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What if NM did it like this?


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2021
Northern NM
OK, kind of a reboot here. This may be off the wall, but it has been suggested that NM residents can buy Land Owner tags just like NRs can. Ok...

What if LO elk tags were allocated on a R/NR basis? A maximum percentage of those tags being able to go to NRs - say, 10 or 15 percent, the remainder to residents. Would that satisfy the "Take Back Your Elk" folks? What would be the Landowner reaction? I can bet NRs would not be happy, since 15% is way less than 45%.

How would this impact the elk herds? How do the landowners get an incentive to maintain elk habitat (I think this impacts smaller landowners like Hank4elk, the big outfits just have to let the land do what it does)?

I don't really have a dog in the hunt, since I plan to get the first season ML hunt in the Valles Caldera :).

In your scenario, are you saying LO could only sell 10% of the tags they receive to nonresidents? Or only 10% of LO tags would be issued to nonresidents in the first place?

I assume you are talking about the first one, but just want to be sure.

Good luck on the draw… I put in for the same thing👍
My scenario would be to designate LO tags as R or NR, and only a total of 10% could go NR. Or 15%, or whatever, but something quite a way south of the percentage that go out of state now.

And you don't have a chance on the Caldera, cuz I'm drawing that tag. I mean, somebody has to!

We have already beat the hell out of this one, but what the heck…

My $.02 is leave it as-is. Great system, the best perhaps. Residents have the same shot at those tags as nonresidents do (not at all buying the “they won’t sell to residents” line). Your plan would severely diminish the value these tags have to LO’s, for reasons previously outlined.

Not my state of residence though, so I don’t get the same vote you do.
In the end it would end up in less money which no matter how you cut it means less elk. Everyone benefits from more elk so I don't think it's a good idea.

On a side note how's the shoulder @David658? Goodluck on Valle Caldera I'll be hunting in Valle Vidal myself😉.
In the end it would end up in less money which no matter how you cut it means less elk. Everyone benefits from more elk so I don't think it's a good idea.

On a side note how's the shoulder @David658? Goodluck on Valle Caldera I'll be hunting in Valle Vidal myself😉.
Shoulder has been behind the pistol caliber lever guns, and my 38-55. Next weekend hope to take the 38-55 and my .50 and .54 Hawkens out - got one of those shock eater pads and the tee shirt with the sleeve. Per my bro, they are the real deal. In total, am past PT and now it's just range of motion.

We'll compare notes on our hunts!

In a state sitting on $25 Billion dollars, there's plenty of money. It's just who wants it, and how the gubna wants her legislature to spend it. And yes, $25B in reserves (note, AZ and NM became states the same year, which one is danged near a third world country?).

@Treeshark , I have had guides tell me to my face that they would not take my money. Buy it or not, I don't care, but it's a fact.

As to funds, simply double, or 2.5X the nonresident licenses. At 3X they are still cheaper than WY "special" tags, at 2X about the same as MT. Double the fee, cut the NR tags in half, dollars the same. That would then still have over 20% of the tags in NM going to NRs.

Just spitballing....

I have had guides tell me to my face that they would not take my money.

Guides? I am talking about landowners selling LO tags. A person can easily find dozens (if not 100+) of these available in just a few minutes.

I think your argument is better served if you were to focus on the cost issue- the availability angle is way too easily disproved to support your position.
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Shoulder has been behind the pistol caliber lever guns, and my 38-55. Next weekend hope to take the 38-55 and my .50 and .54 Hawkens out - got one of those shock eater pads and the tee shirt with the sleeve. Per my bro, they are the real deal. In total, am past PT and now it's just range of motion.

We'll compare notes on our hunts!

In a state sitting on $25 Billion dollars, there's plenty of money. It's just who wants it, and how the gubna wants her legislature to spend it. And yes, $25B in reserves (note, AZ and NM became states the same year, which one is danged near a third world country?).

@Treeshark , I have had guides tell me to my face that they would not take my money. Buy it or not, I don't care, but it's a fact.

As to funds, simply double, or 2.5X the nonresident licenses. At 3X they are still cheaper than WY "special" tags, at 2X about the same as MT. Double the fee, cut the NR tags in half, dollars the same. That would then still have over 20% of the tags in NM going to NRs.

Just spitballing....

You can go to, login and place a purchase on a 10k bull elk unit wide tag the same way a NR can do it. I was actually shocked at how cheap the tag was when I looked late last fall, it was for a northern unit that has low odds to draw.
Shoulder has been behind the pistol caliber lever guns, and my 38-55. Next weekend hope to take the 38-55 and my .50 and .54 Hawkens out - got one of those shock eater pads and the tee shirt with the sleeve. Per my bro, they are the real deal. In total, am past PT and now it's just range of motion.

We'll compare notes on our hunts!

In a state sitting on $25 Billion dollars, there's plenty of money. It's just who wants it, and how the gubna wants her legislature to spend it. And yes, $25B in reserves (note, AZ and NM became states the same year, which one is danged near a third world country?).

@Treeshark , I have had guides tell me to my face that they would not take my money. Buy it or not, I don't care, but it's a fact.

As to funds, simply double, or 2.5X the nonresident licenses. At 3X they are still cheaper than WY "special" tags, at 2X about the same as MT. Double the fee, cut the NR tags in half, dollars the same. That would then still have over 20% of the tags in NM going to NRs.

Just spitballing....

Good to hear about the shoulder. Honestly surprised NM hasn't raised tag prices already and not just elk. Deer and especially pronghorn are undervalued. But you could raise the license fee 5x and it's not replacing the money. As you've mentioned before many landowners tags go for north of 10k. Hell I know a know a guy who paid 4k for a December cow hunt in a mediocre unit. I understand that money doesn't go to NMDGF but it almost exclusively goes to NM residents. Who are just as much stakeholders as the "take back your elk" public land hunter. As a landowner and public land hunter I try and see both sides. E plus seems like a pretty good system only downside I see is it makes it harder for unguided NR and R to get a tag. I'm interested in better draw odds myself but not at the detriment of the resource.
E plus seems like a pretty good system only downside I see is it makes it harder for unguided NR and R to get a tag.

@WildWill, I agree with almost all of your post except for this part. A large portion of EPlus tags are unit-wide, and therefore make it easier for unguided NR and R to get a tag (easier does not mean cheaper, I acknowledge that).

The nice part about the unit-wide E Plus tags is that they force the landowner to open their private land to the public.
Good to hear about the shoulder. Honestly surprised NM hasn't raised tag prices already and not just elk. Deer and especially pronghorn are undervalued. But you could raise the license fee 5x and it's not replacing the money. As you've mentioned before many landowners tags go for north of 10k. Hell I know a know a guy who paid 4k for a December cow hunt in a mediocre unit. I understand that money doesn't go to NMDGF but it almost exclusively goes to NM residents. Who are just as much stakeholders as the "take back your elk" public land hunter. As a landowner and public land hunter I try and see both sides. E plus seems like a pretty good system only downside I see is it makes it harder for unguided NR and R to get a tag. I'm interested in better draw odds myself but not at the detriment of the resource.
I agree the license fees are none to high that we pay to nmgf.
But someone paying 4k for a cow tag, WOW! Alot of pple that are wanting cow tags cause they need the meat can't even come close to affording that. In my opinion that's not even reasonable.
Hunting as a way to save money on meat almost never pencils out. Especially so anytime you’re paying more than $1000 for the tag and/or are a nonresident.

Meat is a huge bonus and should be first priority, but for almost all of us hunting is a hobby- let’s not fool ourselves.
I agree the license fees are none to high that we pay to nmgf.
But someone paying 4k for a cow tag, WOW! Alot of pple that are wanting cow tags cause they need the meat can't even come close to affording that. In my opinion that's not even reasonable.
I did exaggerate a bit it was $3800 but with gas from Oklahoma safe to call it 4k. To be clear that also got him access to the private ranch and a room in a bunkhouse and help getting her out with a tractor. First time he went 7-8 years ago it was $1800 inflation is real.

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