What's up with the lighted nock deal?

As technology advances, and it becomes less about hunting and more about shooting, then seasons will be lost. So does it matter that more people get involved but for a shorter time frame? If your business is making money off of it, then yes that's alright.

My point exactly!! (in a tongue and cheek way...)

I mean to read some of these posts you'd think some folks only hunt with a spear. Not a magnified telescopic sight, or compound bows shooting 300fps, long range rigs, etc.

My reasoning for my previous point was to subtly say, be careful about what you want regulated and outlawed.....since you probably use some sort of technological equipment that might be put on the chopping block. I myself do not want to hunt with a spear or sharp rock.....
If a state wants to ban lighted knocks because of a blanket stance on electronics so be it. But if your saying lighted knocks are so big an advantage to kill something what is your thoughts on blaze orange vanes to help see your arrow flight? I use both in Wisconsin and I can tell you with my personal experiences lighted knocks do not give me more shots or closer shots of more accuracy. They do not give me a higher opportunity rate at all. All i get is a slightly higher retrieval rate by letting me know instantly I f'ed up a shot and I need to sleep on it before looking for a poorly hit animal. I don't hunt wide open spaces here for deer. An overcast fall afternoon in thick timber makes it tough to see arrow flights at any time. It is what it is, but that little light that comes on after the hard part of getting the full draw and arrow released doesn't make me feel like I accomplished less when meat hits the freezer.
interesting points by both sides. but lighted nocks have no impact on the shot that is taken. like Scmalts said, you still have to get to full draw and make the shot. and for some of us, seeing the arrow in flight, is actually enjoyable.

as far as technology being responsible for more archery hunters. bull. for most, it is the length of the seasons and the ease of getting tags. know this is a western board, but here in illinois, the archery season runs for 3 1/2 months. we don't have the numbers of bowhunters because a bow can shoot 100 yards. we have them because there is time to get out. our gun season is one 3 day weekend in november, then another 4 day season in december. not too hard to see why bowhunting is popular here.
it all depends on the particular state,,some states want you to find your game after the shot,some dont.
Name one state that does not want you to "find your game after shot".

What possible reason would that be and how did you arrive at that conclusion?
Does anyone know what the penalty for using lighted knocks in montana is? It would be sad for someone to get their elk confiscated because they came to this state ignorant about lighted knocks and used them.