What has hunting become?

It worked!!
What’d James Riley do to get banned? That’s the only cool takeaway I’m getting here
There seems to be a trend on getting the best opportunity to kill an animal every year that is a trophy sized animal, and in as many places they can go. With newer equipment that I can't even say the name of.
Instead of the " wearing the hunting gear passed down by grandpa " story. The folks that would rather go more ol school. I'm ol school. Use a compass. And enjoy camping out under a pine tree and a tarp. Same gear as 40 years ago and same style as 50 years ago.
I can still get out for weeks at a time but having a cabin is nice. Still hunt ol school. Enjoy taking the time to study the plants n trees.
To me hunting is pretty much the same. But others enjoy studying the new stuff. Newest gear.
It's all good in my eyes. You're getting out, learning, and proud of your accomplishments.
sentence structure and capitalization

massively overrated.

i like to take a cormac mccarthy approach and put some red bull in it. he hates quotations and commas... i hate shift buttons as well as commas. it's a part my online persona i've developed for forums - a bit of blase approach to showing how i don't take it too seriously.

i do take past participles seriously though ;)

one can always tell i was posting from my phone when the beginning of my sentences are auto capitalized
Honestly, a typo bothers me a lot less than a poorly structured sentence. It takes almost zero effort to push any button on a keyboard...

imagine reading a sentence where someone doesnt use any punctuation and just rambles on about crap i think this is way harder to read than someone misusing become or became

That hurt to type.
It takes almost zero effort to push any button on a keyboard...

saying "i should have went hunting this weekend" tells me a lot more about someone's care for proper english than whether or not they put a few commas on the page

IMO ;)
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