Yeti GOBOX Collection

What I Wish I Knew - Concealed Carry

..... in a real fight, you are going to miss way more than you hit. Regardless of what you think. The 2-way range is a whole different place...

A youtube page I basically watch daily is Active Self Protection. It, and One Bite Pizza reviews, are kind of a nightly ritual. I will say that you shouldn't watch these if you don't want to see the death of someone on video. I'd say that's how 75% of these end.

Watching a few hundred of these now has made short work of some of my preconceived notions of what "typical" shootings look like, and the speed with which most gunfights develop is eye opening.I don't know what I think of the host, but like jujitsu did to kung fu, it puts to rest a lot of BS claims about self defense and the use of firearms in those situations. There are many videos on that channel of folks using conceal carry to save their or other's lives, as well as f@#ing up royally and harming themselves or others or breaking the law.

I don't conceal carry myself but I have nothing against it, and the bet I am making is that the responsibility of carrying a firearm is, for me, a burden greater than the concern I have over needing one. Maybe I won't always feel that way.
Know the laws like everyone else said, get a good holster that works for you and become proficient with your pistol and all the safety features it has. Does no one any good if you don't know to use it or you accidently shoot yourself or someone else and know the four safety rules with any weapon.
.22 magnum cylinder. Trust me on this one. It will work juuuuust fine....and it just looks like a knife in your pocket.

Respectfully, this is bullshit. A 230grn .45 over penetrates just as bad. If you are shooting a pistol, it will over penetrate at fighting distances. There are very specific bullets developed to prevent over penetration if you are really concerned about it. A 9mm with a well constructed HP bullet (Hydrashoks or the like) is largely what the pros use. Nothing wrong with a .45, but it cuts your capacity way down, and in a real fight, you are going to miss way more than you hit. Regardless of what you think. The 2-way range is a whole different place...
That was my experience, miss more than hits when targets shot back, investigating OIS. That being said two center mass hits with the first two shots hit the thoracic cavity it was over
1. If you have to use it, it will be one of the worst days of your life.

this is why i don't carry much anymore. but for probably 3 years, i did not enter a grocery store, gas station, church, wal mart, etc. without a pocket pistol or a g43 in my belt.

that and i guess my CCW expired, but it's telling that i haven't really put any effort into renewing.

sometimes i really thought about how unsure i was in whether or not i wanted to have to be the guy in the room to expose myself to as much potential life changing havoc should the miniscule probability of that happening arise.

better than being dead, yes. still odds are so low...

still keep one in whatever vehicle i'm driving.
A youtube page I basically watch daily is Active Self Protection. It, and One Bite Pizza reviews, are kind of a nightly ritual. I will say that you shouldn't watch these if you don't want to see the death of someone on video. I'd say that's how 75% of these end.

Watching a few hundred of these now has made short work of some of my preconceived notions of what "typical" shootings look like, and the speed with which most gunfights develop is eye opening.I don't know what I think of the host, but like jujitsu did to kung fu, it puts to rest a lot of BS claims about self defense and the use of firearms in those situations. There are many videos on that channel of folks using conceal carry to save their or other's lives, as well as f@#ing up royally and harming themselves or others or breaking the law.

I don't conceal carry myself but I have nothing against it, and the bet I am making is that the responsibility of carrying a firearm is, for me, a burden greater than the concern I have over needing one. Maybe I won't always feel that way.
I've been watching the ASP channel for a few years and have learned 2 things.
1. Brazilian off duty officers are badasses.
2. Houston is on my top list of places to not live.
More on lights, as I think positive ID of your target is hugely important, gives you a tactical advantage, and even has the potential for de-escalation.

I have firsthand experience with the Streamlight TLR-7 subcompact light. It is good, and I am a fan of the strobe function; it is debilitating. I have one of their bigger lights on my G19, also good, and has held up to significant round count and abuse.

The other one I think is interesting is the OLight Mini2. It is a lot of light in a tiny package, but is rechargable only and no strobe. I have heard good things, but haven't messed with one personally.
More on lights, as I think positive ID of your target is hugely important, gives you a tactical advantage, and even has the potential for de-escalation.

I have firsthand experience with the Streamlight TLR-7 subcompact light. It is good, and I am a fan of the strobe function; it is debilitating. I have one of their bigger lights on my G19, also good, and has held up to significant round count and abuse.

The other one I think is interesting is the OLight Mini2. It is a lot of light in a tiny package, but is rechargable only and no strobe. I have heard good things, but haven't messed with one personally.
Plus one for the tlr 7. I have a tlr 7a on my 365xl with a Holoson on top, couldn’t be happier with that combo.
Respectfully, this is bullshit. A 230grn .45 over penetrates just as bad. If you are shooting a pistol, it will over penetrate at fighting distances. There are very specific bullets developed to prevent over penetration if you are really concerned about it. A 9mm with a well constructed HP bullet (Hydrashoks or the like) is largely what the pros use. Nothing wrong with a .45, but it cuts your capacity way down, and in a real fight, you are going to miss way more than you hit. Regardless of what you think. The 2-way range is a whole different place...
Thanks for setting my dumb a$$ straight. Glad to know there are experts like you to keep people like me from licking my barrel.
My point was to emphasize on the bullet performance in the event that you would ever have to engage someone...
I've been carrying since I was old enough to get my license. Lots of good info here already. One of the best things I've done that I wish I did years ago was start training on a range with real life scenarios. Now I train with several guys and I got lucky and was invited by a couple army rangers and Leo's. But my draw time from a concealed position and accuracy has improved big time. I go twice a month to the range with these guys and we practice from many different positions, like from sitting in a car, most people never practice drawing from a sitting position. So my best advice is once you have your weapon and equipment figured out. Train, Train, Train until it becomes second nature! And avoid the entire state of Illinois!
Illinois isn’t a gun friendly state, but it sure is a great place to get shot. Visit Chicago.
My carry is a trusted 1911. It’s big, shoots a big bullet.
Picked up a SOB holster a few years ago, works great for my needs.
Some things I paid no attention to when I was young and dumb:

-Under pressure you don't rise to the occasion, you sink to the level of your training. Get training, and I mean real professional training, not range plinking. The more proper training the better.

-When carrying a weapon, every encounter has a loaded gun present... because you brought it. From the checkout line at the grocery store, to the church, to the arguement with another parent the little league game. Every interaction and confrontation is now an armed one.

-Actions have consequences. Understand that you will be held civilly and criminally liable for everything that happens with that firearm. From the crime that occurs after you negligently leave it somewhere to the bystander struck by errant gunfire during an altercation you are involved in.

-Safety and mental health are necessary. Statistically speaking, the most likely person that gun will kill is you or a loved one.
Thanks for setting my dumb a$$ straight. Glad to know there are experts like you to keep people like me from licking my barrel.
My point was to emphasize on the bullet performance in the event that you would ever have to engage someone...

Apologize. It didn't come across as I intended. I was just pointing out that there is a lot of mythology out there that people push that is hard to separate from fact, I don't always know what to believe, and this is one of them.
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Another thing I might add is something I see a lot, and that is carrying with an empty chamber. I personally don't recommend it. In my opinion carrying with an empty chamber will cause more harm than good. And again I can't emphasize enough training, and pray you never have to use it. I pray everyday that I don't have to use it. But as the ol saying goes, it's better to have it and not need it as to need it and not have it.

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