What are you currently reloading?

I put ten 230 gr Berger OTMs down the barrel of my just-back-from-the-gunsmith 30 Nosler last week while breaking in the barrel and looking for pressure. The heaviest load got me 2830 fps with no pressure signs. Shot 1, after bore sighting, was just off the paper. The 100 yard target shows shots 2 (shot to the right) through 10. Shots 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, and 10 went into the center cluster. I hope to be back out this Friday at 300 yards with a grain overlap of last week’s loads and working up another 2.5 grains in 0.5 grain increments.

I might also load up some 199 gr Hammer Hunters.

BTW - PM me if you have any 230 Berger Hybrid Targets you want to get rid of.

My dad just got the reloading room set up at his new house. We’ll start working on a 69gr Hammer for my son’s 243, either a 131gr or 136gr Hammer for my 7 RM (haven’t decided yet), and a 143 eldx & 129gr Hammer for my new 6.5-284. Got a little RL23 and RL26, and various amounts of 6.5 Staball, H4831sc, H414 and IMR4064. I have 2 great loads with the RL23 but I’m gonna have to experiment with the rest.
Working on some loads for 270, 30-06 & 300WM using Hammers, also working into the mix a 18" .308 build, I'm at 6.5lbs, with scope. I know really boring calibers, but they work, and work well. Biggest issue is finding time to range test, either there's a "honey do" list, bad weather or other obligations.
Going to be mass producing some 223 so I can get all my boys out shooting a bunch this summer.
I’ve finally exhausted my supply of Core Lokt so I’ll be loading 30-06 for the first time. Luckily I’ve saved all my brass over the years so I have a few hundred once fired pieces. I picked up a bunch of 180gr e-tips early last year but I might try to find some 165 accubonds or try some hammers.
Loading some 150ttsx and 175 partitions for my 7RM for WY elk and antelope this fall (hopefully).
My only loading experience previously has been very small batches for national match competitions and about 200 rounds for hunting so I got a Lyman case prep center to give my hands a break.
Got 50 rds. of brass prepped for 6mm Rem ai, haven’t ordered hammers yet as I haven’t decided which one. 50 more for 257 Bob ai. I’ve got 90 gr. absolutes on hand, so I’ll probably go with those. Reamers should be here tomorrow, so then the fun begins. Ordered a 10 mm Ronin today, search for componenets begins as soon as I’m done typing this.
Was working on some Magpro in the 6.5x300,257Wby and 300 win mag. Satisfied with most of my loads now. (that will not last) Going to start loading for quantity instead of load development. Got 100 30/30 prepped tonight for 150 Barnes TSXFN lvr 38.5. Need to Load a quantity of 257 and 6.5 for stockage. Might work on a 110 speer load for 30/30 for silhouette shooting this summer. Bought a muzzle loader so I will play with that for awhile. Keep checking every day or two for primer fairy visits. Been pretty dry lately. Need to load up more for the AR 10 308. It would be fun to get a 338 Federal upper for that.
Let us know what you think of that Lyman prep center after you get a chance to put it threw it’s paces.
Will do. I know it has to be better than chamfering, deburring, and reaming primer pockets by hand like I have been doing. I love shooting, but really hate that part of reloading! I was also taught how to reload from someone who should be committed to a psych ward for his level of OCD; but he has placed in the President's 100 more than a dozen times with multiple wins. So, I weight and sort all my components and I'm sure I make the process 10x longer than it should be.
JLS and I are going to be loading up…

300 wm with 160 gr Hammer Hunters

6.5 cm with 123 gr Absolute Hammers

They’re the sleekest and sexiest bullets I’ve ever seen. All the right curves in all the right places. Hopefully they shoot as well.
Will do. I know it has to be better than chamfering, deburring, and reaming primer pockets by hand like I have been doing. I love shooting, but really hate that part of reloading! I was also taught how to reload from someone who should be committed to a psych ward for his level of OCD; but he has placed in the President's 100 more than a dozen times with multiple wins. So, I weight and sort all my components and I'm sure I make the process 10x longer than it should be.
Order primer pocket brushes, that prep center is worth every dime!
I recently bought Lee collet neck size dies for 5 of my rifle cartridges. So far I've just used them on a few 50 round boxes of .223 and .308s. I left my Dillon 450 press set up for .308, so I can continue loading them any time.

Yesterday I used a bunch of my Cabela's points and ordered a RCBS electric powder trickler, so when I get it I will doing some accuracy refinement loadings for my .22-250, 7 mm RM, .308 Win, and .300 Wby.

On the shotgun side, I have 4 Hornady/Pacific 366 loaders set up to load 3/4 oz 12 ga skeet shells, 7/8 oz 20 gs shells, 3/4 oz 28 ga shells, and 1/2 oz .410 target shells. I just reload the shells that I shoot each week.
First up will be settling on a load I began testing last year for my 300 WBY, which I’ll be using for elk this year. 152 Hammer Hunters and somewhere in the 88-90 grain-zone of RL26.

I’ll also be helping a buddy load for his new 7mm-08. Likely Varget and 130 Absolute Hammers.

Spring evenings reloading in the garage, planning applications and dreaming of future hunts, momentarily forgetting about the crushing weight of life… it doesn’t get much better.
Got some 275gr shock hammers coming in for the 38-56imp. Hoping for 2280-2300fps out of them.

I need to get another batch of 260AI done too.

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