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what kind of weird hunting and fishing stuff did you do in college

when l was in college l hunted a lot, l skinned most everything l shot, at one point l left for christmas break l had several muskrat hides, a pile of rattlesnake skins, a coyote hide and a badger hide in the dorm freezer. when l got back l was talking to a friend of mine who lived on campus. in the course of the conversation he mentioned that he had been asked by the college dean who had been skinning animals and keeping the hides. he made it sound like the dean wasn't real happy. he didn't give me up but l lost my hides anyhow.
Feel your pain regarding the unhappy Dean. A buddy of mine (who was also a genius who did not really need to attend classes in order to pass) used to get in a morning squirrel hunt during October before classes. We always skinned the squirrels before returning to the dorm but my buddy got the notion that he would try cooking one in a slow cooker. Well, somehow the Dean of Men got word of that and believe it or not ...he wasn't real happy either. That was the end of our squirrel hunts b4 classes.
The first field out of city limits in Fargo was the county fair grounds pinched tight to I94 and it wasn't posted so we shot a bunch of geese off it one time. Was odd raining birds out of flocks with traffic cruising by.

Had some HS or College aged kids ring my doorbell at home and ask permission to turkey hunt in my 6 acre yard last week. One of my property lines is city limits but there are 8 houses within the 500' distance you're supposed to be from occupied dwellings to legally discharge a firearm.
I had to take Calc 2 three times.

Took me 3 times on Calc 1. Before the 3rd time I determined an engineering major was not for me but a construction management major still required calc 1..
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