Caribou Gear Tarp

What do you wish hunting had?

my glass is half full. I can not think of anything that would not be considered, "looking" for a negative

With 187000 sq miles ( for comparison, Montana is 147000 sq miles ) with only approx 45000 humans ( and approx 25000 are in one town ) compared to approx 20000 bears ( black, white, brown ), 70000 moose, and 200000 caribou

Bullets are better, equipment is better ( tents warmer than igloos ), clothing is warmer while not as bulky, airplanes and canoes get better and better, electronics, income vs cost to hunt has even gotten better.

the only thing I can think of that I wish would happen is for those who do not live here ( or even in Canada ) to stay out of our business. Currently, the constant drumbeat from British Columbia and the east coast ( as well as some form the States ) to eliminate grizzly and polar bear hunting.
Fewer beefs and less fencing.
Same goes for sheep. A buddy of mine saw a bighorn ram in the Madres about a month ago, and he was all messed up. He came to him and bedded down about ten yards away. I would guess he had been in contact with domestics with that big sheep outfit up there. He called the biologist who said, "Oh man, I've been looking for him, where was he at?" No doubt to go put him down. It sucks that they have to do that, but I understand the need to protect the rest of the herd if he wanders back their direction.
I don't even think they need to be gone. Just find a good balance between road access and unroaded habitat. Couple that with increased education and signage, increased enforcement and increased penalties for those who choose to willingly disregard.
Nothing, i am grateful for what it is. So basically I wish people would stop trying to change it to meet their tastes.
"What do you wish hunting had?"

I would frankly like our Wilderness Act protected areas as follows:

"A wilderness, in contrast with those areas where man and his own works dominate the landscape, is hereby recognized as an area where the earth and its community of life are untrammeled by man, where man himself is a visitor who does not remain. An area of wilderness is further defined to mean in this Act an area of undeveloped Federal land retaining its primeval character and influence, without permanent improvements or human habitation, which is protected and managed so as to preserve its natural conditions..."

Currently, and as exceptions were included within, our Wilderness Act runs parallel to current, "Reality" TV shows.

No trails, no bridges, absolutely nothing human. No airstrips, no hunting meat poles, etc.

This is a wishful thinking thread. ;)
AND------ "someone", who will carry the banner for the 6.5 x 55 Swede, after I am gone ;) I guess this one is more of a prayer, but the old caliber will hunt, if you give her a chance fellows:)

I have a 6.5 X 55 in the safe, patiently waiting for my kids to get a little older. I've long thought of the progression for their shooting education and that Caliber easily made the cut.
I read in one of Alan Eckharts books "Wilderness Empire" the Eastern Indians tribe didn't claime KY, it was open to all tribes to hunt. Seems only fair, my grandfather came from Cherokee Village in Tenn.
How great would it be if sides by sides and ATVs were suddenly gone.
Harvest = Tags * Success rate

I just wish people understood this math.

Sure helicopter hunting, but then there are 4 tags to hunt. Make it kinda hard and we all get a tag, seems like there is a huge percentage of hunters who actually hate hunting and just want to whack something day one next to the truck and drive home.

But cool crossbow.

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