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When Hunting became shooting.

First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

Martin Niemoller
Die hard bowhunters suck. It would be fine by me if the wounding season aka bowhunting went away completely.
I think we all (or most) could agree on the following statements:
1. Technology advancements give people (who don't know any better) a false sense of ability.
2. Each hunter must assess their own abilities to make the most ethical kill possible. The game we chase deserve as much.
3. The us vs. them mentality does not produce positive change. Education and experience do.
Best post on the thread!
First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

Martin Niemoller
Really flirting with that line on the Godwin’s rule, I’m not going to give you the trophy yet, but let’s just say you can see the trophy from where you’re standing.
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Sounds to me like you can't hack it with a bow so you just shoot your mouth off about it. Usually pre teens and a little older act this way. That or you can't road hunt with a bow so you don't like it. Either way carry on.

Sounds to me like you can't hack it with a bow so you just shoot your mouth off about it. Usually pre teens and a little older act this way. That or you can't road hunt with a bow so you don't like it. Either way carry on.
You sure assume alot. And none of it correct I might add.
I dont feel any animosity toward bow hunters here. I think a point was just made that to those outside the community, bow hunting can and does look 'inhumane'. I have even seen the sentiment from foreign hunters (Brits, mainly)
Oh hang on there Tiger I can't let you get away with that statement, I am a Brit, I have never posted on here any negative comments regarding peoples choice of hunting weapon.
Just because archery is banned in Britain doesn't mean a lot of Brits don't won't to hunt archery.
For me the choice would be a rifle, day in, day out, not because I am against bow hunting, or anyone that does it, just because I have zero experience bow hunting, if I could hunt with a bow I would love to, but not at risk of wounding a deer because of my lack of experience.

It's when people push the boundaries beyond their own capabilities that things go tits up, be that archery or rifle.


Unethical is unethical whether it’s a bow or rifle. I hunt with both. I know some rifle hunters want to brag about a 900 yard shot. Some even range find it and will back up to get further away so they can brag about their distance. They also injure many animals that way. I take em as I get em and I’m fine with a close shot. Same thing with bows. I practiced with my bow every morning for a long time before I even went bow hunting. Some don’t and they injure too many animals that way. Every time you point at somebody there are 3 fingers pointing back at you and they’re your fingers.
Oh hang on there Tiger I can't let you get away with that statement, I am a Brit, I have never posted on here any negative comments regarding peoples choice of hunting weapon.
Just because archery is banned in Britain doesn't mean a lot of Brits don't won't to hunt archery.
For me the choice would be a rifle, day in, day out, not because I am against bow hunting, or anyone that does it, just because I have zero experience bow hunting, if I could hunt with a bow I would love to, but not at risk of wounding a deer because of my lack of experience.

It's when people push the boundaries beyond their own capabilities that things go tits up, be that archery or rifle.


I can back that up. When I hunted in Scotland a few years back the game keeper was very interested in archery hunting and felt that he could get hunters on stag after the roar with archery equipment. He was also very interested in e collars and traps that were banned in Scotland for that matter.
I agree with some of what Mr Wentzel wrote. We are more reliant on technology. Denying that is silly. I believe it has made some over confident in their abilities. There also doesn’t seem to be as a much stigma of losing and animal now. A lot of “it happens”, or “that’s hunting” I believe that’s the minority and most hunters know better There have always been bums and bullshitters, they just didn’t have a public forum to spread it so far.

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