Whats your favorite lunch.


Active member
Nov 14, 2010
Montana City, MT
Alright everyone im tired of the same old cold sandwhich while out hunting during the day. What kind of things do you like to have. Keep in mind im not hunting near the truck so it has to be something I can cook over an open fire or eat without cooking.
My usual go-to lunch is a chunk of salami or pepperoni, good hard cheese and crackers. It's quick-ish (obviously not going to eat while on the run), requires no cooking and is filling.
Peanut butter and bacon on a bagel. Almond butter and peanut butter "perfect bars", epic meat bars. The epic and perfect bars are a bit expensive but I buy a few each time I go to the stores that carry them and before long I have a fridge full of them and love them while hunting. My daughter says the epic bars remind her of eating a dog treat, but I never go hunting without them.
standard meat and cheese and carb of some sort...I also have been known to eat PB&J w/bacon. hard boiled eggs, sardines (remember a few bags for the trash), tuna in a pouch, and other processed meats are often on the menu

B**thole sandwiches...peanut butter, bacon, honey on an everything bagel happen sometimes too
After this years hunt I have to say it’s elk heart cooked over an open fire. But before that 1st elk was down it was cheese and salami with a Heathers Choice packaroon to top it off.
My usual go-to lunch is a chunk of salami or pepperoni, good hard cheese and crackers. It's quick-ish (obviously not going to eat while on the run), requires no cooking and is filling.

"Good" Hard cheese is a key. Add a couple tortillas and some little mayo packets and that's my daily meal most of the time. All of that rolls up in a ziploc and fits under the spotter.

When I am ambitious enough to carry the JetBoil (or if hunting birds out of the truck or on the raft) - my new standby is Mountain House Biscuits and Gravy with 3-4 packets of Taco Bell Hot sauce and a couple of strips of cooked bacon to mix in (and a Melvin IPA). I had the latter yesterday scouting pheasant properties in NE colorado. I may go home and have that right now, actually. MH ain't cheap, but I don't know if I can make Biscuits and Gravy from scratch any cheaper :)
I like carrying my backpacking stove even for day hunts and heating something up to compliment the standard sammich or salami and cheese. Might add a little weight but it's a good pick me up to eat something hot when it's cold. I've done cup of noodles, dehydrated meals, soup, even reheat crock pot stew.
Bagel, cream cheese, salami, and banana peppers. Or string cheese, Trisket crackers, and smoked salmon, tuna or salami or elk jerkey. Snacks include dried mango and banana chips. Power Bar and trail mix made with cashews, pecans, Reeses Pieces, and chocolate chips.
Alright everyone im tired of the same old cold sandwhich while out hunting during the day. What kind of things do you like to have. Keep in mind im not hunting near the truck so it has to be something I can cook over an open fire or eat without cooking.

I like kippered snacks and crackers.

I also carry trailmix in a little ziplock bag to snack on.

Another option is an MRE. Just make sure you chew the gum afterwards ;)
I usually have a tuna lunch meal in my pack. The prepackaged ones with crackers and I'll add another packet of tuna. Mix in some Taco Bell hot sauce and a mayo packet and your good to go. Fruit cup and cookie come with it for dessert.
Some salami and real Parmesan cheese in the block form is another favorite.
Thin packed mesquite and other flavored tuna packs. Good protein boost for the snack as well.
Favorite is chunked up medium cheddar cheese - bite size thuringer or summer sausage - vegetable thin crackers. I put the cheese and meat in a quart ziplock bag and the crackers in another. I like the taste and it seems to stick well with you.
I'm so sick of cold sandwiches too. Just some sliced summer sausage, cheese, and crackers is a small but welcome change. Also, mountain house meals are great and don't weigh anything. Its much easier to stay focused when you're out all day if you have good food to eat.
My favorite is grouse fajitas cooked in bacon grease...but that's not always available or practical.
My buddies wife banana bread. He thinks I invite him every year because I enjoy his company. Nope.......... its the bread

BUT........... to all you hunters out there who are lucky to have your wife or someone make bread or cookies for you. Never under any circumstance EVER bring left overs home. Feed the birds with the leftovers. My buddy ( same one) brought some cookies back because we couldn't eat them all. They were awesome, but we had like 4 dozen. Aint never seen one since.
On the peanut butter and bacon on a bagel, I use a high protein dark bagel, something my son came up with and orders online, at first I thought what the hell is this you can hardly chew the things but they last longer that way and I've gotten used to them, in fact prefer them over softer bagels or bread.
I like a good warm soup along with my sandwich or just some bread. Either in a thermos or a packet rehydrated over a backpacking stove.
I'd kill for a cold sandwich about day 5 of a backpack hunt. :D

I usually have a mix of energy bars, nuts, jerky/biltong, cheese maybe a tortilla or bagel, smoked salmon, almonds and a Snickers or Baby Ruth.

Makes dinner all that much better.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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