Aug 22, 2007 #81 B BareBack Jack New member Joined Apr 29, 2005 Messages 39 Location Moccasin,Montana This is mine horn wise This mulie scored 189 7/8 B&C and grossed 192 The whitie was(is my biggest todate at 155 b&C,weight he was my largest at 235 lbs haning(hide,head,horns and legs) BBJ Attachments 100_0169.jpg 30.6 KB · Views: 186 100_0168.jpg 25.3 KB · Views: 186
This is mine horn wise This mulie scored 189 7/8 B&C and grossed 192 The whitie was(is my biggest todate at 155 b&C,weight he was my largest at 235 lbs haning(hide,head,horns and legs) BBJ
Aug 22, 2007 #82 Bambistew Well-known member Joined Dec 10, 2002 Messages 7,780 Location Chugiak, AK mdcrossbow said: Where is chithowl MD ? Click to expand... Pick a spot.... Baltimore
Sep 10, 2007 #83 S Silent But Deadly New member Joined Jul 25, 2001 Messages 196 Location Great Falls, MT Wow, those deer are huge. From my biggest bull, I only netted 15 lbs of meat from the processor. If I do a reverse calculation, the live weight must have been somewhere between 40 - 50 lbs.
Wow, those deer are huge. From my biggest bull, I only netted 15 lbs of meat from the processor. If I do a reverse calculation, the live weight must have been somewhere between 40 - 50 lbs.