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Thoughts so far? Might have to check that one out. the factual history of the west is so wild it makes these new drama series on Netflix look tame.

Have a copy of Undaunted Courage, PS, if anyone wants to do a book exchange! Very interesting read.
I am halfway through this and would be farther along if it had not been for a terrible virus, Respiratory Syncytial Virus and believe me, it is bad. I had it for 12 days starting December 27th. Anyway, I have read two other books on Custer and the Little Bighorn but this one tops them all. It is simply outstanding and James Donovan lets you understand how this battle unfolded and gives the background of Custer and the scouts and the officers and men who fought and followed him. Just read some reviews if you please. All I can say is, if you enjoy the colorful history of the American West, buy this book.
"Sounds Wild and Broken: Sonic Marvels, Evolution's Creativity, and the Crisis of Sensory Extinction" by David George Haskell. Incredible writing; engaging and urgent issues. Loved it!


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I read this book years ago. Loaned my copy to a friend and he never returned it. I found a copy on EBay and I’m reading it again. It had a huge impact on my love for bow hunting. I’m no Chuck Adams, but I’ve killed whitetails, mule deer, antelope, and elk with my bow since reading this book.
At Sheep Show last week I picked up 'Hunting on Three Continents' Vol 1 and Vol 2 by Jack O'Connor which I just started. Pretty happy with the deal, cheaper than eBay

Also reading 'Being Nixon' which is pretty good.. interesting guy. Might read his memoirs next
Just wrapping up
Holy sh!t. Talk about a book that I had to keep rereading sentences over and over and often was totally lost as to where I was in the story, who was speaking, or if we were even in reality or dream/thoughts. A bit of Fear and Loathing mixed with Walker Key Chronicles. Definitely some great literature within it, but overall, man... IDK, 3 stars? Anyone seen the movie? I wondered if it was as odd.
I've really enjoyed this book. He does a great job of laying out the part that the colonies played in the beginning of the pirate era. I honestly did not know how involved the colonies were and how much piratical activity there was around the American colonies. Typically, I have always thought of pirates in the Caribbean, Indian Ocean, and around Africa. Really cool read.

Just wrapping up
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Holy sh!t. Talk about a book that I had to keep rereading sentences over and over and often was totally lost as to where I was in the story, who was speaking, or if we were even in reality or dream/thoughts. A bit of Fear and Loathing mixed with Walker Key Chronicles. Definitely some great literature within it, but overall, man... IDK, 3 stars? Anyone seen the movie? I wondered if it was as odd.
I’ve started reading that book twice and just couldn’t get into it for some of the same reasons that you mentioned.
Just wrapping up
View attachment 261457
Holy sh!t. Talk about a book that I had to keep rereading sentences over and over and often was totally lost as to where I was in the story, who was speaking, or if we were even in reality or dream/thoughts. A bit of Fear and Loathing mixed with Walker Key Chronicles. Definitely some great literature within it, but overall, man... IDK, 3 stars? Anyone seen the movie? I wondered if it was as odd.
Good primer for McCarthy's whack free verse....

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