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What are you guys paying for gas?

$4.60 in Northern Utah for regular unleaded today

$4.30 in Rawlins, WY on Saturday

$3.99 in Colorado Springs on Sunday
I know Gasoline price is something we see everyday but this is nuts 🤯

WTI last five years percent change


Henry Hub Natural Gas Price

Confession of a dumb shit,,,,,,
I buy most of my diesel for my truck at CFN pumps. My usual CFN jobber added a new red fuel pump for commercial farm/ranch/tractor guys. This was great when buying in bulk got to expensive. I didn't want to sit on a 1000 gallons of red fuel. I took my 100 gallon pup tank down and mistakenly filled it with fully taxed clear fuel. It had some red in it so I just bought 100 gallons of street diesel for my dozer.
Confession of a dumb shit,,,,,,
I buy most of my diesel for my truck at CFN pumps. My usual CFN jobber added a new red fuel pump for commercial farm/ranch/tractor guys. This was great when buying in bulk got to expensive. I didn't want to sit on a 1000 gallons of red fuel. I took my 100 gallon pup tank down and mistakenly filled it with fully taxed clear fuel. It had some red in it so I just bought 100 gallons of street diesel for my dozer.
Sorry for your loss.
$4.94 after I fixed the pump for the gas gas station attendants.
Is there anyone worse in society than a gas station attendant?
I know they’re probably not getting paid enough, but come on.
When the fuel truck comes and fills up your tank, walk your ass outside and take the plastic out of service bags off the nozzles so people can get fuel without having to test your systems.
Going up quickly here in CO. Paid $4.20 for reg today. A little worried what it will look like in august. Time for a Prius.
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