Kenetrek Boots

What was your first big game rifle, and do you still have it?

H&R Handi Rifle break action single shot .30-30 and 20 ga. interchangeable combo barrels, youth.

I learned to shoot iron sights on a .22, and then my deer camp mentors started me on the borrowed .30-30. I did not shoot it accurately, and I had very little range practice. The advice was just to take close shots. In hindsight, I’m guessing I was flinching, trouble with trigger weight, and/or poor fit. It was also a relatively lightweight gun and the recoil felt heavy - it was too much of a jump up from the .22.

I sat 7 deer seasons in a stand in a really crappy location and never saw a deer. Probably a good thing I didn’t as a killing shot would have been dumb luck.

Someday I will buy a .30-30 and hunt big game with it to break the 7-year drought, and also because it’s a cool historical cartridge.
I started hunting with a military Mauser that I helped my dad rebarrel and chamber in .243. My dad had a lathe and we turned a barrel from a blank. Iron sights the first year then bought a weaver 2-7. I killed a few deer and antelope over the next 4 years but never got a chance at an elk.

I blew the action up in a reloading accident when I was 16.
Ruger M77 tang safety in 7mm Mauser. Dad traded a Winchester model 12 & a Remington Rolling Block for it.

The rifle never did shoot straight, so it sat in the closet while we had to move to Houston in the 80's. When I finally pulled it out of the safe to do load development on it, the same issues emerged - shotgun patterns instead of groups.

Had it rebarreled to 7mm Mauser AI & it's a 1/2" gun. Only shot pronghorn with it and it's a work in progress, needing a new stock but it's in the safe & it can take anything in NA that it gets pointed at.
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I guess mine was a Marlin 336cs 30-30. No scope. I bought it to shoot wild hogs in Florida. I shot it for two years then bought what I consider my first real big game rifle , a ruger m77 tanger in 30-06. I still have both rifles.
The first rifle I ever bought was a Remington Model 70 in .30-06 with a cheap scope as a combo at Walmart. It was a bit over $300 and that was a lot of money to us at the time. I hunted with that for over a decade providing the majority of the protein we ate. Ive bought rifles worth multiples of that since and have yet to experience the pride I had in that one. Good memories.
Ruger Mark II .270 with the tang safety and hard red recoil pad. Bought it off a guy who painted the houses my dad built for $200 when I was 16, he put a dozen rounds through it to sight in and shot a deer, then decided he liked fishing better. I shot the barrel out and sold it for $450 after 18 years, shoulda kept it.
I had & used a 270 savage from 12-17yrs old which i then sold for more than the orginal purchase price to buy a browning 7mm rem mag
Bought a TC .50 Hawken and a Navy arms .50 call at same time, used the TC and shot a Doe at Sand Lake, missed a few bucks first. Still have the Navy Arms. Sold the TC long time ago. Graduated to Center fires after that.
Remington 7400 in 30-06 with a 3-9 Tasco. Went in with my dad on it when I was 13. Hunted with it through high school and college and killed a couple every year. Inside 150yds it was minute of deer. Beyond that ... complete crap shoot. It had issues. Sold it to help buy my Tikka 7-08 and never looked back. I have other guns that are sentimental to me; that wasn't one.
Remington Model 700 youth BDL .257 Roberts. My dad bought it for me just after my 14th birthday from Gander Mountain when it was a true sporting goods store for hunting and fishing. It has taken too many whitetails to count and 2 or 3 coyotes. It has been a safe queen for the last 6-7 years. Will never sell the rifle. Currently my 11 year old has been shooting it a little, and might try it on whitetail this year.
Interarms in .243 winchester. Shot many deer with it and still have it 42 years later.
First center fire rifle was a Stevens 340 in .30-30.

Wish I still had that pole .
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