What's on your bow sight for pins/ranges?

Spott Hogg 7 pin but it’s a little overkill don’t think I’ve ever shot anything using anything but the first 2 pins. First pin is zeroed at 30. Fun to practice with the bottom pins but knowing how I shoot I wouldn’t shoot at an animal.
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I have three set ups right now. My primary whitetail bow is a 4 pin MBG Revenge, I go 20, 30, 40, 50

My other two bows have MGB ascent verdicts on them, three pins, 25,-35,45, I float the middle pin
I have a single pin. Spot Hogg sounds familiar, I'll go with that for a manufacturer. I have practiced out to 80 yrds with it. I suck that far. Eye's aren't so good at that range. Maybe I need a scope? Lazer? Maybe, just pull back about 10 bows and set them up at wallows with a release attached to a cell phone activator and hunt from my computer. I seem to get into enough fights from the damn thing maybe I can hunt in between arguments?
You could get bifocals but have the main lenses just be clear glass, same with contacts I think
I have a BG 5 pin slider. Shoot out over 100 all the time. Never moved the sight while hunting. Haven't even used the bottom 2 pins hunting. Used to have a fixed 7 pin and used them all a time or two. I like to think I'm a better hunter now.
I'm right eye dominant but shoot left handed. I never knew that until I'd shot a bow for nearly 15 years. Using multiple pin sights has been difficult for me as my right eye tends to want to take over and causes a blurry sight picture. Past 40 yards with a multiple pin sight was iffy. About 3 years ago someone suggested a single pin slider sight so I got a Montana Black Gold single pin slider and it really made me a better shot. I can shoot really good groups to 50 and decent to 70. I really shouldn't take a shot over 40 yards though.
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I had a single slider at one time but have switched to a fixed 4 pin. Schaffer Opposition. 25/40/50/60, and practice them all, but only plan to use the 25 and 40 in practicality.
Straight to the pig pen with this one. What kind of sight do you use, how many pins, what ranges? If you've got a slider, how far will it go, and how far have you practiced with it at?

Not judging.. :D

I have a black gold 7 pin. It works for me. All pins are the bright fluorescent green with exception of the center pin which is set at 70 yards - that one's red. I've started using fixed pins in 1983. 10, 20, 30 40. to start. Then I stretched them out about a decade later. Then, in about 2001 I felt the simplistic, holier than though need to just use 3 pins, 20, 40 60. I learned that was a bad idea the very next year. Now I have 7 pins and have been there for about a decade - 20, 40, 60, a red 70, then 80, 90, 100. I practice using all of them, usually, plenty. Would almost never take a first shot at an animal using those bottom pins, but it's the infrequent times that a follow-up shot at a longer range could come into use - that's the main reason why I have them. Also, when you can hit a beer can at 100 yards, you're usually good to go under good conditions at ranges under 50. Being able to practice at longer distances opens up your eyes to shooting flaws and what poor conditions can do to a shot. My opinion and that's what on my bow.

What's on yours?

Great idea on adding the red pin and using 20 yard increments on the top three pins. I'm going to steal that idea.

I shoot a hoyt pro m5 with pins at 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60. Top of my level is 80 and the bottom of the bezel is 100.
Black Gold 5 pin fixed, 30,40,50,60,70. I sacrificed my 20 for a 70 in case I need to make a long follow up shot. I'd rather gap shoot up close than a long shot. Practice regularly out to 100yd, but that's just for 3d shoots.
Montana Black Gold 3 pin whitetail slider. 20, 30, and 40 yard pins. marks out to 110 yards but only for target practice. Won't shoot at a live animal past 50 yards though.
Caribou Gear

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