Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

what kind of weird hunting and fishing stuff did you do in college

A buddy and I rented a ground floor condo next to Spring Creek in Fort Collins while attending CSU. The Fort has way too many geese and we would wait until some were feeding on the grass right next to the back porch. We’d leave the slider open and get a racing start in the kitchen and launch out the door to try and grab a goose and wring it‘s neck. We learned pretty quick that you had to control their head and wring it quick otherwise you’d get beat up. We cooked a bunch of them.
Our college campus (like pretty much all east of the Mississippi) had a ton of fox squirrels. Freshman year somehow a conversation with my RA turned into a bet that if I got a squirrel we would cook it up in the RD’s apartment. Couldn’t just go shoot one out of a tree on campus. Used a box trap and set it up in bushes by the girls dorm where squirrels were traveling. Got one first day.

Skinned it out, Facebook was a bit less toxic back then and I put the pics up of the skinned squirrel in the freezer and pics of it cooked up (I never had a girlfriend in college FYI). RD didn’t know about it until we showed up to cook it, he couldn’t exactly say any rule or law I broke but I could tell he was uneasy about it and I promised to not catch any more.
I (kinda) remember going ice fishing with a couple dorm buddies on Spirit Lake in northern Idaho while I attended UI. After kokanee, but with several cases of Black Label beer. (Uff da.) Snowmobile wouldn't start. Fish didn't bite. Beer didn't last long. We went to a bar in Rathdrum to watch the Superbowl. I remember the Chicago Bears won (with a TD by The Refrigerator? What year was that?) I got very sloppy drunk. Started embarrassing my friends. Who had to prevent me from getting beaten up. We drove back to Moscow down US 95. South of Plummer I got sick and they dumped me in a snowbank to puke and drove off. Eventually they felt bad, turned around, and picked me up. Nearly 40 years later I still drive by that spot on US 95 a couple times a year and think, boy that was a trip. Educational, let's say.
A buddy and I rented a ground floor condo next to Spring Creek in Fort Collins while attending CSU. The Fort has way too many geese and we would wait until some were feeding on the grass right next to the back porch. We’d leave the slider open and get a racing start in the kitchen and launch out the door to try and grab a goose and wring it‘s neck. We learned pretty quick that you had to control their head and wring it quick otherwise you’d get beat up. We cooked a bunch of them.

College buddy lived on the back fringes next to a golf course. Late season geese would always flock to the gc ponds. He’d leave popcorn on his front porch and “help” cull them with his pellet gun. Always had a smoker of goose jerky going in the backyard.
when l was at school, we had a spot where we could go to camp, shoot, have bonfire stuff. ldrove an old 92 dodge truck with a rear bench seat in it, if you went the back roads noone cared about how many people you could cram into it. l had an overhead gunrack that l kept my coyote rifle in, my 22 was under the seat and l kept my 12 guage stashed between the rear seat and the non working drivers side rear door. on the way out there, l was hauling a truckload one of witch was a friend of a friend, she was a liberal who nearly lost it when she realized that she was stashed next to the shotgun, then l made the mistake of telling her to look up, when she seen the rifle she about went into orbit, on the plus side l don't think she ever rode with me again.
There was a possum digging in the trash cans of the fraternity house I lived in. Chased it into a window well, found a railroad tie laying nearby and flattened the possum with it. Possum was dead but still looked alive. Got the bright idea to get some fishing line and tie it to its tail and lay it out on the sidewalk in front of the fraternity house. It was sorority rush week and girls were walking up and down the street all dressed by the hundreds. I sat up on the porch wall with a beer, and everytime a group of girls came by, I would twitch the line wiggling the tail. That was a fun evening!

Did a Google search of the fraternity house. Porch is still there, bushes out front are gone. Otherwise looks about the same as it did almost 40 years ago.
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Seriously, I don't know how I ever graduated from college as more hours were spent fishing the Gallatin and Madison Rivers than in the classroom.

To compound the scholastic challenge, the "back-in-the-day" fraternity outdoor adventures and road trips in MINERVA, the 1917 White former Yellowstone tour bus, took up many days which should have been study days. (BTW, Minerva's driver was limited to only one beer per hour, for safety sake you know! ;) Those were crazy, how-did-we-survive days.)

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Haha, open container was legal back then too, but not sure about the driver having one. I fished the same rivers in college in shorts and tennis shoes, and I also skied in jeans.
Seriously, I don't know how I ever graduated from college as more hours were spent fishing the Gallatin and Madison Rivers than in the classroom.

To compound the scholastic challenge, the "back-in-the-day" fraternity outdoor adventures and road trips in MINERVA, the 1917 White former Yellowstone tour bus, took up many days which should have been study days. (BTW, Minerva's driver was limited to only one beer per hour, for safety sake you know! ;) Those were crazy, how-did-we-survive days.)

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My father didn't graduate, Too much time on Madison, and Gallatin in the the early 60's and too little in class. Only picture I have seen of his collage days was him with a glass in one hand and a big stringer of trout in the other. The other end of the stringer was tied to a keg.
My father didn't graduate, Too much time on Madison, and Gallatin in the the early 60's and too little in class. Only picture I have seen of his collage days was him with a glass in one hand and a big stringer of trout in the other. The other end of the stringer was tied to a keg.
Chances are that your dad and I hoisted one together at some point ... maybe even shared a fishing hole, as well as a keg! 60's were my college-fun years era also. Graduated MSU and Bobcat Army ROTC in 67.
Most of us were motivated to maintain passing grades because if not, then likely get drafted. Oh well; spent two tours in Vietnam anyhow, but at least I was able to train and do something I preferred over there.
Nothing too weird, but I sure miss all the free time of those college days. I went to college after I was married and had a couple of kids and worked nights and odd jobs, so no wild & crazy stories from me. I had a friend who had several of the same classes as me, but on an earlier time schedule. He'd tell me if classes were 'missable' that day and I'd go fishing. I wouldn't recommend a '76 Datsun B210 Honeybee as the perfect fishing/hunting rig, but it went a lot of cool places, would haul out deer and probably still smells like trout (if it still exists, which is very doubtful).
Screen Shot 2022-12-31 at 12.43.15 PM.pngNot my actual car, but such a manly hunting/fishing rig.
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when l was at school, we had a spot where we could go to camp, shoot, have bonfire stuff. ldrove an old 92 dodge truck with a rear bench seat in it, if you went the back roads noone cared about how many people you could cram into it. l had an overhead gunrack that l kept my coyote rifle in, my 22 was under the seat and l kept my 12 guage stashed between the rear seat and the non working drivers side rear door. on the way out there, l was hauling a truckload one of witch was a friend of a friend, she was a liberal who nearly lost it when she realized that she was stashed next to the shotgun, then l made the mistake of telling her to look up, when she seen the rifle she about went into orbit, on the plus side l don't think she ever rode with me again.
Lilith Fair type! If you get too close to dread locks they smell like wet sheep. I know I ain’t the only one here who tried out one a those in college.
I took my parents minivan to college. Kept the canoe on top, took all the seats and out kept my decoys and stuff in there. Actually worked really good.

Basically decided I could attempt to get a girlfriend, or have the minivan to haul my canoe around. Figured I wasn’t getting laid no matter what I drive so decided on the van.

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