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Where are you hunting this year?

NM Antelope - Shot one and I couldnt recover him. Really bummed about it but hey that's hunting
NM Elk - Upcoming, Rio Chama area. Feeling good about it but going solo since my friends are terrible
NM Javelina - February. It overlaps with quail so it's kinda just a fun hunt. Wake up late, take a bird, look for little fuzzy blobs
My schedule for big game is as follows:

1) Indiana firearms for whitetails. I will have a "bundle" which means I can shoot a buck and 2 does, with the actual harvest being up to property needs. This opens 13NOV

2} Illinois firearms season for whitetail. I have an either sex tag with that season being 19-21NOV

3) Wisconsin firearms for whitetail. I will have a buck tag for this and get to see some old friends.

4) Colorado firearms for muley. I have a buck tag for USAFA and this one will be the second weekend of DEC.

I am very excited at the prospects of at least one decent buck this year and thankful to be able to share these hunts with great friends!!
Well I did some short day Caribou and Moose hunts - nothing so far.
My 'big' Caribou hunt just got cancelled so I'm looking to get to Washington with my buddy for a Muley.
Then I'm hoping for Winter Caribou and Winter Moose plus maybe a Winter Sitka Blacktail!
I'm envious ...
How is the waterfowl hunting looking up there? Were you all hit pretty badly by the drought? This is the second yr in a row that we didn’t go due to Covid issues/etc. Prior to that, we had made the trek each year since 2013. I really miss those Sask duck hunts.
Oh yea real dry this year
Nothing too fancy for me. Probably 5 trips up to Alabama for whitetail and 1 trip to Ohio for the same. If a wild hog runs by me in AL I will let the air out of it but Im not targeting them.
Home state of Washington, didn't draw a damn thing out of state. Eastside for Mule deer, and the same for Elk. Hunting Pheasant right now, waterfowl in a couple of months.
On the sidelines after 3 decades of big game hunting out West involving over 80 hunts. Not sure if will hunt again but am putting in for ram and bull moose tags where a guide can drag my rear into shooting distance and now also chasing a few rut hunts for elk and deer. Each of these hunts have 1 in 500 or so odds and even with putting in for 20 primo tags a year the back of the envelope math indicates might be 25 years before can realistically expect to draw one of these tags. I am okay with that.

I may spring turkey hunt another time or two back on the farm in the Midwest though am quite okay daydreaming about bugles and gobbles while am in a warm house as it dumps snow outside while the winds howl. I did glance at the Colorado leftover list a few times out of curiosity. And, the Wyoming leftover list. The journey is one day at a time, right?
I'm gonna find me a chunk of public land 2 minute drive from my house . Hopefully the deer and elk meet me there. But show up fashionably late.
I am an absolute beginner but plan to attempt a bow hunt in the east central part of Ohio. I just relocated here and live very close to a lot of public land. If anyone wants to mentor a green horn in the tuscarawrus county area I am all ears.
I'm gonna find me a chunk of public land 2 minute drive from my house . Hopefully the deer and elk meet me there. But show up fashionably late.
I live within walking distance to about 112 acres of public land. Fashionably late and unaware of the scent of a rookie hunter will give them a sense of confidence that will make them jump right in my cooler
This has been a tough year as we all know. Watching 15-20 % of my hunting area on fire to the tune of 24.000 acres has been a bit depressing.

I have cut out about 15 miles of connector trails to link closed roads and roadless areas. I have seen recent elk sign in all of them. Whether the weather will hold and give me a fighting chance is a question. Nameless Range may have company if not.

If I could corner an elk, I will go to a couple spots by Dillon to see if there are any imaginary deer to shoot.

I might go west to the country I grew up in and spend some time looking for the last deer alive in region 1 or just ride where I hunted with my father And enjoy the memories.
Have a busy hunting season planned this year:

1. Non-resident pronghorn in north-central WY with three of my children, ages 11, 9,& 8 on 9/27
2. Non-resident pronghorn in north-central WY with three of my son, age 12 on 10/2 (His first hunt with a tag in his pocket.)
3. Non-resident cow elk in western WY with my friend of 13 years.
4. Non-resident deer and elk in western Colorado with my son again. (His tags, not mine...$106 each for youth non-resident!)
5. Non-resident deer and elk in southwest Montana with my friend and my brother-in law. (Brother-in-law has the tag.)

I was skunked on all of my bull & buck draws. Only drew doe and cow tags. Nonetheless, five hunts that added all together cost me less than the big game combo tag in Montana that I didn't draw.

Grateful for the time off.
Grateful for the opportunity to hunt.
Grateful for the chance to spend time with family and friends.

So excited!
New hunter here. First time here in California. Sounds like a busy season for you. All the luck brother
East Texas (deer and hogs), Central Texas (doves, small game, exotics and deer), South Texas (doves, quail, small game and javelinas), and West Texas (doves and javelinas). Mostly solo, mostly on public land. If you know where to go, Texas is like going on safari without leaving home.
I am just getting started in Texas public land. Are you doing special draw hunts or just the walk ins? I drew in neches NWR for archery end of this month
I am just getting started in Texas public land. Are you doing special draw hunts or just the walk ins? I drew in neches NWR for archery end of this month
Congratulations on getting drawn. I mostly do walk-in hunts but have built up enough points now that I usually get picked for at least one draw hunt too. I was just at Trinity River NWR for a drawn small game hunt.
I drew a Kansas resident Either Species/Either Sex tag so I'll be in NWK hunting mule deer with my dad and uncle during firearm season.

I'll be hunting with my hunting partner for antlerless whitetails in central KS in January.

Simple, but should be fun.
Congratulations on getting drawn. I mostly do walk-in hunts but have built up enough points now that I usually get picked for at least one draw hunt too. I was just at Trinity River NWR for a drawn small game hunt.
Thanks! I'm getting excited. I've only been applying for 3 years, but this was my first draw. If you ever go near Sam Houston or close by, let me know!
From my couch reading all the post on HT and watching videos. All my plans went to hell in a handbag with a broken back. Had to mail my tags back to Colorado on the medical exemption! That was hard!
So post those hunting stories guys and gals!!!!

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