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What bone saw do you recommend??


Active member
Jan 26, 2013
I've used this saw below for the last year or two (only on deer and antelope) and am not impressed with it. I need something a little bigger, especially when I need to cut through an elks pelvis bone.

*I'm well aware of the gutless method and have used it a lot, but sometimes if I get the chance to keep the animal whole I like to*

I'm not interested in a folding saw, I like the rigid style like this. I'm not super concerned with weight/length, so long as it's within reason.

I know Gerber makes a bigger version of this, and I think Browning makes one too. Just curious what y'all use.

I have a wyoming saw. You have to put it together but is like a hacksaw after you do.
I saw another called a dandy saw. I have never used one. I would try the search feature if you don't get many responses. I am certain this has been asked many times and you might find a lot of suggestions in past posts. Good luck.
Why are you cutting through the pelvis? I've gutless lots of deer and antelope and never needed any saw
I've used a bunch over the years. My favorite is either a 14-15" Stanley general purpose hand saw, or a Knapp saw (type) of just splitting pelvis and ribs on big animals. Folding saws are ok too if they are longer and sharp.


Sometimes gutless isn't needed. :) or other times you have to keep the meat on the bones, or you want to saw the horns off a skull. Lots of reasons to have a saw, lots of reasons to no need one too.

I am not a fan of Wyoming saws and I have 2 they suck balls.
Tabor folding limb saw, it works excellent cutting skull cap out etc.
I keep an inexpensive Outdoor Edge folding saw in my pack to break critters down.
If I can get them back to my truck or the cabin I typically have a one handed, cordless Milwaukee sawzall on hand for the chore.
PEAX Trekking Poles

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