What do you think the world is coming to?

Gas went up .10 a gallon at the pump today. The noon news said it should go up .24 total. We figured 4000.00 for fuel at our hunting meeting. That's going to go up. :( :(
It sounds like everyone on here thinks the sky is falling or has already fallen. It must be the from the hole in the ozone layer?
heck u really wanna know where disease comes from we know where most came from over seas why becouse they want them come here do minium wage work all that matteers hurry hurry think pres or who lets here matter no becouse they get sick they ogt money they be cured theres natural herbs to cure cancer diabetes and aids and depression no fda cant let that get out it just did :eek: im not predijuice or want arguement but it the truth all of money that should help poor here helps evrywhere but here iraque wich come make 1000 a month im housewife cant even get that or home job go figure:BLEEP: but anyway what u guys talkin about skies fall yeah be o many deaths so much money goin out we be without evrything like y2k thats promise all i can say in short words but if these cures by herbs get out there be healthy world lots money saved of course u can by book find stuff off tv the guide least iton 300am when i heard it :cool:
Tough question. Most all my feelings are addressed somewhere above. This question is the reason that if my wife and I are able to have children we won't have more than two (barring a large multiple birth) and I chose the profession that I did.
Cause it would be nice to keep it hospitable for the rest of my life and my daughters' and their kids. Aint gonna happen though.....IMHO. Just cause momma earth dont care doesnt' me we dont have to.
Hornseeker, I guess I'm more optimistic after thinking how the enviroment here in pittsburgh has changed in the 51 years that I have been here. That's all we use to catch in the ohio when I was a kid were oily catfish. Now there are all kinds of gamefish there. Everything is cleaner.
I guess that's why you guy's out west bitch so much,its going downhill for you. Hey I'm glad you do. That's what stops "them" from raping the land.
My mother just came back from korea and said it was nothing like it was 52 years ago. She had to go to a place like Bush Gardens to show my sisters how she lived. There's still dog on the menu in the resturants though. :(
When i visited my relatives in Ohio back in the early 70`s Lake Erie was so polluted, what little amount of fish that were there you couldn`t eat....some guy on a tv show [goulardie?] would have a segment called "muckracking" on the lake..... But i guess the lake has healed itself and made a comeback since then ...so mother nature can heal itself in some cases......But with Overpopulation it will take longer or just get worse if left unchecked.
Tom said:
cjcj, Do you agree that if the poor countries populations lived and consumed like we did, that the world would end, as we know it, sooner, rather than later?

Population growth has got to stop.
hump Yep Tom i agree 100% hump :)
CJCJ, I think it takes lake erie 7 years for one cycle of water to go through by volume. It is the sallowest of the great lakes. Of course that doesn't mean its all cleaned up in 7 years. Back in the 80's and early 90's I'd get a slip in ohio and man we had fun catching the walleyes. 10/pc was the limit and we limited often. Most were fish ohio too. We moved on to salmon on ontario in new york and I enjoyed that even more. Once I started fishing the ocean that's all I want to do. But my boats too small so I have to charter and that costs too much for a poor family man. Man I want to land a 400/500 lb bluefin tuna. I've had three on and lost them all. The last charter we were on... I'll post this in the fishin section.
so mother nature can heal itself in some cases
I don't think all the credit goes to Ma Nature. If we were still dumping what we were dumping in the lakes/rivers they'd still be chitty. Hell, the Ohio River caught fire in the '70s! Imagine how much crap it takes to allow a river that is up to 1 mile wide to catch on fire!
Very true 1pt.. Lake Erie would have never healed itself until they stopped all the heavy industry from dumping there raw waste directly into the lake,it would probably be worse....Funny you mentioned about the river catching fire......My uncle called one day back in the 70`s and told us that the nimisilling creek[near Canton] had caught fire and i was like W.T.F. how can water catch fire. unbeilevable that some body of water is so polluted that it can catch fire.. but it used to happen... now that is freaking sad.
I personally think the best water filter for the lake are the zebra mussels. I can see the bass 40 ft down now out of barcelona NY when I'm tube jiggin for them. Friends that dive erie say it's so much clearer now.

Father Nature had a lot to do with it. You mean there's fish in Lake Erie? Live ones, that you can eat? Really?? There not polluted?
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