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Whats your most accurate rifle?

I am fortunate to have 4 rifles that will shoot .5 inch 3 shot groups at 100 yds. Kimber montana in 6.5 creed with Hornady outfitter 120 gr gmx, remington 700 adl in 270 win with 130 gr federal blue box, savage weather warrior with accustock and trigger in 308 using 150 core-lokt, and howa 6.5 creed using 140 gr fusion. Generally I have found that if you do some searching you can find a load that will shoot well in any rifle. My savage 308 is a good example. Its real accurate with the core-lokt and about .75 with federal 180 gr nosler partitions but nothing to write home with regarding some of the other loads I tried.
My dads savage 116 trophy hunter .270. The gun shoots 5 times every year. 3 shots at 100 in a clover leaf sighting in, 1 at an elk, 1 at a deer. I don’t think it’s been cleaned in the 8ish years he’s owned it.
Remington 700 in 7mm RM. 4” groups at 830 yards with Mr. Van Franke on the trigger. He trued up the action, trigger tech trigger. Original barrel and stock. He’s turned it into a shooter.
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I went shooting with a friend of mine yesterday in preparation for our Montana spring bear hunt. He’s very new to hunting, and, after we went back and forth on brand and caliber, he recently settled on and purchased his first hunting rifle, a Tikka T3X lite in 300WM, and topped it with a VX3 scope.

We were testing some hand loads my brother prepped (he’s big into it and, unlike me, has the time and resources to do it well). We were shooting some 200 grain ELD-X, meant to mimic the Precision Hunter line, and two sets of 200 grain Nosler partitions (one with 70 grain charge and another at 70.5, the latter of which is Nosler’s reported best charge).

Anyway, I was super impressed with how that Tikka shot out of the box. I forgot to take some snaps of the target, but it was shooting sub-1/2” groups at 100 yards (with a Caldwell “The Rock” shooting rest).

My Weatherby Vanguard BC can reliably shoot consistent sub-MOA groups at 100 yards, but I was very impressed with the Tikka, particularly given the price point ($899 at Cabela’s) and will def be keeping them in mind next time I’m in the market for a new rifle.
i am no marksman as i don't target shoot but i hunt with my rifles. i do not handload either so all factory ammo. The best have been these two

My grandfathers Mauser m98 in 30-06, with all factory ammo everything is under 1.5" at 100m with majority of factory ammo around 0.75". all three shot groupings
My Sauer 101 in 270, with all premium factory under 1" with 5 shot groupings. 5 shot groupings are around 1-0.95". Three shot groups around 0.5" at 100m. with cheap factory around 1.5 inches.
Tikka t3x 25-06 stock rifle. It shoots Hornady sst and Barnes ttsx within the 1" target squares if I do a good job.
Tikka T3 Forest in 30-06. Consistently shoots <0.5 MOA with multiple loads.
I think my most accurate rifle is an Anschutz Model 1422 in .22lr. I guess it's circa 1980, West Germany. I really don't know what kind of groups it is capable of, but it's a far better gun than I am a shooter.

My most accurate center-fire rifle is a Steyr-Mannlicher tactical model in .308. I pretty much use it for all my hunting now. Even with my limited abilities, I get .75" groups with it shooting Nosler Partitions. And that's "real world" groups. In Hunttalk Forum World, that's like one hole. :LOL:
Off my bipod no bags. Tikka action 6.5 prc. I don't even know if it's my most accurate rifle but it's by far my most favorite one to shoot. I can hit a 6 inch steel target every time at 750 yards from the bipod. I don't use bags or a lead sled. Yes it's a little heavy for a mountain rifle at just under 10.5 pounds but I would rather carry 3 pounds more in a rifle I shoot all the time than one I don't. I will say that my Tikka t3 308 is extremely accurate and why I have a Tikka obsession. I only have 7 of them now.


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Oddly enough my cheep ruger american predator 6.5 creedmoore is my most accurate gun. Not picky on ammo either.
Oddly enough my cheep ruger american predator 6.5 creedmoore is my most accurate gun. Not picky on ammo either.
Now that you mention it, my son's Ruger American compact in 243 is actually the least expensive and most accurate rifle in our safe.
Now that you mention it, my son's Ruger American compact in 243 is actually the least expensive and most accurate rifle in our safe.
RAP in 243 would be an awesome rifle to have. I have a ruger American go wild in 300wm I have yet to shoot. I may have to get one in 243 for my sons first hunting rifle. He is only 9 month but hey, why not? Lol
7mm rem mag. Browning a-bolt action and barrel with a BOSS tuner. Have swapped the stock and done a trigger job.. Crazy accurate with 160gr nosler accubond hand loads out to 800 yards.
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Ruger 77 target/varmint model in .204. Not a surprise that I shoot this one best since most of my others are lightweight mountain rifles in magnum calibers.
Not one I shoot regularly and have only used in the field a few times....a Ruger model 77 in .338 Win Mag that I bought new in 1982. It will spit out almost any bullet between 200gr and 250gr into a sub 1", 3-shot group any day of the week.
The most accurate gun I every shot was the first 3 times I fired it. It was for sale and the seller agreed to let me shoot it a 100 yard gun range in between where we lived. It’s a Weatherby Mark V Accumark in .257 Weatherby Mag. At 100 yards I could barley tell where the 2nd shot we walked down to the target and the two shots were overlapping by about 50%. We went back to the bench, chatted for about 5 minutes and I fired the 3rd shot. Again we walked down to the target to find that the 3rd shot was overlapping the first 2 shots. The group was about 0.25”, literally. I was shooting his hand loads. The odd thing was that at 100 yards I was about 1” left and 2” high of center. I think that he was surprised at the group as much or more than I was. LOL.

And yes, I bought it on the spot and paid full price. He would not negotiate one cent. LOL. It is now my go to rifle for hunting out West.

Close contenders are my two Rugers in .243 Winchester, both bone stock. One is a M77 Mark II in stainless with the synthetic boat paddle stock, and the other is the American with a black matte finish and plastic stock. They both can shoot less than an inch.
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