Caribou Gear

What’s your tag tab?

This is crazy money. I don't thinking spent more than few $1000 in a year with most of that being refunded. The last 5 years of say I spend $350 on non refundable fees and toss in a few hundred on raffles. No shortage of hunting opportunities though. Usually don't have enough time to do them all.
I just buy all my Montana stuff at resident rates then either apply or buy points for deer, elk, and antelope in WY. One year I thought I’d start building Colorado points then realized that was ridiculous at this stage. Big money year, that one. And I’m now the proud holder of one Colorado bonus point that will probably never get used.

Always intend to start applying for AZ but they’re deadline is damn early and forget.
I might hit $500 this year after I buy my Sportsman's Pack, apply for spring bear, dear, elk, pronghorn, then toss some money in the hat for the ID SuperTag raffle, then I'll buy points in WY for elk and pronghorn.

What's more valuable to me is the time - which is why Wifey's birthday present is 2 concert tickets, airfaire, and a hotel room for her and her best friend to see Taylor Swift in Denver. She carries a heavy burden at home when hunting season rolls around. I guess point could be made that wifey's present could also be rolled up in those tag costs.
I might hit $500 this year after I buy my Sportsman's Pack, apply for spring bear, dear, elk, pronghorn, then toss some money in the hat for the ID SuperTag raffle, then I'll buy points in WY for elk and pronghorn.

What's more valuable to me is the time - which is why Wifey's birthday present is 2 concert tickets, airfaire, and a hotel room for her and her best friend to see Taylor Swift in Denver. She carries a heavy burden at home when hunting season rolls around. I guess point could be made that wifey's present could also be rolled up in those tag costs.
Taylor Swift concert tickets are not cheap… you got insane amounts of bonus points at home for that move
Taylor Swift concert tickets are not cheap… you got insane amounts of bonus points at home for that move
Like most on here, I disappear for most of September and a decent chunk of October. Even when I am home, I'm mentally not there and just waiting until I can leave again. Tickets are waaaaay cheaper than a divorce.
Like most on here, I disappear for most of September and a decent chunk of October. Even when I am home, I'm mentally not there and just waiting until I can leave again. Tickets are waaaaay cheaper than a divorce.
Right there with you. My fall cost is a trip to Wisconsin for Mother’s Day to see her new niece and a 10 day trip for her and our daughter to California before school starts. Taylor swift tickets would have made me dad of the year 😂
How @npaden probably feels when he sees the rest of our totals; that’s impressive man

I think there are quite a few others on this forum that have similar numbers, they just don't want to add them up or actually admit what the total is.

The nonrefundable piece is the real cost, most years we only draw one or two tags.
I would take the ex to Santa Fe and even stayed at La Fonda, once. Eat at the best. Drive through the country and look see.
Come back in the fall to hunt. She would stay in a B&B and hold down the fort.
I ate a lot of PB&J's to do that. No refunds.
Great return on investment.
My ex is still one of my best friends.
When all the smoke cleared in 2022 I ended up paying $37,070.30 with $34,762.00 of that being refundable and $2,308.30 of that being nonrefundable licenses and fees (almost $500 of that being Wyoming credit card fees).

The end result was that my son drew his second choice New Mexico mule deer tag so that was $355 out of the $34,762 that was not refunded.

Subtract that $355 deer tag cost from $2308 and it's $1950 in non-refundables (for 2 people). So, about $975 in non-refundables per person. Zero tag costs in there.

Many are spending 2-3 times that in non-refundables, easily.

Randy Newberg's non-refundables are likely well more than $975/year. But that is a tax deductible business expense for Randy.

NR applying + points (all species, no tags)
MT $600 (have to take 80% refund on the combo, in order to point collect for LQ)
WY $500 (all species, points, card fees)

A NR could easily surpass @npaden using only those two states, MT & WY. But then he might add on:
AK $370 (all species, all 6 chances; less on years don't have to buy the base license)
NV $400
ID $400 (card fees)
AZ $270 (less on off years)
CO $150
UT $150 (less on off years)
NM $160
VT $50
NH $25
ME $55 (one ten-pack Moose)
VA, KY, PA, WA, CA, OR, etc...

The above is ballpark - and about $3,000. Some guys do all of that and more.

That does NOT include:
WY, ID, NV supper lottery draws, "dream" tags
AZ "limited entry" extra draw BS (now, twice per year?)
Organization raffles
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Sheesh, even after only applying for moose, so far my tab is only like $160.

Still less than what I spent on zebra cakes throughout the season, but still!!

Looking forward to seeing what everyone draws this year.
Between my hunting age kids and I wer're into WY as residents about $1,000 all up (fishing, cons. lic, small game, etc. included). Ballpark $300 of that is likely to stay with the department.

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