What time to call when hot

I usually call in the morning in early fall and I’m back at the house shortly after noon. As it gets warmer I have found it helpful to move to shaded areas. But I don’t know how hot Maine gets.
I start at about 5 in the morning and stop around 10 a.m. Mornings seem to bring them out looking for that last bite to eat before they settle down in some shade somewhere.

ColdnoseD... where you been hiding??!!??

Crow Woman
If I had to make a generalization kindaofa guess the average for the summer daytime is 75. We do get some heat waves the last few days has been upper 90's but today is 75 sun is 79 mon 72 and tues 69.

But with work I go when I have off time and temp has no berring.
I don’t know what I was thinking; if it is hot to you it is most likely hot to the coyote. Big DUH! on my part.
I really don’t change the length of time on stand or calling strategy. I just move from where I think they are hunting to where I think they are shading up. Right or wrong that is what I do when temps reach 70-75.

Crow Woman, I haven’t been hiding anywhere. Just lurking about as usual.
For me with a limited amount of time off during daylight hours if I can I go. In the winter that could be -40 or in the summer 95. I try to get out as much as possible.
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