What are you guys paying for gas?

Lean and mean...work your employees for as long as you can, for the lowest amount of pay you can give them.

That's another business model.

Look at the whining going on now...employers hate it when employees have some leverage.

Treat employees like shit when they have leverage.

Seen it...
Lean and mean paying them very well while not having to hire another hand to help them puts more money in their pocket. They don’t have to be here they like the hard work and challenge we face everyday to come out ahead of schedule and under budget. Pride in their work and they don’t need sleeping pills at night.😂
You can definitely tell who does what based on perspective.

I had this same thought. I bet I could guess fairly accurately who is self employed, traditionally employed in the private sector, and an employee in the public sector.

Interesting perspectives from all angles, and I don’t think one specific approach necessarily works better than others.

I do agree with Buzz on this- when it comes down to it, if you get the job done well it really shouldn’t matter where you do it or how long it takes. But there may be unintended consequences that will be exposed by the changes in traditional employment models- some good for the employee, some not.
From a business standpoint if they’re done that quick you have too many people and paying for extra insurance etc. that’s a waste. Lean and mean is the ways of private enterprise buzz. Government fat cannot be afforded or we would be broke. No ifs ands or buts about it.
Clearly you have never worked at a public company lol
I had this same thought. I would bet I could guess fairly accurately who is self employed, traditionally employed in the private sector, and an employee in the public sector.

I think it is far less what sector one works in, and far more what that person’s career is.

Private, public, or other - you aren’t getting quality software engineers if you don’t offer remote work anymore. Just a fact.

I am a big proponent of at the very least a hybrid model where it allows. I also have a better half who is a nurse and patient care cannot be done remotely. Just a fact.

Sometimes one does have to pay by the hour and the focus cannot solely be results-oriented. A business or public office where staff must always be present between 8-5, such as an FWP regional office, comes to mind.
Would be funny to know how many here own businesses and how many are employees. I get the feeling we have a lot of employees in this thread based on the perspective.
If the ups guy can deliver all his packages in 4 hours safely...who cares?

If the garbage guy gets done in 6 hours with his route...who cares?

You need to get over it as long as the job gets done, what's the problem?
All you have to do is convince UPS shareholders to pay drivers a full wage for working 4 hours without costing them profit. Then convince consumers to pay for the whole thing via higher rates to ship packages.
I personally do not see that as practical or realistic. My business sense tells me that would be really difficult to pull off in any labor based business model.

It just doesn't seem like you really understand how having everyone working part time but getting full time pay would function at somewhere like UPS where people work hard long hours and are rewarded for that drive and dedication. Shareholders and consumers would never go for that. But you are welcome to your opinion if you think it would work and if you ever start a business and are able to pull that off I will gladly admit you are an amazing business person.

I will be the fist to admit that I would struggle to find a job for most people where they could produce enough revenue to only work 4 hours a day from home and still make the company enough to pay them 8 hours, overhead, and profit. Many people don't generate any revenue at all at their jobs, let alone $100+ per hour it would take for the part time stuff to pencil out as profitable for an employer. But there are some people who do bring $200 an hour of value and could pull that off, they are few and far between though. Many of the brightest and most talented people are driven so they want to work more to make even more $ to progress their careers.

I expect within a few years the job, housing, car, etc market will correct and things will no longer be so out of whack. If not people are going to need to be paid $500 an hour for doing 2 hours of work just to pay for a million $ fixer upper and a 100k $ used SUV.

And to be clear, I like a lot of the ideas folks have from an employee perspective. I just don't think they quite understand the business side. Like in these examples trying to run a huge labor based business like UPS with part time employees getting full time $ form a shareholder or consumer perspective. Or the burden it would put on local governments and taxpayers having employees like trash men work less than full time costing huge amounts of $ from increased taxes required to pay more people to get the same amount of work done. Having to hire extra help so every city employee only had to work 4-6 hours a day would cost a fortune.

So the ideas are great, but how does this all get paid for. That's where the problem lies with the new ideas like this everyone works less and makes the same $ plan. Employees tend to overlook those parts when they have ideas because their focus is not on running a successful business or profit.
Would be funny to know how many here own businesses and how many are employees. I get the feeling we have a lot of employees in this thread based on the perspective.

All you have to do is convince UPS shareholders to pay drivers a full wage for working 4 hours without costing them profit. Then convince consumers to pay for the whole thing via higher rates to ship packages.
I personally do not see that as practical or realistic. My business sense tells me that would be really difficult to pull off in any labor based business model.

It just doesn't seem like you really understand how having everyone working part time but getting full time pay would function at somewhere like UPS where people work hard long hours and are rewarded for that drive and dedication. Shareholders and consumers would never go for that. But you are welcome to your opinion if you think it would work and if you ever start a business and are able to pull that off I will gladly admit you are an amazing business person.

I will be the fist to admit that I would struggle to find a job for most people where they could produce enough revenue to only work 4 hours a day from home and still make the company enough to pay them 8 hours, overhead, and profit. Many people don't generate any revenue at all at their jobs, let alone $100+ per hour it would take for the part time stuff to pencil out as profitable for an employer. But there are some people who do bring $200 an hour of value and could pull that off, they are few and far between though. Many of the brightest and most talented people are driven so they want to work more to make even more $ to progress their careers.

I expect within a few years the job, housing, car, etc market will correct and things will no longer be so out of whack. If not people are going to need to be paid $500 an hour for doing 2 hours of work just to pay for a million $ fixer upper and a 100k $ used SUV.

And to be clear, I like a lot of the ideas folks have from an employee perspective. I just don't think they quite understand the business side. Like in these examples trying to run a huge labor based business like UPS with part time employees getting full time $ form a shareholder or consumer perspective. Or the burden it would put on local governments and taxpayers having employees like trash men work less than full time costing huge amounts of $ from increased taxes required to pay more people to get the same amount of work done. Having to hire extra help so every city employee only had to work 4-6 hours a day would cost a fortune.

So the ideas are great, but how does this all get paid for. That's where the problem lies with the new ideas like this everyone works less and makes the same $ plan. Employees tend to overlook those parts when they have ideas because their focus is not on running a successful business or profit.
Businesses are all not managed the same way....get over it.
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