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What is your favorite "genre" of firearms?

pre 64 Model 70's. Followed by Classic CRF Model 70'd. Big bore lever's are pretty nice as well, especially the model 71's. Followed by nothing else. Accurate rifles intrigue me, but those are usually the result of flinching perfectly every time the trigger is pulled.
Drawn to 'em all, as they serve their purpose.

I've had so many guns and different kinds I'm not sure that I have a favorite genre. I used to have a large collection of 22 lr lever rifles, Marlins, Winchesters, Browning's. Then I went through the old sporterized rifle stage... Mausers, Springfield's, Enfields I even built a couple of my own in my shop..
Now that I have given almost all of my quality rifles to my 5 sons I just shoot cheap guns I've bought..

I do though have one old Mauser Steryr 1912 action and a special run chf FN barrel prechambered in 308 Win. It calls to me from time to time from my reloading bench to be put to use..
During the pandemic, I started getting into rimfire rifles. I think I added 6 or so to my collection. Mostly heavy barrel options with a few levers and a couple of semi autos for good measure. Lots of fun on the range.
I love old milsurp rifles, they're just the coolest thing. To see stages of firearm technology develop, and how they evolved from a metal pipe on a wood frame to precision machined equipment is amazing
Bolt action rifles.

I do love to hunt cranes and geese, and would prefer a BPS 10ga, but currently use a 12ga 870 cause it works.
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Bolt action rifles.

I do love to hunt cranes and geese, and would prefer a BPS 10ga, but currently use a 12ga 870 cause it works.
The thought of using any pump action 10 gauge ups my anxiety quotient significantly.
I do not have any one genre of firearms I prefer above all others. I do however have four that would meet all my my firearm needs.

Off all the rifles I have ever owned, none has so completed pleased my hunters heart as my model 54 Winchester, the first bolt action that company made. I have had two, still have one. They were made in the rich roaring 20's, they were the mother of the model 70,,,and by comparison the pre-64 model 70's much as I respect them, seem cheapened.

Off all the handguns I ever had none have so pleased me as the Smith and Wesson Model 15 Combat Masterpiece. What a smooth jewell of a revolver. Only came in a 4" barrel which suits me perfectly. Add a "Tyler T" grip filler and it is the smoothest double action revolver ever made,,,,IMHO.

For .22's the Marlin model 39 lever action stand unique.

Shotguns,,,SxS SKB 3" 20 guage,,,,I love the factory sling swivel studs.
without a doubt the lever action rifle, then the shotgun for birds ( ducks, geese, crane ) and then the bolt action rifle ( sheep and goat ). The handgun can be useful on a trip line but it doesn't work any better than a lever rifle--same for protection
My grandfather gave me his Savage 1921 12 gauge pump and I killed my first deer with that. As a result I do have an affinity for pump shotguns. I own 4 pump action 12 gauge shotguns and may invest in a 16 or 20 even though I do more rifle hunting and shooting these days.
The thought of using any pump action 10 gauge ups my anxiety quotient significantly.
1.5oz loads in my old Ithaca 37 beat the snot of me. 2.25oz loads in my 870 are not bad at all. The BPS 10ga is a heavy gun, so I’ve always assumed recoil would not be an issue if 2.25oz loads aren’t an issue in my 870, BUT the BPS is almost identical to an Ithaca 37(long story), so you may well have a point.

3” loads in my wife’s 20ga hit me nearly as hard as 3.5” loads in my 12ga. A lot of it is related to how it fits you and how much the gun weighs.
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