PEAX Equipment

What's yer total?

My 82 year old elk hunting buddy has a leather scabbard that has notches for elk and deer on it. Pretty impressive when the notches cover both sides. I'll have to get a picture of that sometime.

I used to keep track back when I hunted just my home state. Once I started hunting other states I lost track. Too many to count for elk, deer, antelope and bear without going back through all my old licenses. 3 moose, 1 brown bear, 1 dall, 1 bighorn and 1 mountain goat.
I do keep track and have been keeping journals for a long time as well. Almost embarrassing to post this but I guess I will:

Elk: 83
Deer (total, coues, whitetail, blacktail, mule deer): 128
Moose: 4
Bighorn: 2
Desert Sheep: 1
Dall Sheep:1
Black bear: 5
Pronghorn: 78
Musk ox: 1
Mountain goat: 1
Lion: 1
oryx: 1

I've also shot a lot of hogs, sika, fallow, axis, aoudad, etc. on a buddies place in Texas, didn't keep track of those.

I'm slowing down as I get older I could easily have a bunch more pronghorn, I haven't killed a doe in over dozen years. I don't shoot many deer anymore either.

Been sort of tough on the elk since moving to Wyoming though.
I also didn't tack on all the MT WT does that get added to a bird hunting trip back east. There's a couple handful of them.

You know how it's trendy by some (one) famous hunting personalities to claims we're currently in the good old days of elk hunting?

"Hold my Beer." -Buzz
I haven't kept track but kind of wish I did. I think I've killed close to 20 elk, same for antelope, dozen deer and 2 moose.
I used to keep track of animal shot distance etc. haven’t updated in a few years so I should do that. Also have all my old fur receipts so can get a guess in what I have sold granted not every animal I catch is skinnable
When I was a kid a kept a note pad with tick marks for all the tweety birds, prairie dogs, badgers and so on, that I had shot. It's still at my grandparents place. I don't write down or keep track of my big game hunting now, most of those shots are etched into my brain, hopefully forever.
I spend a lot of time bowhunting WT does and fawns, ground ambush w/o a blind. Plentiful opportunity and it hasn’t gotten old since I first started in ‘00. Lots of goof-ups and missed opportunities, but it’s a fun challenge with piles of unfilled tags interrupted by kill here or there. I don’t have much ambition to record data. Among many things I enjoy about the experience is perfecting a variety of skills and using them in concert.
Shot a bunch of stuff since i started in 2000. Aside from antlers and turkey spurs, the closest thing I have is a mason jar with all my elk ivories. I’ve shot an elk every year since I moved out west (8), and I hope to need a second jar before I give up.
I have 40 big game animals on my list including mostly whitetail but a handful each of muleys, elk, pronghorn plus 1 bear. I desperately hope to go moose hunting someday but never have. Sheep is a dying/dead dream. I probably should have double this number of kills and certainly a few more elk in there given the extreme DIY effort related to cross country travel! Overall, by choice, I rarely shoot more than 2 animals combined per year, and often shoot none locally due to freezer space limits and its generally just me eating them and I hunt mostly for food and the travel/adventure. I only have two taxidermy mounts on my wall.

Tons of turkeys, ducks, pheasant, other small game through the years too.

*every big game animal and 99% of any small game was taken on public land.
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I started hunting around 22 yrs ago as a kid in MN. Have 5 seasons of western big game hunting. For a guy that hunts so much I am not very good at it. WT numbers are approximate, WT and black bear were all MN:
WT Does - 7
WT Bucks - 3
Black bear - 2
Elk - 1
Pronghorn - 1
Moose - 1
Turkey - 2
The only thing I've tallied has been elk. Just because for many years I wanted to shoot an elk. An elk hunt seemed as unattainable as the moon to a teenage kid on the Coast of California. While I bought my first elk TAG in 1994 in Idaho, and missed my first elk in Oregon in 1995, I never really HUNTED elk until 2006 I then had a streak of drawing 11 elk tags in 10 years that I did well with.

What I am proud of though is I'm getting closer to my goal of hunting all the 11 Western States and eventually killing an elk in each one. I'm 8/11 so far on hunting each state and 5/11 on killing elk in each state. (states remaining are ID, WA, AZ, CO, MT)

I did create a digital Trophy room on a Blog i wrote when I was trying to become a outdoor writer(now called influencers)
Taken on the CA near red mtn before it sold. Had my sister and girlfriend along around Christmas 2018. Basically guided by the owners son. Saw literally 1000 head in a few hours. First and only elk I’ve taken out whole in my truck. In the pic, can see my old stomping grounds in the peaks in the background that pretty much don’t have shit for elk in them anymore. It ate good. I’d shoot a cow again, if I had freezer room for one.
I was just joking I’ve shot 2 cows. One in the Bridgers, one in the bitterroot back in the college days. Things have changed since then. The more impressive stat would be 25 bulls and no raghorns? I was happy as hell when I shot a small 5 point north of Missoula, my first bull. I will not be posting my stats to save myself the embarrassment.
Here in the Hoosier state you used to have to take your deer whole to a check station and they would give you a metal tag. I kept the metal tags on the first buck rack I killed until the antlers were full then started putting them in a box. They stopped doing that and you just check them in on line. Now you can log in and see how many deer and turkey you've checked in on line. I have no idea how many whitetail I have killed. Mule deer is tough as well. Elk and Antelope I can figure.
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