Whats the biggest deer you have shot?

My biggest Whitetail-and only- was in 1986 and weighed real close to 277lbs
My biggest mulie was in 1988 and weighed just over 300
My biggest elk was in 1993 and was just 690 lbs-6X6
My biggest moose was in 2008 and weighed----wait a minute----i'm getting ahead of myself.....

You weighing those critters with head and hides on by chance?
Oh Yeah!!!

Whitetail was shot in northern Idaho near G-pa's cabin and still had guts too!
Mulie from 59A was gutted but still whole-weighed at Glenwood in IF.
Bull was in 3 pcs also weighed at Glenwood.
Moose was-ah heck-here I go again....
My dad harvested a buck in unit 75 in '86 or '87 that was much bigger than mine, but far less than 100lbs bigger. No weight just memory.
My biggest whitey weighed 205# dressed. Have seen a couple others that were truly weighed and netted around 225# to 240# dressed.

Have heard about a whole lot of 250#+ dressed deer ..... most of these never got weighed.

I know they get some slammers further north (Minnesota, Canada, etc.) where 250# dressed isn't all that unusual, but around these parts, anything that tops 200# is a big un.
My biggest deer, with only a few to my name, I have been hunting since I was nine but my father would not give me the smokepole till I weighed more, so at 13 years old I started hunting with the gun and at 15 I shot a 5x4 blacktail that dressed out at around 125. I shot one this year that weighed more but not much in the way of horns. But my cousin has by far shot the biggest horned washington blacktail I have seen taken down, not to say there isn't a bigger one in the books

here is my 5x4


here is my biggest bodied deer

Here is my cousins buck
Some nice looking deer there Leamme. I am have been working towards my daughter getting into hunting and she will be joining me in the woods with a shotgun looking for small game this year. I can't wait. Kids can not hunt here untill age 14 and can not hunt deer untill age 16. Nice to see kids into hunting keep up the great work.
i shot this buck in oregon in 93 the next year i shot a spike elk and got less meat out of the 18moth old elk than this buck. i'll guess about 350lbs without guts hanging in the photo
My first deer was a 130 lb black tail doe, my next deer was a 80 lb black tail spike and my biggest deer ever shot was a 140 lb 2x4 mule deer. All of these weights are field dressed.
I really enjoyed my killing my first deer and the 2x4 mule deer buck. I think I posted the story about it.

Quick Draw
Idontno Ron:

I imagine you've seen "thousands" of deer as you decribe, but 205 pounds of meat (not boned) is possible......I've arowed close to 100 deer over the years, that particular one being the biggest ever......according to the butchers scale in Fredonia.

As a former warden I too have checked quite a few deer, however, none of the weight I've described, as they just don't grow them that big here in the Golden State. However, they do exist.......maybe YOU haven't experienced them, but BC & SAS have recorded some heavy deer as well.

Do you know what the heaviest recorded mule deer is?

WOW MAN!!! That is an awesome deer. If you ever need someone to hunt with let me know!!!! LOL!!!
I've gotten a few big ones. One weighed (dressed) about 975 lbs. UNTIL I got him back to the truck. The biggest one I weighed was skinned, (minus fore legs, head and a few pounds of trimmed fat and gun shot) and cut in two pieces. The two pieces weighed 98 lbs and 104 lbs. The one I estimated at 975, weighed 242, (with skin and forelegs) on the scale. They had net scores of 202 and 204.
Nice bucks. Does the second from the right have a big flyer off the mainbeam?

The one on the far left is a hoss.
no I WISH LOL, that's an arrow laying across his antlers

The left one scored 140 1/8th 8 point with a shooter point on the left G-2

The corner buck is the one I posted a pic of earler dressed 220#

These are all bow kills at 15 yards or less.

Where is chithowl MD ?
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