Kenetrek Boots

What do you think the world is coming to?

Horn Seeker

New member
Dec 21, 2000
Billings, MT, USA
I'd like to hear your optimistic and/or pessimistic views of what is becoming of the world. I am thinking on a resource use level, but you can take it to whatever level you want.

I feel like our resource use is out of control and there's going to be a time, in the not so distant future where there's going to be BIG not recreating the way we do or there will be some major breakthroughs in fuel efficiency and sources and such.

What brought this to my mind was the last Bugle they have a section on gas developement. There was an amazing little tid bit. Here on the MT Rocky Mt Front they have been battling over gas developement. In the bugle, it says that if the FULL developement went through (which its not going to) there would be enough fuel to satisfy our US needs for...........
SEVENTY-TWO HOURS! What the PHUCK!?? We are going to cut roads into that country and play havoc with a pretty fragile environment for 72 hours worth of fuel?

Now, I'm no liberal, but I also aint no died in the wool conservative either, so dont go bashing me as a bunny hugger. I've kilt lots of bunnies, with guns, rocks, my foot, arrows and probably more, but the rate at which we are using fuel, of all sorts, is spiraling out of control and there is no way our lifestyle will be able to continue. What about when China and India catch up to us on lifestyle and their populations start using resources like us? GONE!

Let me know what ya think!

Gasoline will become so expensive only the very wealthy will be able to hunt in a state other than the one they live in. At least this will solve the resident versus non-resident issue.

The average retired person will no longer travel all over the country in an RV.

In the future there will be no such thing as an over-the-counter deer or elk tag.

Only the very wealthy and Native Americans will be able to hunt big game every year.

No I am not very optimistic for the future.
China just inked a deal with our "freinds" in Canada, Venezuela and Russia to buy oil contracts that we used to take. If you are serious that the supply would last for 72 hours then why would any company invest to develop the resource? Sounds ridiculous and won't happen if that is the truth. As for petroleum we had better begin developing biodiesel and forcing manufacturers to build 50mpg vehicles to use it or we will all be speakin' Chinese.
ITS a wonderfull world [earth] but OVERPOPULATION will lead to Mother Earth becoming a cesspool of humanity on this lovely planet... the USA will become watered down with ignorant third world subhumans if illegal immigration is not stopped cold soon,or even reversed to some degree.. after all ignorance breeds crime/disease and other factors that diminish the quality of life....all one has to do is look at the underdeveloped countries and the crisis that they are facing today. Its a grim fact that left unchecked OVERPOPULATION will destroy the planet........the poorest nations are generally the most populated...with a low per capita income. :) |oo
Land... invest in land.... they dont make more of it and as long as the human race increases we are on the verge of making land the best deal out there...
It is not uncommon to make 30% profit on a simple lot in one year if it is in a good location.
Our US jobforce will change from manufacturing to tech and health care. make sure your kids are good with computors and talk your teens into health care classes in collage.... China will be our allies, and as they get a taste of thier new style of life away from the old hard and fast communist rein they will become better freinds with us.
cjcj, parts of your comment are really funny. sad part is ther is a lot of truth to it.

Barrel of oil now is at $53 and by 2006 is expected to be $80 a barrel. Read that somewhere today, just don't know where it was.
cjcj is exactly right. All the problems this world has now and will have in the future is mostly due to overpopulation. Crime, hunger, air pollution, water pollution, disease, name it and too many people on this earth is most likely the cause of it, in some way, maybe not directly, but indirectly. The problem I see at least with this country, or Washington state anyway, is that our economy is pretty much based on growth. Without growth there would be no jobs. So of course the majority of people are all for growth. I sure don't see any end to it in my lifetime.
cjcj ,
'the USA will become watered down with ignorant third-world subhumans'
Now that's depressing . So what you're saying is the filth and degradation glorified in a typical MTV rap video will be the norm ?
Overpopulation is a problem of that there is no doubt. Overconsumption is just as big a problem and one almost all US citizens are guilty of. Waste is a problem of which people in the US are just as guilty. We talk about disease being a problem with overpopulation... Oh wait, of course, there were no plagues when there were fewer people on this earth...or were there. I also see all ignorance comes from third world countries (I guess it must be all the illegals that are causing the average test scores in the US to go down.) I think we should start blaming everything on a third world country and take no blame ourselves, makes it a hell of a lot easier... Disease, overpopulation, crime, ruining the environment in the US, the rainforests, drug problems, hell I would even blame a third world country for the pimple on my ass...

The truth of the matter is the people here need to take just as much blame as everyone else. We are the leading user in raw materials, we have the largest homogenous market in the world, we waste more and want more than anyone else.

We talk about how bad we have it and whine about the problems we face...Oh, I wonder if I'll be able to catch the football game on my big screen television or will I have to watch the damn thing in the front seat of my SUV? What decisions? My grandpa once said the only good thing about the good old days is he was young. He lived through the Depression where a person wondered if he would be able to eat that day. He wasn't able to get a college education because he had to help support his family. His brother was helping take Iwo Jima while he was in Germany fighting Nazis. He saw plenty of death and destruction from super powers (civilized people).

Yet he was always able to see the good in all people. He looked at each day as a blessing, the same as my dad. As he said it, life is never bad when family is around. So I guess I'm sorry I don't see the same "problems" you guys do. I look forward to tomorrow partly because I look forward to living (no matter how bad the outlook is). I think I have a pretty good life, a great family and a country I can complain about but still enjoy. I have faith people will win in the end. I still worry just like anyone else but I have a wife that makes sure I don't lose perspective. Life really is good and I look forward to the future.
schmalts said:
....China will be our allies, and as they get a taste of thier new style of life away from the old hard and fast communist rein they will become better freinds with us.

Bad news: China is our enemy. It doesn't matter whether or not China is communist or not China is our enemy because they see us as the obstacle to them emerging as the worlds dominant power. They are very aggressive, beligerant even, when it comes to trade policy and weapons proliferation treaties. China is a large country with the worlds single largest ethnicity. China wants to be a superpower and is well on its way. China is old folks---5000 years old. We're not quite 250 years old. China is waiting us out. Americans don't typically think beyond their next vacation. American corporations don't much beyond the next fiscal quarter and our Government?...our government's collective foresight ends at exactly the next presidential election.

China thinks a century ahead of the present.

Of course if you want to help fund the army that will one day attack America....Welcome to Wal-Mart
It has been shown thru Federal Government Survey's, (I don't have the survey's) that 40% of our population can only perform in English at an eighth grade level.
The influx of immigrants into this country will pull us down into 3rd world nation status. Most of the NEW AMERICANS are not interested in anything other than American dollars, and free government benefits. Which the liberal politicians are willing to give out in exchange for the votes. Wait until Bill Clinton becomes Secretary General of the UN.
I saw this in fireside and started to post at least three different times and everyone sounded too pessimistic and depressing. They all sounded like the above posts and I'm one of the guilty ones consuming a lot of fuel for pleasure. I keep tring to post that we are smart and will figure something out like a new type of fuel. How about this for a headline in the future," Presdent Clinton makes third world countries address their overpopulation problem by convincing women men are pigs and dildos are better." :D
We had a hunting meeting on wednesday and one of the guys going hunting with us this year is a salesman for a oil company and he told me gas went up .16 a gallon that day. He said we will see this at the pump in a week. :( don
Well i don`t think it all "gloom and doom" it can be corrected..With a few giant waves, and some good old fashioned 12.9 earthhquakes. [ mother nature will thin the herd ] when its time.
I had wrote the same thing cjcj, but I thought that wasn't very nice and ereased it. But it is true. Wars use to thin popu.... uh nevermind. don
cjcj, Do you agree that if the poor countries populations lived and consumed like we did, that the world would end, as we know it, sooner, rather than later?

Population growth has got to stop. Maybe the global market will accomplish that? I bought a Sri Lanka cammo hat at Wal-mart for $2.50. If I buy a US made one its $20.
We'll give more of our money to those poor people, like in Sri Lanka, who work for nothing, then we'll be come poor, the world will even out more. That will lead to a population stabilization, if we don't destroy it first. Globalized economy, that's the solution to the world's inequities and it can achieve balance? Is there anything to that idea?
I just heard on Paul Harvey yesterday something about a study recently finished that showed that THE MOST air pollution in the world is coming from SE Asia......FROM COOKING FIRES!!! WOW.

I agree with most all the doomsayers above. The lifestyle that we all enjoy, cherish, is going to end. I think there will be an even bigger rift between the rich and the poor, and when things get really bad, which they will, the rich will fall because the poor will call bullshit and go take it! I dont know how long this will take, but I think in the next 30-50 years, maybe sooner, we will see some very seriously wild shit go down in America....and around the world.

Hunting...yeah, that will be a thing of the past for most.
As touched on above, yeah, one MAJOR problem is that these other undeveloped countries are striving to be like us, and when they do, which is coming up for some biggies, Like China, they will obliterate resources like we have only dreamed of doing!! They will make our wastefullness and reckless fuel usage look like childs play! Right now we have like 300,000,000 people in the US wasting fuel on this that and the other...Just wait till China gets it all ironed out and 1,500,000,000 people start acting like us! Then India with another 1,000,000,000!

The fact is, there are going to be changes in population and lifestyles, but they aren't going to be by choice and they aren't going to be pretty. But momma earth wont give a shit, she'll be here and all will be fine with her for many many millenia to come!
But momma earth wont give a shit, she'll be here and all will be fine with her for many many millenia to come! Hornseeker, then why are you guys fighting over a few ATV tracks and a hole in the sky???:D