Caribou Gear Tarp

Whats the biggest deer you have shot?

Here is my biggest!
I've only weighed one deer... just happens it was a whitetail that dressed 198. The whitetail I shot last year was in the same class weight wise, big azz deer. I've killed a couple mule deer that were rather big as well. Probably not quite 400 pounds, but I'm guessing in the 325-350 range. One netted 140lbs of boneless meat, the other was 120+/-lbs...

Here's one of the 'chubbies'. [yes he's gutted]

I have arrowed two deer over the years that were exceptionally heavy. One was a huge non-typical from Kaibab that gave me 205 pounds of butchered meat.

The other was an old buck I arrowed in CO last year. I made two trips of boned-out meat that totaled over 100 pounds (including rib meat, etc.). Here's a photo of the body compared to me:

Go to and click on the big buck/doe contest link and scroll down to the 2003 contest and checkout the weight of the winner. These are field dressed deer and very few make 200+ pounds. The biggest of ND bucks seem to come from right around the border in the Turtle Mountains.

The biggest I have taken is probably in the 170-180 lb. range.
2006 Saskatchewan Buck

Here my largest buck to date taken in central Saskatchewan on november 14th during a snowstorm, the buck weighed well over 300lbs and took 3 of us to drag him out cut in half. his antlers have a 22" inside spread and he had battlescars all over his face, including a limp ear which had a hole poked at the base of the ear probably from fighting. enjoy! 154 3/8"

J.F.C !
BS7, that's a Hog! congrats
I have arrowed two deer over the years that were exceptionally heavy. One was a huge non-typical from Kaibab that gave me 205 pounds of butchered meat.

Sorry, I have to call BS on it. I have seen thousands of deer come through check stations. That deer would have been the size of a rag horn bull. Ron
Idontno Ron:

I imagine you've seen "thousands" of deer as you decribe, but 205 pounds of meat (not boned) is possible......I've arowed close to 100 deer over the years, that particular one being the biggest ever......according to the butchers scale in Fredonia.

As a former warden I too have checked quite a few deer, however, none of the weight I've described, as they just don't grow them that big here in the Golden State. However, they do exist.......maybe YOU haven't experienced them, but BC & SAS have recorded some heavy deer as well.

Do you know what the heaviest recorded mule deer is?
I have arrowed two deer over the years that were exceptionally heavy. One was a huge non-typical from Kaibab that gave me 205 pounds of butchered meat.

Sorry, I have to call BS on it. I have seen thousands of deer come through check stations. That deer would have been the size of a rag horn bull. Ron

I'd take BOHNTR's word to the bank any day...........
205 lbs. I'd like to see a picture of it. That's borderline unbelievable. Even on a 450lb deer, live weight, I doubt you'd get 205lbs, unless you were grinding everything and adding a lot of tallow. Dunno. But I have seen mule deer that outweight small bull elk. Pretty sure of it - but who knows, I don't carry a scale.
I'd ditto what AZ402 said hump

I remember an article once in the Billings Gazette that said the Montana's record mule deer dressed out at something like 340 pounds and I know that there have been whiteys taken that hit the 400 pound field dressed mark.

Freaks yep, but after hogzilla II the sky's the limit ;)
Here is the first and biggest deer I have ever gotten. I did not get a weight after field dressing but when I put the meat in the freezer I had 130lbs of bonless (the roasts and ribs were not boneless all other was). We tried to calculate it back and i would guess in the 200lb range on the hoof.


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My biggest was a whitetail that went 207 lbs dressed. It was a nice 8 point, 4 on each side, 18 inches inside spread. Shot him with my bow at about 10 yards on Oct 4th of 2004 or 5.

Circa 1975-76, I killed a 145-150 class WT ( I reckon I should scan some of those old pics) in Northern MN that weighed 276# dressed on a locker plant scale. A couple years prior a friend of the family whacked one in the same area that weighed 292# at the same locker plant. As Smalls said bout the Turtle Mtns in northern ND, I killed a WT buck north of Bottineau that was big in body weight but my best scoring WT ever. The antlers were subsequently stolen (along with a Weatherby .22, camera etc.) and all I have to show is one picture taken with an old polaroid.