What was your first dog?


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2000
I'm sure everyone remembers their first gundog, what was yours? Any stories you want to share?
GSP, and I still have her. As for stories, there's plenty, but today we went out in all of this fog and got a pheasant(wild) and a few quail. Had a great time.

Best of luck on your first. Regardless of the breed, you're in for a great time.
We had Springer Spaniels when I was kid.

We climbed out of the fog this morning into a beautiful sunny day and hunted chukars in shirt sleeves! Had a great hunt. A buddy from Jackson WY was with me. His first chukar hunt over a pointing dog and Scout put on a terrific show for 5 hours! Lotsa points and lotsa birds bagged.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-07-2002 18:48: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
Tarboy. Small male black lab. Got him for Christmas when 12 years old. Grew up together on the Snake River in Eastern Idaho. Outstanding duck and goose dog. Braindead on sagehens. Best friend ever. Had him for 11 years when he died of old age.

Hopefully, my current pup Bonnie a GSP will make it that long.
English Setter... Hank, would also answer to Henry! Got him when I was 6 and had to put him down my freshman year of college. Shot my first ruffed grouse over him and will never forget the experience. A well trained setter, a beautiful old 20ga Ithaca M37 Ultralight that my step-father's father bought him, and a cool crisp, NW Ontario afternoon... has my fist scotch and water that evening! Of course, I was underage and never developed a taste for scotch after that....
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