What are you guys paying for gas?

i threw up in the akal bathroom in buford on the way home from thanksgiving when i was like 7 or 8 years old. boy oh boy.

There’s a guy here who’s claim to fame is that he was conceived in the sleeper of a semi in Buford. That is his nickname. He’s been in jail for years and will be for some time. Apparently getting whacked out in meth, shooting it out with the state patrol, and having a standoff is frowned upon.

On second thought, it makes sense he could’ve been conceived there. 🤣
I just hit up the place on the east side of Laramie this weekend. There’s always a line at that place.
Its' a shit show. I drop my daughter at school and people are sitting in the middle of the street in lines oblivious to the fact that they are in the middle of a busy street. They really need to expand the # of pumps.

If you get there before 7 it's not bad.
Jumped 30 cents Tuesday.
Now $4.79
Local news quoted head of GasBuddy saying that it's almost a guarantee that Michigan will be above $5 within the month.
Jumped 20 cents today to 4.39.

I read OPEC‘s going to increase production in July and August so maybe that’ll give us some relief, it will drop a penny or two before it jumps another quarter.
Diesel up to 5.66 in north central Wa. Up 14 cents overnight. And that’s my fleet pricing. Not consumer stations. Those are about 5.69 avg. today, but they didn’t see the spike like my wholesale card last night. I’m sure they will in a day or so. I usually run 10-15 cents below local pump price

Someone already posted this somewhere on here. If you follow the gentleman logic it makes perfect sense that Putin saw a perfect opportunity. He can wreck Ukraine’s economy, in turn making it a drag on NATO and/or the EU if Ukraine joins either. While driving up fuel prices in Europe and North America further crippling economy’s in those areas albeit to a lesser extent. Putin is not a madman like the media says, he’s playing chess, our leaders are trying to play checkers while eating crayons and glue.
Around home sitting at $5.09 but at work in Peoria it started hitting $5.29 this morning.
Jump back and look at page 1, then compare to today. DOUBLE. Triple what it was 2 years ago. Next, look in the mirror and remember who you voted for. You'll either walk away with a clean conscience, or swallow a bitter pill.
$6.00 a gallon gas will blow the lungs out of the economy.
Weren’t folks saying that at four bucks? Seriously, I can’t believe the number of cars I still see on the road that have one person in them, pulling trailers across the US, boats, you name it. It sure doesn’t seem like driving is decreasing.
Weren’t folks saying that at four bucks? Seriously, I can’t believe the number of cars I still see on the road that have one person in them, pulling trailers across the US, boats, you name it. It sure doesn’t seem like driving is decreasing.

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