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Whats the biggest deer you have shot?

hanging weight and wrapped meat weight is two different things. Over 200 pounds of wrapped meat? Like Greene said I would also like to see a picture. Sorry if this is offending you I am not trying to "push Buttons" I just don't beleave it. I have seen bucks that had hanging weight of 190 pounds. I would not doubt a 205 hanging carcass.
Sorry I still say BS. Ron
Idontno Ron:

205 pounds of meat (not boned)

hanging weight and wrapped meat weight is two different things. Over 200 pounds of wrapped meat?

Ron- That means it hasn't ben deboned, probably not packaged then.

I don't have a clue how to add multiple quotes... anyway I think I take bohntr's word for about anything.
Well he said,
"One was a huge non-typical from Kaibab that gave me 205 pounds of butchered meat"
To me that is cut and wrapped. Even if it were bone in cuts, 205?
If he said hanging weight of 205, OK I will buy that one.
Yes I have seen thousands of deer in check stations. I have worked the opener for 8 years in different locations but mostly the Mountain Home check station. The Mountain Home Check station is VERY busy. I have also worked a enforcement station. I have seen a lot of deer alive and dead. None that would go 205 pounds of wrapped meat bone in or out.
I have killed 17 elk, that is not a huge number but I am no novice at elk. Some were spikes some were cows and a couple of good bulls. I have been with other hunters that have killed elk and helped butcher a lot of elk. I would say in all way over 30 head taken and butchered. The cow in this picture is a average cow. The average cow will give about 200 pounds of boned meat. Some times a little more sometimes a little less.
This cow is bigger than ANY deer I have ever seen. Ron
I'd say the average mature cow elk yields less than 200 pounds of meat. I'd say more like 140-160.'

Several years ago a buddy of mine had a cow permit near Gardiner and they weigh lots of elk that come through the check station. The average weight of a cow elk...gutted was 330 pounds. Take off the head, hide, legs, large'd be lucky to get 200 pounds of clear meat off them.

I also find it difficult to believe 205 lbs of meat from a deer, even with bone in cuts.
Another ND hunter here so take it for what it's worth but our local wildlife club has held a big buck contest (east-central ND) for roughly 25 years and the biggest buck weighed in (field-dressed weight only) was 235 lbs which is a dang big buck, at least for here and we don't exactly have those buck and a quarter sized deer like they do in Texas either. Anyway the winner of the contest is typically somewhere around the 200 lb field-dressed mark.

That said, some of you gents must be able to debone a deer a WHOLE lot better then I can because we don't come anywhere close to the numbers some of you are claiming here.

Just my two cents.
Here's a site that has some interesting methods to guestimate deer weight.

Bohntr's 205lbs of meat had a live weight of approximately 465lbs. Dressed weight of 368lbs. Huge, but honestly not unbelievable.

Notice the chest girth estimates. I've never weighed the biggest ones I've shot, but have taken the girth measurements behind the shoulder. Twice over 54" and 2 others over 50".

IDRon, that's a big cow - but you have to take into consideration that you are the size of an elf.
Bwana, I shot a big whitetail just over the border from you and weighed it (dressed). 190lbs. I may have taken one heavier when I was younger, but not sure. I'm fairly sure some of the mule deer I've seen have dressed weight well over 100lbs more than the whitetails I'm familiar with near you. 200# dressed is damn big. I've been laughed at more than once when I say I've seen deer that weigh over 400# alive.
I shot a yearling (1.5yo cow) and a big bodied deer in CO a few years ago. I cut and wrapped all the meat myself, very little blood shot and none wasted...

it took two boxes for the meat from each animal... 70lbs is the limit per peice of luggage, so I had nearly 140lbs of elk and 140lbs of deer minus the wieght of the boxes themselvs. According to web page above that would equate to approximately... 305lbs on the hoof... I'd buy that, I think the elk would weigh more having bigger bones, head, hide etc... Good thing the elk ate well because the deer was pretty raunchy.
You know guys, I'll be honest, when I picked up the meat from the locker, I signed for 205 pounds of meat. I took that to mean I had 205 pounds of cut/wrapped meat (not boned). It filled my 160 quart ice chest and part of a smaller chest. Are you saying the weight I signed for could be a hanging weight??? I guess that's possible. However, other lockers I've been to when I sign it's usually for the actual weight picked up.

I'll only add that this buck was well over 300 pounds live weight. A huge pot-bellied 9 year old stud of buck that took three people to load up. It was also the largest the meat cutter had seen.....and he lives between the Kaibab and Paunsaguant. I know there's lots of stories about big this and big that, especially on the net, but this animal was by far the heaviest muley I've not only arrowed, but seen.
According to the MT FWP the largest Mule deer on record (Whole: 453, dressed: 340) While white-tail come in at (Whole: 375, dressed: 275)

The entire list:

Bear, Black 505
Bear, Grizzly 1,102
Lion, Mountain 176
American Elk 1,010 810
Deer, Mule 453 340
Deer, Whitetailed 375 275
Shiras "Wyoming" Moose 1,117 840
Pronghorn 160 121
Bison 1,555
Rocky Mountain Goat 310 212
Sheep, Bighorn 302 222
Here's a buck my dad killed in 1985. Not sure how much it weighed but was the biggest bodied deer any of us have ever seen. It's hanging next to an average sized spike.

Most butchers charge based on hanging weight and the biggest deer I've killed hung 140 with the head and hide off. I would bet the 205 pounds was hanging weight. Still a huge deer.
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BOHNTR, The meat lockers here Weigh the animals as they come in. You are charged .80 per pound to cut and wrap. They charge based on the carcass weight. You get less because of trimmings and bones. I can see that this is most likely the reason for the misunderstanding. Still a 205 buck carcass weight is a STUD, And I don't doubt that that was what it was.
Greenhorn, Elf? Man you are giving me credit where none is due!hump
I about shot pepsie out my nose when I read that. Ron
Here's the one I think might be the heaviest I shot. I really do think he was over 400 on the hoof. His chest girth was 54.5" and his neck was 32.5" around the most swollen part. Doesn't look it, but the think was REALLY big. Never will know because I didn't weigh it.


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Here's the biggest buck I ever shot, which happened to be my first of only two so far.

I have absolutely no idea how heavy he was but it felt like about a billion lbs. But I'm a wuss and was alone to dress him out and had never gutted anything bigger than a quail before that.
My buck from last year was the biggest bodied deer I've taken. I cut the back half up myself, but took the front half to a meat cutter for sausage and some other treats. That half alone went 95 lbs. He had fat along his back an honest 4 inches thick.
Hmm, Greenhorn...huge body on that buck and he's hanging whole in your garage. Did you kill him in a wheat field? ;)