Yeti GOBOX Collection

What do you wish hunting had?

I wish I was able to take more than 2 days off during the hunting season (teacher). When the fun starts, I go back to work.
Two days is brutal. My district allows me five, which gives me a full nine days Saturday through the following Sunday. I’m grateful for that, but sure wish we could start summer break in September. Ha.
Better representation from the NRA ( and others )

Better program/dialog/representation on making the case to those who dont hunt, that we "hunters" have simply chosen a different type of meat in which to feed our family. Beef/Pork/Chicken vs Venison/Rabbit/Duck

Better program to educate those who dont hunt, that the dollars hunters spend, helps both the wildlife and the land. Look no further than the --The Kaibab Deer and Big Horn sheep - programs in Arizona since the 1950's. As well as the poorly run program of the Wild Horses and the damage they have caused without proper control. One, the money spent by hunters has helped improve the herd and land --and--the other ( wild horse program ) is going off the rails

Better representation by female hunters. Some have been a big disappointment in recent years to those of us who take hunting seriously.

Better understanding that Hammer Bullets are the new Bitteroot to all of us Geritol hunters

AND------ "someone", who will carry the banner for the 6.5 x 55 Swede, after I am gone ;) I guess this one is more of a prayer, but the old caliber will hunt, if you give her a chance fellows:)
In the lower 48, less roads, less trails.

There seems like there is a 4WD road/ trail up every valley, access is just stupid easy.

If I was king I would be shutting down roads like crazy.

this needs to be talked about more. and it's why i don't respect the mountain biking community, at all - not mountain bikers, the mountain biking COMMUNITY

if nothing else, all quads, OHV, dirt bikes, snowmobile, etc.. need absolute, non negotiable, complete, permanent removal from all public land use. that would be my first decree as hunting king of the world


i could also really go for mule deer seasons that don't overlap otc elk
Ability to time warp and immerse myaself in the experience longer without missing out on the rest of life while I was doing it.

hawaii to come to its senses and allow us to shoot hell out of all moo moos to get the animals back on track
For my western hunting I wish I had a friend with a string of pack animals who had nothing better to do than drop what they were doing to get me in and out of anywhere I’d like to go!
For my southern home-front hunting I wish the private property I hunt had as many high caliber bucks running around on it as all the neighbors think it does!
I wish Amtrack took dogs. Then I could drive to Minneapolis, board the train, and ride home to Montana to hunt and fish. That 24-30 hr solo drive is a killer. Someday probably it will be anyway. The alternative would be for some 35 year-old shapely brunette who loves the outdoors to fall madly in love with a cranky old fart twice her age and assist with the driving ... as well as various other sundry tasks. But I don't see that happening. Sigh! Hey, you didn't say the wish had to be realistic.
Helicopter including gas, maintenance, and pilot to hunt land locked public sections! I don’t really know if you can leagally land on most of them so this may not be viable but sounds fun.
Sniper long range hunters. People who like to try to kill a critter at 600 plus yards or some distance like that.

Anyone who kills for fun and thinks they have to kill something to have a good hunting trip.
Caribou Gear

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