What are you guys paying for gas?

There are other benefits to teleworking as well not just fuel savings.

Way more people die in car wrecks than occupational hazards.

Less traffic less fatalities, lower insurance, less tires, less brake pads, less road rage...and the list goes on and on.

It makes no sense for people that can work remote from home to travel to an office every day.
On this point, you will get no argument from me. The safety aspect is one too often overlooked.
Not to my 82 men they want as much overtime as they can get all the time. I guess we’re a different breed.
I'm in the same boat. It's different I guess though for guys like me and your guys you have to make hay when the sun shines. Might not be any work next week, next month etc. I take all of it I can get. Saw way too many guys during 08 in bad shape. Work ain't always going to be there if shit hits the fan. I always get a kick out of the guys who refuse to work ot. "I don't need the money". Always the first ones bitching when things get slow even if its for for week. Funny there always back at start time the next morning I always ask what you doing here I thought you didn't need the money? If I'd work for $50 an hour straight time you can bet I'll work a couple more hours for $75.
It is interesting how long threads have several sub plots.

Regarding overtime, I'd say it just depends on the situation. Where I made my living, the wages and benefits were very generous. There was also considerable overtime to be had.

Some worked so much overtime, they rarely had a day off. Others worked as little as possible. I was somewhere in between. When paying for college tuition, I took most every shift offered. When saving for my first horse, I did likewise. Come to think of it, those occurred concurrently.

But when that was behind us, I worked only a little overtime. One time my supervisor asked why I worked so little overtime. My reply was the mortgage was paid off, the vehicles are paid off, my wife works full time... if we can't live on that, I have a money management problem.
They will work where the best pay and benefits are just like they always have.
I feel like I remember Randy saying something on a podcast about when his younger employees are offered the day off or OT the always take the day off, but I might be making that up.
Thanks for proving my point. As you said people don't want risk, they don't' want to work full time, they don't' want responsibility, they just want the $. Some may consider that lazy.
Google “Top reasons people quit their jobs.” You may find it enlightening. If not, oh well. You can go on thinking that people just work for the $.
It is interesting how long threads have several sub plots.

Regarding overtime, I'd say it just depends on the situation. Where I made my living, the wages and benefits were very generous. There was also considerable overtime to be had.

Some worked so much overtime, they rarely had a day off. Others worked as little as possible. I was somewhere in between. When paying for college tuition, I took most every shift offered. When saving for my first horse, I did likewise. Come to think of it, those occurred concurrently.

But when that was behind us, I worked only a little overtime. One time my supervisor asked why I worked so little overtime. My reply was the mortgage was paid off, the vehicles are paid off, my wife works full time... if we can't live on that, I have a money management problem.
Different times too, how many of these younger couples are going to have there house paid off before they retire?probably not near as many as say 30 years ago would be my guess.
Google “Top reasons people quit their jobs.” You may find it enlightening. If not, oh well. You can go on thinking that people just work for the $.

The psychology in this thread is entertaining.

You can definitely tell who does what based on perspective.

The concept of people only working part time sounds great. just a matter of who will pay for it all.

Typically the people who take risk, work hard, work more, take on responsibility make the most $ but this new plan sounds like the opposite where you can avoid risk, hard work, long hours, etc and just get paid big $ working a few hours a day from home. Sounds great. I am just not sure how that would work in say construction, manufacturing, service, etc...

Would that mean UPS man works half days and we consumers have to pay for a second UPS man to work in the afternoon driving delivery costs up.
Would a truck driver be able to work 4 hour days and just screw around the rest of the time and consumers would pay more and wait longer to get freight.
Would a construction company be able to have guys who work half days and a second crew comes in for afternoons and people would pay even more for labor costs on projects.
Would a manufacturer go from 3 shifts per day to run around the clock to 6 4 hour shifts and just pass those costs to the consumer.
Would college football teams have multiple head coaches so they could work short shifts and have more time off for family as those guys live at work.

There are a lot of people who work hard, take risks, and work long hours. I think this new plan would be appealing to them, just a matter of how to pay for it.

What do you think the #1 reason people come to work is?
Different times too, how many of these younger couples are going to have there house paid off before they retire?probably not near as many as say 30 years ago would be my guess.
Interesting question. Is there a way to look at refinance rates? I know that was huge for a while with pre-08’ refi pull out cash buy a new car, or a bigger house. Never build equity.

The psychology in this thread is entertaining.

You can definitely tell who does what based on perspective.

The concept of people only working part time sounds great. just a matter of who will pay for it all.

Typically the people who take risk, work hard, work more, take on responsibility make the most $ but this new plan sounds like the opposite where you can avoid risk, hard work, long hours, etc and just get paid big $ working a few hours a day from home. Sounds great. I am just not sure how that would work in say construction, manufacturing, service, etc...

Would that mean UPS man works half days and we consumers have to pay for a second UPS man to work in the afternoon driving delivery costs up.
Would a truck driver be able to work 4 hour days and just screw around the rest of the time and consumers would pay more and wait longer to get freight.
Would a construction company be able to have guys who work half days and a second crew comes in for afternoons and people would pay even more for labor costs on projects.
Would a manufacturer go from 3 shifts per day to run around the clock to 6 4 hour shifts and just pass those costs to the consumer.
Would college football teams have multiple head coaches so they could work short shifts and have more time off for family as those guys live at work.

There are a lot of people who work hard, take risks, and work long hours. I think this new plan would be appealing to them, just a matter of how to pay for it.

What do you think the #1 reason people come to work is?
You’re conflating salary and hourly.

I’ve worked hourly as an employee, as a 1099 with my own business, salary, and salary with equity in a business at various points in my career. The dynamics in each of those situations is simply different.
Personally I didn’t like the self promotion aspect of running my own business.

Ironically, when I was running my own business I would charge clients by project and I worked fully remote… so it was really a how quick can you do the task kinda thing.
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The psychology in this thread is entertaining.

You can definitely tell who does what based on perspective.

The concept of people only working part time sounds great. just a matter of who will pay for it all.

Typically the people who take risk, work hard, work more, take on responsibility make the most $ but this new plan sounds like the opposite where you can avoid risk, hard work, long hours, etc and just get paid big $ working a few hours a day from home. Sounds great. I am just not sure how that would work in say construction, manufacturing, service, etc...

Would that mean UPS man works half days and we consumers have to pay for a second UPS man to work in the afternoon driving delivery costs up.
Would a truck driver be able to work 4 hour days and just screw around the rest of the time and consumers would pay more and wait longer to get freight.
Would a construction company be able to have guys who work half days and a second crew comes in for afternoons and people would pay even more for labor costs on projects.
Would a manufacturer go from 3 shifts per day to run around the clock to 6 4 hour shifts and just pass those costs to the consumer.
Would college football teams have multiple head coaches so they could work short shifts and have more time off for family as those guys live at work.

There are a lot of people who work hard, take risks, and work long hours. I think this new plan would be appealing to them, just a matter of how to pay for it.

What do you think the #1 reason people come to work is?
If the ups guy can deliver all his packages in 4 hours safely...who cares?

If the garbage guy gets done in 6 hours with his route...who cares?

You need to get over it as long as the job gets done, what's the problem?
If the ups guy can deliver all his packages in 4 hours safely...who cares?

If the garbage guy gets done in 6 hours with his route...who cares?

You need to get over it as long as the job gets done, what's the problem?
From a business standpoint if they’re done that quick you have too many people and paying for extra insurance etc. that’s a waste. Lean and mean is the ways of private enterprise buzz. Government fat cannot be afforded or we would be broke. No ifs ands or buts about it.
From a business standpoint if they’re done that quick you have too many people and paying for extra insurance etc. that’s a waste. Lean and mean is the ways of private enterprise buzz. Government fat cannot be afforded or we would be broke. No ifs ands or buts about it.
Fed Ex is lean and mean and still struggling right now.
From a business standpoint if they’re done that quick you have too many people and paying for extra insurance etc. that’s a waste. Lean and mean is the ways of private enterprise buzz. Government fat cannot be afforded or we would be broke. No ifs ands or buts about it.
Lean and mean...work your employees for as long as you can, for the lowest amount of pay you can give them.

That's another business model.

Look at the whining going on now...employers hate it when employees have some leverage.

Treat employees like shit when they have leverage.

Seen it...

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