What I Wish I Knew - Concealed Carry

But as the ol saying goes, it's better to have it and not need it as to need it and not have it.
^ I say this a lot. While not good for backpack hunts, it's what lead me to consider concealed carry. That and the LEO response in Uvalde and the guy's response at the shopping mall to stop the shooter. Do I expect to be a white knight saving everyone? Absolutely not, but I'd rather at least have a fighting chance instead of being at the mercy of some dipshit with a gun.

Everyone has shared some great stuff. Some things I thought were noteworthy were making sure you are mentally prepared is huge as well as sinking to your training not rising to the occasion. I've experienced the mental part first hand. Being raised to be a nice polite guy I've had to mentally prepare myself to commit violence before and just that alone is a mental switch not everyone can make. When Texas switched to constitutional carry I scoffed at it because I know there are probably a lot of folks who carry now who haven't had a class or practice regularly. I've seen too many hunting situations where guys screw up because they haven't spent enough time behind the trigger...and nothing is even shooting back at them!

Thanks for the good stuff so far, and keep it coming.
I can’t say I didn’t know this, but a couple things to keep in mind.

1. Do not involve yourself in arguments that can escalate. If you have trouble with someone avoid them like the plague. If you have a history with a neighbor, family member, etc and you get into some squabble that escalated to deadly force, even if you are justified, it’s not gonna be good for you. As a CC holder the responsibility is on you to de-escalate the situation not escalate it. Getting in a road rage altercation is along the same lines.

2. If you have to stop and think if it’s a situation you need to use your gun, it’s not. The only time is when your life or someone else’s life is in danger.

3. You are not a cop as a CC holder. DO NOT chase people down, attempt to stop property theft, or put yourself in a place that would increase the odds of using your firearm.

4. Look at some videos of CC holders doing the wrong things. Escalating situations, pulling a gun when completely unnecessary. There’s CC holders getting in arguments and fistfights, getting their butts kicked then pulling out their gun. People pulling their guns on shoplifters, suspected criminals, etc.There’s the case in Georgia where those 2 knuckleheads chased that guy down and shot him, they’re in jail. The kid in Wisconsin while I believe was justified in the actual shooting should never have been there. He put himself in a spot where the odds of using his firearm went WAY up. Do you think he’d trade defending property over what he went through? I’d bet he’d say he wished he just would’ve stayed home.

As far as a gun goes, but one that’s comfortable to carry otherwise you won’t carry it. Also buy a gun you can shoot accurately. If you struggle to shoot a bigger caliber, go smaller. You need to shoot extremely accurately in practice because it won’t be the same under pressure.

Forget the Tacticool crap, we’re not members of the SEAL teams or DELTA. Don’t hang 5 sights, lasers, bayonets, etc off your gun. Keep it simple and shoot it. Use the money in ammo, not junk. Don’t use ammo with stupid ass names. If you end up using your gun and get charged or sued, when you used BAD GUY DAISY PUSHER EXTEME BODY ARMOR PIERCING SKULL AND BONE EXPLODER BLOOD SPORT +++++++P, it’s not gonna look good. Shoot a good, normal bullet.
Forget the Tacticool crap, we’re not members of the SEAL teams or DELTA. Don’t hang 5 sights, lasers, bayonets, etc off your gun. Keep it simple and shoot it. Use the money in ammo, not junk. Don’t use ammo with stupid ass names. If you end up using your gun and get charged or sued, when you used BAD GUY DAISY PUSHER EXTEME BODY ARMOR PIERCING SKULL AND BONE EXPLODER BLOOD SPORT +++++++P, it’s not gonna look good. Shoot a good, normal bullet.
Again, shoot what the LEOs shoot as far as ammo goes; that way you can never be accused of using anything special. And, I don't know what ammo you're even referencing unless it's Buffalo Bore or something.
Understand AOJP. P will hang you every time.

Don’t talk to police… EVER.

Understand the laws where you may be traveling.

Theboxotruth doesn’t lie.

Be prepared to purchase many holsters. Show me a CC holder and I would bet they have a box of holsters somewhere. You will find one that you really like.

Everybody is different. What works for me may not work for you.


Dress around your carry piece. Don't expect to wear a tank top and shorts and not print if you have even the least bit of excess body " spare tire".

Practice some more

Have a plan, for example. My wife and I have an understanding. If we are together and something happens like a robbery. I will not do anything unless acts of violence are being committed. What I mean is if we are in a restaurant and it gets robbed all they are doing is taking wallets... let em take it. BUT if they start accosting customers, beating someone, start to shoot or stab, or physically violate, my wife is aware that I will become part of the situation and she is to get away from me.

Practice some more :)
Do not argue with the police when they arrive. It is not obvious who the bad guy is, Immediately get your hands up (no pistol please)and follow instructions. You will be detained, Very Likely you will go down town, you might be there for several hours. Someone above mentioned it as the worse day of your life, that’s not even close. Ive seen inquests delayed for two and three years. You will not be buying a house, Banks not going to loan you money, probably won’t be able to leave the country-depends on the prosecutor getting a hold on your passport, The list goes on. Even if its a good shoot. Then there is the civil suit. I’ve seen a couple of cases that were as clean as they come hung up on an emotional merry go round for up to five years.
We trained Blue on Blue every year, that is what to do when off duty or plain clothes and the uniforms show up!
If it were me I’ve move to a point of cover re the bad guy if possible.
My back is towards the arriving uniforms as much as possible, most likely I would be on my knees, weapon safely on the ground away from me or holstered and my hands up fingers interlaced behind my head.
listen and follow instructions. The only thing you should say is there is another shooter if there are more bad guys and the officers are exposed.
There are at least two cases in the last year, one was an off duty cop, where the good guy with a gun got killed by a good guy with a gun.
Be safe; head on a swivel: condition yellow, humble yourself move away from trouble when you can, odds are you’ll never experience a shooting.
It's things like that have been mentioned with the differences in gun laws that could land someone in jail or a easy felony. Then bam, there goes your 2A rights out the door. In some states there is no way to get them back, other states you can petition but could be lengthy and costly to get them back. As the 2nd Ammendment is a human right for our citizens, it's a mockery of the document our forefathers created that has been bastardized in modern times. “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” There's nothing to debate when it is such a clearly written statement.
P.s. tier 1 concealed offers universal holsters. They're expensive but one holster can be used on many platforms. The downside you you need a light to use them but they have many customizable options.
For more info check out tier1concealed.com
I read an article a year or two ago that stated that the nationwide AVERAGE legal fees for somebody that was in a good (legal) self defense shoot was $28K!
Food for thought.
And now we see the underlying motive. Please hold while we have a word from our sponsor. We will shortly return to your regularly scheduled programming

Really?!?!? Pulling up year old threads for a shameless plug???
And now we see the underlying motive. Please hold while we have a word from our sponsor. We will shortly return to your regularly scheduled programming

Really?!?!? Pulling up year old threads for a shameless plug???
I'm trying to help someone save money with a company I'm not affiliated with nor get compensation from so back the #*^@#* down derek.
I read an article a year or two ago that stated that the nationwide AVERAGE legal fees for somebody that was in a good (legal) self defense shoot was $28K!
Food for thought.
Don't get uscca for concieled insurance. They won't help you when you actually need it so they are just collecting a free paycheck from their subscribers.
I'm trying to help someone save money with a company I'm not affiliated with nor get compensation from so back the #*^@#* down derek.
Before you tell me to back the #*^@#* down, have you reviewed the terms of service and membership of this site for soliciting. You have came in with a bunch of hairbrained bullshit and dig up and derail age old threads and your underlying motive is to promote something that has nothing to do with this site. Move on and carry on. Thanks for your service. Now go get a tag and go hunting

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