey market) Pentax 10x42 Waterproof DCF for $350
I know it's a litte more than you wish to spend, but these glasses I believe rival Ziess, Swarovski and Lietz in clarity and brightness. I have been extremely satisfied with the Pentax, except they have a horrible lens cover system.
Wally Dog, Those sound like the ones that Ol Bob will ship to you for $305. Sportsman's Guide has the Zeiss 7x40s for $299 I think.

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